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1. **置于高处供奉**:可以将《道德经》放在一个特殊的位置,如书架的最高处或供桌上,以示尊重。

2. **燃香祭拜**:在供奉《道德经》时,可以点香烛,表示敬意和祝福。

3. **朗诵祷告**:可以定期朗诵《道德经》,表达对道德经中思想的理解和信仰。

4. **放置祭品**:在供奉时,可以摆放一些素食或水果等简单的祭品,表示虔诚和敬意。

5. **心诚礼拜**:最重要的是内心的虔诚和敬畏,无论是通过行动还是思想,都要表达对《道德经》的尊重和信仰。



Consecrate " moral classics " can carry the following kinds of kind:

1.** of consecrate of ** park altitude: Can will " moral classics " put in a special place, on the top part that is like a bookshelf or altar, in order to show respect.

2.** lights sweet hold a memorial ceremony for to do obeisance to ** : In consecrate " moral classics " when, can nod joss sticks and candles, express devoir and blessing.

3.** reads aloud devotional ** : OK and fixed reading " moral classics " , express the understanding of pair of thoughts in moral classics and belief.

4.** places oblation ** : When consecrate, can put a few maigre or the simple oblation such as the fruit, express to be mixed piously devoir.

5.** heart sincere chapel ** : The most important is a heart is devotional and awe-stricken, no matter be to carry the action or idea, want expression to be opposite " moral classics " esteem and belief.

Consecrate " moral classics " means can be mixed because of individual belief be used to and differ somewhat, the most important is the esteem that conveys pair of its ideas sincerely and devoir.
