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1. **柑橘类树木**:柑橘类树木象征着财富和繁荣,因此在一些地区被视为风水宝树。柑橘树的叶子常绿,果实丰硕,被认为具有吸纳财气的作用。

2. **榕树**:榕树在中国传统文化中被视为吉祥树,寓意着长寿、稳定和繁荣。榕树根深叶茂,有助于稳定土地气场,提升风水。

3. **松树**:松树象征着坚韧不拔和长寿,被视为吉祥之树。在一些地方,人们会选择种植松树来提升风水,以期带来平安和长久的福气。

4. **柳树**:柳树在中国文化中常常与美好的愿望联系在一起,被认为具有避邪化煞的作用。柳树的柔美形态和绿叶清新的特点,常常被视为对家庭和谐的象征。

5. **桃树**:桃树象征着吉祥和幸福,被视为风水宝树之一。在中国传统文化中,桃树常与长寿、健康和喜庆联系在一起,因此被认为能够带来好运和福气。



In geomantic theory, the choice cultivates what kind of tree to want to consider many factors, the requirement that includes landform, soil, climate, environment and individual and preference. However, generally speaking, the following kinds of tree are in geomantic go up to be thought beneficial:

1.** orange kind arboreous ** : Orange kind arboreous and indicative fortune and prosperity, because this is in a few areas,be regarded as geomantic treasure tree. The leaf that orange cultivates constant green, fructification plentiful and substantial, be thought to have the effect that inducts wealth vital energy.

2.** banyan ** : Banyan is regarded as lucky tree in Chinese traditional culture, the implied meaning is worn macrobian, stability and prosperity. Banyan be well established and vigorously developed, conduce to field of stable land gas, promotion is geomantic.

3.** pine ** : Pine is symbolizing gritty with long life, be regarded as lucky tree. Be in a few places, people can choose to cultivate pine to promote geomantic, with period bring mix in safety long good luck.

4.** willow ** : Willow is in Chinese culture often contact together with good will, be thought to have avoid unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease is changed evil spirit action. The characteristic with willow soft beautiful configuration and pure and fresh greenery, what often be regarded as pair of family harmony is indicative.

5.** peach ** : Peach is indicative auspicious is auspicious and happy, be regarded as one of geomantic treasure trees. In Chinese traditional culture, peach often is together with macrobian, health and festival connection, because this is thought,can bring lucky with good luck.

When the choice plants tree, besides considering geomantic factor, the growth that considers tree even characteristics, fight go against ability and the adaptability to local environment, in order to ensure arboreous can healthy and strong grows, bring profit for the farm.
