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  • 作文一:篮球

    Basketball is my favorite sport. It is a game that requires both physical strength and intelligence. Playing basketball has numerous benefits. Firstly, it enhances my physical fitness and stamina. Secondly, it improves my teamwork skills as it is a sport that involves cooperation and coordination among players. Thirdly, it is a great way to relieve stress and have fun. I enjoy the feeling of shooting the ball and the excitement of scoring points. Basketball has become an integral part of my life.



    • Basketball (篮球)
    • Physical strength (体力)
    • Intelligence (智慧)
    • Enhance (增强)
    • Physical fitness (体能)
    • Stamina (耐力)
    • Teamwork skills (团队协作能力)
    • Cooperation (合作)
    • Coordination (协调)
    • Relieve stress (释放压力)
    • Excitement (兴奋)
    • Scoring points (得分)


    Swimming is my preferred sport. It offers a full-body workout and is suitable for all ages. The benefits of swimming are plentiful. It strengthens my muscles and improves cardiovascular health. Additionally, it is a low-impact exercise, which is gentle on joints. Swimming also helps to boost my mood and reduce stress. The tranquility of the water and the rhythmic motion of swimming provide a meditative experience. I find swimming to be both relaxing and invigorating.



    • Swimming (游泳)
    • Full-body workout (全身锻炼)
    • Suitable for all ages (适合所有年龄段)
    • Strengthen muscles (强化肌肉)
    • Cardiovascular health (心血管健康)
    • Low-impact exercise (低冲击运动)
    • Gentle on joints (对关节温和)
    • Boost mood (提升心情)
    • Meditative experience (冥想体验)
    • Relaxing (放松)
    • Invigorating (振奋人心)


    Running is my passion. It is a simple yet effective way to stay fit and healthy. The advantages of running are undeniable. It helps to burn calories and maintain a healthy weight. Running also increases lung capacity and improves overall endurance. Moreover, it is an excellent way to clear my mind and enjoy the outdoors. The sense of accomplishment after a run is unmatched. Running has become a daily ritual that I look forward to.



    • Running (跑步)
    • Stay fit (保持健康)
    • Burn calories (燃烧卡路里)
    • Maintain a healthy weight (保持健康体重)
    • Lung capacity (肺活量)
    • Overall endurance (整体耐力)
    • Clear my mind (清理思绪)
    • Sense of accomplishment (成就感)
    • Daily ritual (每日仪式)


    Yoga is my favorite form of exercise. It combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. The benefits of practicing yoga are profound. It enhances flexibility and balance, and it also promotes mental well-being. Yoga helps to relieve stress and anxiety, which is essential for a healthy lifestyle. The practice of yoga has transformed my life, making it more peaceful and harmonious.



    • Yoga (瑜伽)
    • Physical postures (身体姿势)
    • Breathing techniques (呼吸技巧)
    • Meditation (冥想)
    • Enhance flexibility (增强灵活性)
    • Promote mental well-being (促进心理健康)
    • Relieve stress (缓解压力)
    • Anxiety (焦虑)
    • Healthy lifestyle (健康的生活方式)
    • Peaceful and harmonious (平和和谐)