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The use skill of digital camera

Regard photography lover as professional perhaps cameraman, the use skill that grasps digital watch for an opportunity is very important. Although you are photography novice, adopt the practical proposal of this guideline, you also can master the use skill of digital camera easily, film the picture that gives high quality.

Above all, want to know the main operation of digital camera. Be familiar with each pushbutton of camera and function, master the meaning of the basic parameter such as shutter, aperture and ISO, such ability control camera film better the effect of the photograph.

Next, reasonable use skill of photography composition of a picture. Learn to applyDiagonal composition of a picture, Trichotomy composition of a pictureWait for skill of composition of a picture, can let a photograph have artistic touch and appeal more.

In addition, should film according to what differ setting and theme, the choice is rightBalance mode in vainAndExposure compensation. Reasonable apply Bai Pingheng to be able to make sure photograph shade is exact, and exposure compensation can avoid a photograph to expose to the sun too or owe the circumstance that expose to the sun.

Finally, do not ignore later period to handle. Film the photograph that come down can undertake be adjusted certainly and be optimizinged through later period software, be likeCut out, Contrast is adjustedEtc, yield a picture more give prize.

Through learning the use skill of digital camera, enough more agile land applies your aux will be able to camera, film a picture that provides artistic touch and expressional power more.

Acknowledgment reads this article, hope the article can help you master the use skill of digital camera better, film the work that gives satisfaction.

