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  • 掌握英语短语是提高英语水平的关键一步,尤其对于中学生来说,熟悉并运用这些短语能够显著提升语言表达能力和阅读理解能力。中考英语考纲中列出的短语,是学生必须熟练掌握的基础知识。这些短语涵盖了日常交流、写作和阅读理解中的常见用法,是英语学习中的重要组成部分。通过背诵和应用这些短语,学生可以更好地准备中考,提高英语成绩。


    短语 例句
    a bit (of )有一点,一会儿 I'm a bit nervous.  Would you like a bit of chocolate?
    a few一些,少量 I need to get a few things in town.
    a good/ great many许多,大量 There were a good many people doing last minute shopping at the mall on Christmas Eve.
    a kind of一种, 一类 She has a kind of feeling that she may win the first prize in the oral competition.
     a little一点,少许 I'm a little tired after going to the gym.
     a lot of许多,大量 There were a lot of people there.
     a number of一些,许多 There were a number of causes for the accident.
     a pair of一双,一对 A pair of shoes was left on the playground.
     a piece  of 一块,一张,一根,一片 Would you please give me a piece of paper.
     according to根据 According to Sarah they're not getting on very well at the moment.
     add up to合计达 It all added up to a lot of hard work for all of us.
    after class课后 It's better for you to go over the lesson we learned today after class.
    again and again反复地,再三地 I’ve told you again and again that I don’t know anything about it.
     agree to do sth.同意做某事 He agreed to join the Music Club at last.
     agree with sb.同意某人的看法 I agree with Mary that we should sell the car. 
     all kinds of各种各样的 You meet all kinds of people when you live in a big city.
    all over到处,遍及,结束 How can anyone sit down when your clothes are all over the room?
    all right行了,好吧 My foot feels all right these days, but I'm not ready to run a marathon or anything.
    all the best一切顺利 I'll see you soon, all the best to Mary for me!
     arrive at /in a place到达某地 Because we got stuck in traffic, we arrived at the party late.
    as a result (作为)结果 As a result, all fights have been canceled.
    as…….as像,如同 That dog is as big as a small horse.
    as soon as一……就…… We'll leave as soon as Jim gets here.
    ask sb. for  sth.  向…要… The man asked the waiter for a type of wine the restaurant didn't have.
    at first起初 At first, we planned to go to Florida, but now we're going to visit family in Montana instead.
     at last最后 My husband returns from his trip today at last. I've missed him so much!
    at least至少 We waited at least an hour.
    at once立刻,马上 You should leave the room at once.
    at the same time同时 Too many things are happening at the same time, and I am confused.
    as usual通常,平常地 As usual, I slept late that Saturday morning.
    as well也,还有 I brought all of my books as well, in case you need them.
    be angry with生…的气 Don’t be angry with me for my being late.
    be fond of喜欢 I'm not too fond of Mike—he really annoys me sometimes.
    be good at擅长  Both Jane and Cherry are good at English.
    be interested in对…感兴趣 No thanks, I'm not interested in anything to drink right now.
    be late for迟到 I'm sorry for being late for school.
    be made of /from由…做成 The pipes should be made of plastic.
    be proud of骄傲,自豪 You must be very proud of your son.
    be strict with对……要求严格 My parents were very strict with me when I was young.
    be /get used to sth./doing sth.习惯于(做) I just can't get used to getting up early.
    because of因为 The flight was delayed because of bad weather.
    both ...and…两个都,既…又 Both Mike and Jim have red hair.
     break in闯入,插嘴,打断 Thieves broke into our office and stole the computers.
    break out(战争,火灾)爆发 War broke out in 1914.
    bring up教育,培养 When my parents died, my grandparents brought me up.
    by air (bus , train , ship I don't travel much by air.
    by mistake错误地 I've paid this bill twice by mistake.
    by the way顺便说 I think we've discussed everything we need to - by the way, what time is it?
    call up使想起,打电话给 The smell of the sea called up memories of her childhood.
    care for喜欢,照顾 She can't go out to work because she has to stay at home to care for her elderly mother.
    carry on继续下去,继续开展 We must carry on in spite of our difficulties.
    carry out执行 The hospital is carrying out tests to find out what's wrong with her.
    catch up with赶上 The police finally caught up with him in Omaha.
    change into转换成,把……变成 How long will take for the caterpillar to change into a butterfly?
    check in报到,登记 You can save time by checking in online.
    check out查明,结账 Please remember to leave your room keys at reception when you check out.
     cheer up使…高兴起来 She was sick so I sent her some flowers to cheer her up.
    come across (偶然)遇见 John came across a book he had been looking for.
    come back回来,想起来 I'll come back and pick you up in half an hour.
    come down落,下来 A lot of trees came down in the storm.
    come on来吧,赶快 Come on - we're going to be late if you don't hurry!
