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1. 诚心供奉观音,愿福神保佑庇佑。
2. 心怀敬畏,虔诚供奉观音菩萨。
3. 恭请观音菩萨垂怜护佑,解除疾苦,平安幸福。
4. 恭请观音菩萨庇佑,消除难缠,护佑一生安康。
5. 执念虔诚,供奉观音菩萨,祈求智慧与慈悲。
6. 以虔诚心,供奉观音圣像,愿一切众生皆获平安与安康。
7. 恭请观音菩萨加持,消除疾苦,普渡众生。
8. 虔心供奉观音,愿菩萨加持,引领走向光明与智慧之路。



The language that consecrate avalokitesvara needs to use a few respect will convey mix piously devoir. It is the sentence of consecrate of avalokitesvara of a few writing below:

1.Sincere consecrate avalokitesvara, wish Billiken is blessed bless.
2.Cherish is awe-stricken, bodhisattva of avalokitesvara of religious enshrine and worship.
3.Respectful ask avalokitesvara Bodhisattva to hang down pity protects bless, remove sufferings, restful happiness.
4.Respectful ask avalokitesvara Bodhisattva to bless, eliminate tangle hard, the lifetime that protect bless is in good health.
5.Hold read aloud devotional, consecrate avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, invocatory wisdom and mercy.
6.With devotional heart, consecrate avalokitesvara icon, wish all all living creatures all are obtained restful with in good health.
7.Respectful ask avalokitesvara Bodhisattva to add hold, eliminate sufferings, general crosses all living creatures.
8.Avalokitesvara of pious heart consecrate, wish Bodhisattva is added hold, lead a trend the way of light and wisdom.

You can be experienced according to your and devotional choice perhaps combines a few among them one sentence to convey among them.
