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1. 翡翠:被认为是吸纳财运和保护的宝石,对土命女性来说特别有利。
2. 金饰:金是象征财富和稳定的金属,戴上金饰可以增加财运。
3. 黄色或土色的饰品:黄色被认为是财运色,而土色则代表着稳定和安定。
4. 象征土地的物品:比如陶瓷、陶器等,可以增强土命女人的财运和稳定感。



What does earthy life woman wear most flourishing, this problem is involved geomantic the concept with life a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties. According to traditional geomantic idea, earthy attribute delegate is stable, stable carry with money. Accordingly, earthy life woman can choose a few symbolic move is dovish with fortune adorn taste or goods will increase movement power, for instance:

1.Halcyon: Be considered as to induct the gem that money carries and protects, particularly advantageous to earthy life female.
2.Golden act the role ofing: Gold is indicative fortune and stable metal, wear golden act the role ofing to be able to increase money use.
3.Of yellow or ashen act the role of article: Yellow is considered as money carry color, and ashen is being represented stabilize and stable.
4.The article of indicative land: For instance pottery and porcelain, crockery, can enhance the money carry of earthy life woman and stable sense.

Nevertheless, important is to should remember, geomantic with life a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties it is a kind of idea only, do not confirm scientificly to the influence of individual destiny. Accordingly, more important is the state of mind that keeps active, work hard to manage with cautious money, these ability are the crucial factor that affects a destiny truly.
