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  • "赫赫有名"的英语翻译是 "famous" 或 "renowned"。

    除了 "famous" 和 "renowned",英语中还有其他一些表达方式可以表示“赫赫有名”,例如:

    • She is a well-known actress in Hollywood.
    • This restaurant is well-known for its delicious seafood.
    Highly regarded:指某人或某事受到高度赞扬或尊重。
    • He is highly regarded as one of the best chefs in the world.
    • The company is highly regarded for its innovative products and services.
    • The film was acclaimed by critics and audiences alike.
    • The musician is acclaimed for his unique style and talent.
    • The band's latest album has become very popular among teenagers.
    • This fashion brand is popular among young people for its trendy designs.
    • The scientist's research on cancer treatment has been notable in the medical field.
    • The city's landmark buildings are notable examples of Gothic architecture.

    另外,在《汉语熟语英译词典》中,"赫赫有名"用very distinguished/famous/illustrious表达,它们之前略有区别:

    Very Distinguished:这个短语强调某人在特定领域或社会地位上的杰出和卓越。它指的是某人在自己的领域中具备非凡的才能、成就或声誉。
    例句:He is a very distinguished professor in the field of physics.(他是物理学领域非常杰出的教授。)

    例句:She is a famous actress who has won numerous awards.(她是一位著名的女演员,曾获得无数奖项。)

    例句:The city has been home to many illustrious writers and poets.(这个城市曾是许多著名作家和诗人的故乡。)

    总的来说,"very distinguished/famous/illustrious" 都表示某人非常有名,但侧重点略有不同。"Very distinguished" 强调在特定领域的卓越地位,"famous" 指的是广为人知的知名度,而 "illustrious" 则强调在历史上或特定领域的声誉和荣耀。

    上一篇:每日翻译: 全球性的气候变迁,主要见于地球大气的逐渐变暖,现正受到全世界的注意,因为这种变迁会对世界人民的生活产生巨大的