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  • Copyright is a legal right that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution, usually for a limited time. This right is recognized by law and allows the copyright holder to control how their work is used, including the right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, or create derivative works. Copyright protection applies to various forms of creative expression, such as literary, musical, dramatic, and artistic works, as well as software and databases.   版权是一种法律权利,它授予原创作品的创作者对其使用和分发的独家权利,通常在有限的时间内。这种权利由法律认可,允许版权持有者控制其作品的使用方式,包括复制、分发、表演、展示或创作衍生作品的权利。版权保护适用于各种形式的创造性表达,如文学、音乐、戏剧和艺术作品,以及软件和数据库。  


    1. Copyright - 版权 2. Intellectual property - 知识产权 3. Copyright holder - 版权持有者 4. Fair use - 合理使用 5. Infringement - 侵权 6. Public domain - 公有领域 7. Copyright notice - 版权声明 8. Copyright infringement - 版权侵权 9. Copyright law - 版权法 10. Licensing - 许可 11. Derivative work - 衍生作品 12. Royalty - 版税 13. Copyright registration - 版权登记 14. Copyright term - 版权期限 15. Copyright symbol - 版权符号(©)  


      The concept of copyright is fundamental to the protection of creative works and the encouragement of innovation. It ensures that creators are rewarded for their efforts and have control over their intellectual property. Copyright law has evolved over time to adapt to new technologies and forms of media, ensuring that artists, writers, musicians, and other creators can continue to thrive in a digital age.   版权的概念对于保护创造性作品和鼓励创新至关重要。它确保创作者因其努力得到回报,并对其知识产权拥有控制权。版权法随着时间的推移不断发展,以适应新技术和媒体形式,确保艺术家、作家、音乐家和其他创作者能在数字时代继续繁荣。   In the digital era, copyright issues have become more complex, with the rise of the internet and social media platforms. It is now easier than ever to share and access content, which has led to an increase in copyright infringement cases. To combat this, creators and copyright holders must be vigilant in protecting their rights and enforcing their legal protections.   在数字时代,随着互联网和社交媒体平台的兴起,版权问题变得更加复杂。分享和获取内容变得前所未有地容易,这导致了版权侵权案件的增加。为了应对这一问题,创作者和版权持有者必须警惕地保护自己的权利并执行其法律保护。   In conclusion, copyright is a vital component of the creative ecosystem, providing a balance between the rights of creators and the public's access to cultural and intellectual resources. As society continues to advance, it is crucial that copyright laws remain flexible and responsive to the changing landscape of creative expression.   总之,版权是创意生态系统的重要组成部分,它在创作者的权利和公众获取文化及智力资源之间提供了平衡。随着社会的不断进步,版权法律保持灵活并响应创意表达变化的格局至关重要。