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文化建设费免征范围? 什么属于文化建设费?英文双语对照


文化建设费免征范围? 什么属于文化建设费?英文双语对照


一、根据《财政部 国家税务总局关于营业税改征增值税试点有关文化事业建设费政策及征收管理问题的通知》(财税〔2016〕25号)第七条规定,增值税小规模纳税人中月销售额不超过2万元(按季纳税6万元)的企业和非企业性单位提供的应税服务,免征文化事业建设费。

二、根据《财政部 国家税务总局关于营业税改征增值税试点有关文化事业建设费政策及征收管理问题的补充通知》(财税〔2016〕60号)第三条规定,未达到增值税起征点的缴纳义务人,免征文化事业建设费。

三、根据《财政部 税务总局关于电影等行业税费支持政策的公告》(财政部 税务总局公告2020年第25号)第三条规定,自2020年1月1日至2020年12月31日,免征文化事业建设费。

根据《财政部 税务总局关于延续实施应对疫情部分税费优惠政策的公告》(财政部 税务总局公告2021年第7号)第二条规定,《财政部 税务总局关于电影等行业税费支持政策的公告》(财政部 税务总局公告2020年第25号)规定的税费优惠政策凡已经到期的,执行期限延长至2021年12月31日。


文化事业建设费的征收范围为营业税娱乐业税目和服务业税目广告业征税范围内业务。对娱乐业征收文化事业建设费的范围,暂限于除仅供少年儿童的游乐场或项目、其他游艺项目外的其他列举娱乐项目。 《中华人民共和国营业税暂行条例》


































先计算出增值税额,教育费附加=增值税额*3%地方教育费附加=增值税额*2%根据《国家税务总局关于营业税改征增值税试点有关文化事业建设费征收管理问题的通知》(财综〔2013〕88)规定:缴纳文化事业建设费的单位和个人应按照提供广告服务取得的计费销售额和3%的费率计算应缴费额,计算公式如下:  应缴费额=计费销售额×3%  计费销售额,为纳税人提供广告服务取得的全部含税价款和价外费用,减除支付给其他广告公司或广告发布者的含税广告发布费后的余额。  缴纳义务人减除价款的,应当取得增值税专用发票或国家税务总局规定的其他合法有效凭证,否则,不得减除。



《财政部 税务总局关于电影等行业税费支持政策的公告》(财政部 税务总局公告2020年第25号)规定,自2020年1月1日至2020年12月31日,免征文化事业建设费。

《财政部 税务总局关于延续实施应对疫情部分税费优惠政策的公告》(财政部 税务总局公告2021年第7号)将上述优惠政策执行期限延长至2021年12月31日。














One, is culture construction cost avoided ask for limits?

One, basis " the Ministry of finance? Total bureau of national tax Wu changes about business tax impose value added tax policy of cost of construction of career of pilot concerned culture and the announcement that collect administrative issue " (2016 〕 of wealth tax 〔 25) the 7th regulation, sale of the month in miniature taxpayer does not exceed value added tax 20 thousand yuan (the pay taxes that press season 60 thousand yuan) enterprise and unit of blame enterprise sex offer should duty serves, avoid ask for culture career to build cost.

2, basis " the Ministry of finance? Total bureau of national tax Wu changes about business tax impose value added tax policy of cost of construction of career of pilot concerned culture and the additional announcement that collect administrative issue " (2016 〕 of wealth tax 〔 60) the 3rd regulation, did not achieve the pay obligor that the place collects since value added tax, avoid ask for culture career to build cost.

3, basis " the Ministry of finance? The announcement that duty Wu total bureau supports policy about the industry tax cost such as the film " (the Ministry of finance? Announcement of duty Wu total bureau 2020 the 25th) the 3rd regulation, come from January 1, 2020 on December 31, 2020, avoid ask for culture career to build cost.

Basis " the Ministry of finance? Does duty Wu total bureau carry out the announcement that answers duty of epidemic situation part to expend favourable policy about continueing " (the Ministry of finance? Announcement of duty Wu total bureau 2021 the 7th) the 2nd regulation, " the Ministry of finance? The announcement that duty Wu total bureau supports policy about the industry tax cost such as the film " (the Ministry of finance? Announcement of duty Wu total bureau 2020 the 25th) formulary duty expends favourable policy to altogether to had expired, executive deadline is lengthened to on December 31, 2021.

2, what belongs to culture to build cost?

The expropriation that culture career construction expends limits is the business inside limits of levy of advertising of tax items of course of study of Wu of kimono of tax items of industry of business tax entertainment. Collect culture career to build the limits of cost to recreational industry, be confined to of of short duration removes the pleasure ground that offers teenager children only or project, other entertainment item outside other list recreational item. " business tax of People's Republic of China is temporary byelaw "

3, how is cost of construction of new company culture declared?

