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1. 学生信息管理: 学生可以在该系统内查看自己的个人信息、课程安排、选课情况等,也可在线进行信息修改和申请办理相关业务。

2. 教学管理: 教师可以通过教务系统发布课程信息、布置作业、录入成绩,并与学生进行互动交流。

3. 课表查询: 学生和教师可以在系统上查询并打印个人的课程表,方便安排学习和教学计划。

4. 考试安排: 教务系统会发布考试安排、考场信息,学生可以及时了解考试时间和地点。

5. 成绩查询: 学生可以在系统内查询各学期的成绩,了解自己的学业表现。




1. 忘记密码: 学生和教师可以通过系统提供的“找回密码”功能进行密码重置。

2. 系统故障: 如果教务系统出现故障无法正常使用,学生和教师可以及时向学校信息化办公室进行反馈,寻求帮助和解决方案。





Brief introduction of system of educational administration of institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics

System of educational administration of institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics is the school learns the educational administration such as achievement of arrangement of unripe information, course, exam to manage better relevant general affairs and the informatization platform that designs development. System of this educational administration devotes oneself to to provide convenient online service, convenient student, teacher and administrator have relevant job and inquiry.

Characteristic of function of system of educational administration of institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics

1.Student information manages: The student can examine the arrangement of his individual information, course, circumstance that choose a course to wait inside this system, also but online undertake information is revised conduct relevant business with application.

2.Education management: The teacher can release curricular information through educational administration system, assign task, type achievement, undertake interacting communicating with the student.

3.School timetable inquiry: Student and teacher can inquire on the system and print the individual's syllabus, convenient arrangement study and education plan.

4.Exam arrangement: Educational administration system can release information of exam arrangement, examination room, the student can in time know examination time and place.

5.Achievement inquiry: The student can inquire the achievement of each semester inside the system, understand oneself school work expression.

How to use system of educational administration of institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics

Above all, student and pedagogic need undertake Zhang date is registered and login inside the system. After registering a success, the student needs to fill in individual information, include to learn department of date, full name, courtyard to wait; The teacher needs to fill in work number, full name, place belongs to the information such as staff room. Register after loginning, student and teacher can have relevant operation according to his identity, include to choose class, inquiry achievement, release exercise to wait.

Educational administration system is common problem and means of settlement

1.Forget a password: Student and teacher can offer through the system " look for a password " the function undertakes password replacement.

2.Systematic breakdown: If occurrence breakdown of educational administration system cannot be used normally, student and teacher can in time undertake feedback to school informatization office, seek help and solution.

The future of system of educational administration of institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics develops

What build as the ceaseless progress of science and technology and school informatization is thorough, system of educational administration of institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics will be perfected ceaselessly and update, provide the online service of more and convenient, diversity, provide better study and education environment for teachers and students.

Acknowledgment reads this article, the hope understands system of educational administration of institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics to be helped somewhat to you.
