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  1. 寻找水源:在野外生存中,饮水是最为关键的。学会寻找水源,可以帮助你在野外生存更长时间。
  2. 搭建临时避难所:学会利用周围的材料搭建临时避难所,可以在恶劣天气中保护自己。
  3. 野外导航:掌握野外导航技巧,包括利用地标、指南针以及星象等方式找到正确的方向。
  4. 野外食物采集:了解野外可食用植物和昆虫,以及捕捉小动物的技巧。
  5. 应急火种:学会制作火种,以保持温暖、照明以及烹饪食物。
  6. 基本急救:掌握基本的急救知识,包括处理伤口、扭伤、骨折等意外伤害。
  7. 野外装备:了解野外活动所需的基本装备,包括帐篷、睡袋、刀具、绳索等。
  8. 防止野生动物危险:学会防止野生动物接近的技巧,保持安全距离避免可能的危险。
  9. 心理素质:在野外生存中,良好的心理素质才能更好地应对不可预测的情况。
  10. 团队合作:如果和他人一起进行野外活动,学会良好的团队合作,相互帮助,共同度过困难。




Field lives: 10 practical skill let you become field to live ace

Outdoors field lives is an activity that has challenge sex extremely, no matter be excurse, camping still is expeditionary, need certain field to live skill, ability lives in environment. 10 practical skill will introduce below, let you become the past master that field lives.

  1. Search source of water: Outdoors lives in, watering is most crucial. The society searchs source of water, can help your outdoors live longer.
  2. Build temporarily shelter: The society uses the material all round to build temporarily shelter, oneself can be protected in soup.
  3. Field navigation: Master field navigation skill, include to use the means such as ground mark, compass and star to find right way.
  4. Field food collects: Understanding is field but edible plant and insect, and the skill that takes puppy.
  5. Lash-up kindling: The society makes kindling material, in order to maintain warmth, illume and cooking food.
  6. Primary emergency treatment: Master basic emergency treatment knowledge, include to handle the accident harm such as cut, sprain, fracture.
  7. Field equips: Know the basic equipment that field activity place requires, include tent, sleeping bag, cutting tool, rope to wait.
  8. Avoid wild animal risk: The society prevents the skill with adjacent wild animal, maintain safe distance to avoid potential risk.
  9. Psychological quality: Outdoors lives in, nice psychological quality gift answers uncertain condition better.
  10. The group cooperates: If have field activity together with other, learn good group cooperation, mutual help, spend difficulty jointly.

Master above field to live skill, in believing you live in prospective field, more can easy ground answers all sorts of challenges, make outdoors brigade more safe mix happy.

Thank you to read the article, in hoping these skill can help you live in prospective field, wish you journey is happy!
