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Shopping skill: How to choose high grade feed capable person

Buy in the supermarket when feeding capable person, should notice} of {fresh} , {producing area, {packages the ingredient such as} . The choose and buy is fresh feed material to be able to pass observation exterior, smell and touch to judge, for instance vegetable wants verdure full, the flesh kind should have natural vermeil, seafood should have pure and fresh choice seafood. In addition, the producing area of the product and packing also is the main index that chooses to feed capable person.

Healthy preserve one's health: How to drink water scientificly

When drinking water, should notice {time} , {means} and {measure} . The scientific time that drink water is commonly after getting up in the morning, every eat around and before sleeping, water is drunk to want control to be in after anteprandial meal right amount, avoid an influence to digest. In addition, the way that drinks water is very important also, should small slow drink, avoid one-time drink too much water.

Environmental protection lives: How managing with water

In daily life, can pass {rehabilitate} of reasonable use washing machine and {collect slack} , {the means such as rainwater} comes managing with water. The slack problem in seasonable rehabilitate home, the water of reasonable use washing machine is measured, and collecting rainwater to be used at irrigating a flower to wait is managing the practical method that uses water.

Domestic common sense: Pet nurses point

Raise pet to need to note the respect such as} of epidemic prevention of check-up of} of bug of fixed drive of} of {food nutrition, {, {. Reasonable dietary nutrition, fixed drive bug and fixed check-up are the safeguard of pet health, also be the item that pet host should take seriously.

Time government: Efficient job studies a method

Efficient ergonomics reviews time of} of law of job of tomato of need control {, {plans} and {are reasonable arrangement rests} . Tomato job law is a kind of very practical time manages a tool, can help us improve work efficiency, sound program time and reasonable arrangement breathing space also is very important.

Thank you to read this article, hope these life skill can help you live better!