Declare new company culture to build cost to need to make clear conclusion first, need to undertake declaring namely. Next reason, the professional accomplishment that declares new company culture to build cost to be helpful for promoting construction of company in-house culture and employee promotes. In the meantime, this also is the requirement that accords with relevant policy code. Finally, need notes the specific details when declaring and demand, for instance need offers bill, declare utility of material, clear charge to wait. Declare method and requirement specificly to the duty Wu branch of company seat or relevant orgnaization understanding, can finish what construction of new company culture expends to declare better. In addition, proposal company interiorly establishs special finance affairs and duty Wu management department, strengthen corresponding administration.

4, what project does cost of company culture construction belong to?

Cost of company culture construction is to show company expenses is in: The defray of the respect such as figure of visual sense of culture of action of business concept, company, business.

The interest is mixed before enterprises of these defray with a view to of quality of whole of staff of company of long-term interests, with a view to rise, enterprise of with a view to is explicit of figure establish and improve. And these expenses won't arise direct economic benefits, so, general plan enter overhead expenses " propagandist cost, groom cost " wait for detailed catalogue.

5, what content does cost of company culture construction include?

Company culture construction covers a range very wide, show tripartite interview to rise:

One, surface layer culture

1, beautiful, trim plant allows factory appearance

2, environment of admirable production, work

3, modern label system and visual system

4, advanced technical equipment

5, establishment of reasonable labor insurance welfare

6, the style establishment of certain amount

7, statue of mark sex building, carve

8, educational establishment of the system

2, intermediary layer culture

The action with specific 1. is normative

The regulations system with perfect 2.

The professional morality with good 3.

4. solidarity, efficient group

The group with close and auspicious 5. concerns

The group construction with outstanding 6. and management

7. communicates skill effectively

The model of 8. advanced organization and advanced individual is the first action

3, culture of deep administrative levels

1. is bred, establish the spirit of enterprise that removes oneself

The value idea with right 2. and group consciousness

The business concept with joint 3. and industry code of conduct

The psychosis with good 4. and exalted mental state

5. is with the person this, the amity of employee close kin

6. is clean-fingered the life that gives male exalted character and job of the love that respect hillock is cultural

6, does the education of pay expend add, culture to build cost plan to which course join?

Calculate first a forehead of value added tax, education expends education of place of *3% of the amount of tax to be paid of add = appreciation to expend basis of *2% of the amount of tax to be paid of add = appreciation " total bureau of national tax Wu changes about business tax impose value added tax the announcement that career of pilot concerned culture builds cost to collect administrative issue " (〔 of money put together 2013 〕 : The unit that construction of pay culture career expends and individual answer to be mixed according to the plan cost sale that offers advertisement service to obtain the cost of 3% leads computation to answer capture expends the specified amount, computational formula is as follows: Should sale of plan cost of = of pay cost specified amount 3%   of × plan cost sale, offer advertisement to serve the expense outside the taking total cost that contain tax and price for taxpayer, the advertisement containing tax that deduction pays other ad company or advertisement promulgator releases the remaining sum after cost. Of money paid for something purchased or received for something sold of pay obligor deduction, ought to obtain the other and legal significant evidence that total bureau of special bill or national tax Wu provides value added tax, otherwise, do not get deduction.

7, did culture construction expend derate 2021?

Culture construction expended derate 2021

" the announcement that total bureau of Wu of duty of Ministry of finance supports policy about the industry tax cost such as the film " (announcement of total bureau of Wu of duty of Ministry of finance 2020 the 25th) regulation, come from January 1, 2020 on December 31, 2020, avoid ask for culture career to build cost.

" total bureau of Wu of duty of Ministry of finance carries out the announcement that answers duty of epidemic situation part to expend favourable policy about continueing " (announcement of total bureau of Wu of duty of Ministry of finance 2021 the 7th) afore-mentioned favourable policy executive deadline is extended to on December 31, 2021.

8, on didn't the month declare culture to build cost how to fill declare?

Can download national revenue with the mobile phone first duty of another name for Guangdong Province is connected, person face identifies through, date makes an appointment on the net, according to formulary time, head for revenue hall to fill in personally culture construction cost declares a watch, can fill time on the month did not declare culture to build cost.

9, into what bursary does culture construction operating expenses look?

If happen charge and income have nothing to do, plan enter overhead expenses

Borrow: Overhead expenses

Borrow: Should hand in duty to expend -- culture career builds cost

If happen charge and income are concerned, plan reach into taxes add

Borrow: Taxes and add

Borrow: Should hand in duty to expend -- culture career builds cost (new headings in an account book)

The enterprise ought to set a canal " taxes and add " course, the consumption tax that activity of battalion of already of business accounting look forward to produces, city safeguards construction duty, education to expend duty of boat of royalities of land of town of duty of add, resource, house property duty, car, stamp duty to wait for relevant duty to expend.

10, construction of beautiful inn culture?

Often begin all sorts of activities to publicize the culture of beautiful inn

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