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1. **与产品相关的名字:** 选择一个与你的产品相关的名字,例如“甜蜜滋味”、“糖果时光”或者“甜蜜角落”。

2. **地域特色:** 如果你的店铺位于特定的地区,可以考虑在名字中反映当地特色,比如“香港糖水坊”或者“广州甜品屋”。

3. **特色服务:** 如果你的店铺提供特色服务或特殊款式的糖水,可以在名字中加以体现,比如“DIY糖水工坊”或者“特色口味糖水屋”。

4. **创意与幽默:** 一个创意十足的名字可以吸引顾客的注意力,比如“甜甜圈”、“糖果乐园”或者“糖水梦工厂”。



Choose charming the name with memorial sex is crucial to the success of syrup inn. You can consider the following respects to name your syrup inn:

1.The name related ** and product: ** chooses a name related to your product, for example " sweet flavor " , " candied days " or " sweet corner " .

2.** terrain distinguishing feature: ** if your shop is located in specific area, can consider to reflect local distinguishing feature in the name, for instance " lane of Hong Kong syrup " or " Guangzhou sweetmeats house " .

3.** characteristic serves: ** if the syrup that your shop offers characteristic service or special style, can try to reflect in the name, for instance " lane of DIY syrup labour " or " house of characteristic taste syrup " .

4.** originality and humour: The name with a very originality can attract ** the client's attention, for instance " sweet circle " , " candied Eden " or " syrup dream factory " .

No matter what is the name that you choose, should ensure it is written down compactly, easily, charming, and can transmit the characteristic of your shop and location well and truly.
