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Adopted 9-Year-Old, Who Might Actually Be 22, Tells Her Side Of The Story


Okay, So Is She Really 20-30?


According to Dr. Phil McGraw, the answer is no. "I certainly don't think this individual is 30 years old," he said when talking to "Good Morning America". "So I think the court has done a real miscarriage of justice here. I don't think there's really medical support for that."

根据菲尔·麦格劳(Phil McGraw)博士的说法,答案是否定的。“我完全不认为她已经30岁了,”他在接受《早安美国》采访时说道。“因此,我认为法院在这一方面做出了误判。我认为并没有足够的医疗证据支持这一点。”

She May Not Even Know Her Age


"When you're a child, particularly coming from a group home in a foreign country... They didn't celebrate everyone on of her birthdays. I don't think SHE knows how old she is." McGraw said "that child is yours just the same as if you birthed that child at the hospital," when asked to comment on the Barnetts abandoning Natalia. "I didn't think that you could quit when you had children."


Her New Adoptive Family


DailyMail.co.uk released Natalia's new home, and an interview with the family and her new friend. She is living with 36-years-old Anton Mans, a recently ordained pastor, and 39-year-old Cynthia, with their other four children. "The Mans care for Natalia and she likes being there," said Natalia's new best friend, who is also a friend of the family's. "There's nothing crazy going on or anything. These are good people. They just so happened to come across this person that was not being treated right and cared enough to put in the effort to make sure something was done about it, if it's true that her parents had abandoned her, it's horrible. I'm not a doctor or a psychiatrist but I’ve spoken with Natalia and I believe her. If you're asking me if she's 30, that's ridiculous."

英国《每日邮报》官网发布了娜塔莉娅的新家,并上传了其新家庭和新朋友的采访视频。她的新家庭成员包括:近期被任命的36岁的安东·芒斯(Anton Mans)牧师、39岁的辛西娅(Cynthia)以及其他四个孩子。“芒斯一家很喜欢娜塔莉娅,而娜塔莉娅也喜欢和他们一起生活,”娜塔莉娅的新闺蜜(也是芒特一家的朋友)说道。“没有任何疯狂的事情发生。他们都是好人。他们碰巧遇到了没有得到应有待遇的娜塔莉娅,并付出了足够多的时间和精力跟进这起事件,如果她的养父母真的抛弃了她,那真的是太可怕了。我不是医生也不是精神病专家,但我与娜塔莉娅交谈过,我相信她。如果你要问我她是否已经30岁了,我会觉得你一定是在开玩笑。”

This Isn't The First Time The Mans Thought About Natalia


The Mans had tried to become Natalia's legal guardians in 2016, but when the court records showed that she was apparently born in 1989 and not 2003, they withheld their petition. However, Natalia now appears in the recent family photos, and the Mans have accepted her into their family. "They've already tried to speak to Natalia's adopted parents and tried to go through the courts," said the family friend. "They are just no getting anywhere and now this is escalating. She is just in a really awkward position and they are trying to help her out."



