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名篇背诵:A Vain Girl 虚荣的少女


名篇背诵:A Vain Girl 虚荣的少女

A Vain Girl 虚荣的少女

迈克斯·毕尔邦(Max Beerhohm)

She was a nymph to whom men's admiration was the greater part of life. By day, whenever she went into the streets, she was conscious that no man passed her without a stare; and this consciousness gave a sharp zest to her outings. Sometimes she was followed to her door — crude flattery which she was too innocent to fear. Even when she went into the shop to make some little purchase of tape or riband, or into the grocer's — for she was an epicure in her humble way — to buy a tin of meat for her supper, the homage of the young men behind the counter did flatter and exhilarate her.

As the homage of men became for her, more and more, a matter of course, the more subtly necessary was it to her happiness. The more she won of it, the more she treasured it. She was alone in the world, and it saved her from any moment of regret that she had neither home nor friends. For her the streets that lay around her had no squalor, since she paced them always in the gold nimbus of her fascinations. Her bedroom seemed not mean nor lonely to her, since the little square of glass, nailed above the wash-stand, was ever there to reflect her face. Indeed, she was ever peering. She would smile and frown. Though Zuleika had never given her heart, strong in her were the desire and the need that it should be given. Wherever she went, she saw nothing but youths fatuously prostrate to her — not one upright figure which she could respect. There were the middle-aged men, the old men, who did not bow down to her; but to the middle-age, as to the old, she had a sanguine aversion. She could love none but a youth. Nor could she love one who fell prone before her. And before her all youths always did fall prone. She was an empress, and all youths were her slaves. Their bondage delighted her, as I have said. But no empress who has any pride can adore one of her slaves. Whom, then, could proud Zuleika adore?

- nymph [nɪmf] n. 美女,仙女

- epicure [ˈepɪkjʊə] n. 享乐主义者

- homage [ˈhɒmɪdʒ] n. 敬意

- exhilarate [ɪɡˈzɪləreɪt] v. 使高兴

- fatuously [ˈfætjʊəslɪ] ad. 愚昧地

- prostrate [ˈprɒstreɪt] a. 拜倒的,匍匐的

- prone [prəʊn] a. 俯伏的



迈克斯·毕尔邦(1872—1956),英国散文家、漫画家、小说家,出生于伦敦。散文集有《圣诞花环》(A Christmas Garland ,1912)等。短篇小说集有《七人》(Seven Men ,1917)。唯一的长篇小说《朱莱卡·多卜生》(Zuleika Dobson ,1911)是其成名作,写一位美女来到牛津大学,引起风流韵事,许多学生为她自杀。此书充分体现了他尖刻的讽刺和优美的文笔。

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