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历史上的今天 ·1936年-第十一届奥运会开幕


历史上的今天 ·1936年-第十一届奥运会开幕

  • The 11th Olympic Games, held in Berlin, Germany, opened on August 1, 1936. This event was significant for several reasons. Firstly, it was the first Olympic Games to be broadcast on television, marking a milestone in the history of sports broadcasting. The opening ceremony was attended by over 100,000 spectators and was broadcast to millions more around the world, showcasing the power of media in connecting people through sports.

    The Berlin Olympics were also notable for the participation of Jesse Owens, an African American athlete who won four gold medals in track and field events. His achievements challenged the Nazi ideology of racial superiority and became a symbol of hope and resilience for people around the world.

    Moreover, the 1936 Olympics were the first to implement the Olympic torch relay, which has since become a traditional symbol of the Games. The flame was lit in Olympia, Greece, and carried by a relay of runners to the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, symbolizing the connection between the ancient and modern Olympic Games.

    Despite the political tensions of the time, the Berlin Olympics were a testament to the unifying power of sports. They brought together athletes from around the world, transcending boundaries and fostering a spirit of international friendship and competition.






    1.Olympic Games: 奥林匹克运动会,简称奥运会。 2.Berlin: 柏林,德国首都。 3.television: 电视。 4.opening ceremony: 开幕式。 5.spectators: 观众。 6.millions: 百万。 7.media: 媒体。 8.Jesse Owens: 杰西·欧文斯,非洲裔美国田径运动员。 9.track and field events: 田径项目。 10.Nazi: 纳粹,指纳粹党。 11.ideology: 意识形态。 12.racial superiority: 种族优越论。 13.resilience: 韧性,恢复力。 14.torch relay: 火炬接力。 15.flame: 火焰。 16.Olympia: 奥林匹亚,古希腊城市。 17.symbolize: 象征。 18.ancient: 古代的。 19.modern: 现代的。 20.political tensions: 政治紧张局势。 21.unifying power: 团结力量。 22.athletes: 运动员。 23.boundaries: 边界。 24.spirit: 精神。 25.friendship: 友谊。
    26.competition: 竞争。