    come to共计,达到 Your total comes to $47.80.
    come up with想出,追上 He's come up with a new way to use up cold chicken.
    come from出生于,来自 I live in Texas now, but I come from Boston, where I was born.
    connect to连接,相连 I'm having a hard time connecting to the Wi-Fi here.
    connect with与……相连 The canal was built to connect Sheffield with the Humber estuary.
    cut down砍倒 Unfortunately, we'll have to cut down that old tree.
    day and night日日夜夜  The nurse was at her bedside day and night. 
    deal with处理 I can't deal with all of these problems at the same time. 
    do one's best尽最大的努力 You're not the star player on the team, but you always do your best.
    depend on (upon)依靠,相信 Whether or not we go on the picnic depends on the weather.
    die out消失,灭亡 The dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.
    different from与……不同 Her second book is different from her first.
    divide …into…把……分成 After the Second World War Germany was divided into two separate countries.
    do some cleaning (shopping) We should pick up the litter and do some cleaning.
    drop in顺便走访(某人) You're welcome to drop in at any time.
    each other相互 They kept looking at each other and smiling.
    either …or或者……或者 We can either eat now or after the show - it's up to you.
    enjoy oneself过得愉快 I really enjoyed myself last night.
    enjoy doing喜欢做某事 She liked her job because she enjoyed meeting people.
    fall behind落后 He was ill for six weeks and fell behind with his schoolwork.
    fall down落下 Our apple tree fell down in the storm.
    fall into掉入 There are a lot of holes out there—be sure not to fall into any.
    face to face面对面 Banking customers still often want to do business face to face.
    fall asleep入睡 I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
    fall ill患病,病倒 I heard you fell ill yesterday. I hope it's nothing serious.
    far away遥远的 Far away in the distance, a train whistled.
    far from远离 She doesn’t live far from here.
    fill…with用……填充 I filled the bucket with water.
    fill in填充,填写 Teachers will be asked to fill in a questionnaire.
    find out查明,发现,了解  I'll just go and find out what's going on outside.
    first of all首先 First of all, I’d like to ask you a few questions.
    for ever永远 My fate had been sealed for ever.
    for example例如 Mobile phone is good for us. For example, we can learn a lot from it.
    from now on从今以后,今后 From now on the gates will be locked at midnight.
    from  then on从那时起 She had a car accident a year ago and suffered from back pain from then on.
    from… to…从……,到…, The number of people employed by the company has risen from 25 to 200 in three years.
    from time to time不时,偶尔 I still think of her from time to time.
    get away逃离 We walked to the next beach to get away from the crowds.
    get back返回,回来,回家 If you get back in time, you can come with us.
    get close (to)接近 Don't get too close to that dog, Rosie.
    get down降下 She yelled at the child to get down from the wall. 
    get off脱下(衣服),下车 Give me a call when you get off the bus.
    get on上车,过活 I think we got on the wrong bus.
    get on/along with sb.与……相处 He doesn't get on with his daughter.
    get out of从…出来 I'd like to get out of town for a while.
    get/ be ready for为…做准备 The twins are getting ready for bed.
    get together聚会,联欢 Shall we get together on Friday and go for a drink or something?
    get up起床 I don't know why I got up so early this morning.
    give away捐赠 We gave away some clothes to the poor.
    give back归还 Give the bike back if you're not using it any more.
     give out分发 The teacher gave out the papers.
     give up放弃 Lots of people have given up smoking, so I'm confident that you can too.
    go away走开,离去 Did Dad go away for the take-out yet? I want to order something else.
    go by走过,经过 Have you seen Liz go by here? She's not in her office.
    go fishing(shopping, skating) My daughter and I go shopping together.
    go for a walk散步 He went for a walk around the block, to get some air.
    go in for参加,喜欢 Are you planning to go in for the 100 metres race?
    go on继续 We really can't go on living like this. We'll have to find a bigger house.
    go on doing(/with)…继续做某事 Please go on with what you're doing and don't let us interrupt you.
    go out  出去,熄灭 Tony forgot to take an umbrella when he went out. I hope it doesn't rain.
    go over 仔细检查,复习 We need to go over every inch of this house to find my engagement ring!
    go through 浏览,翻阅,通过 The piano wouldn't go through the door. 
    grow up 成长 I grew up in Scotland.
    had better do  最好(做) You'd better go home now before the rain starts.
    have a cold 患感冒 Don't come near me. I've got a cold.
    hang on  (打电话时)不挂断,等待片刻 Hang on a minute. I'll be with you in a moment!
    hang up 挂断电话 Let me speak to Melanie before you hang up.
    have a good time 玩得高兴 We had a really good time at the circus last weekend.
    have classes 上课 We have classes on Monday evenings.
    hand in 上交 Time's up. Stop writing and hand in your papers.
    hear of 听说,知道 I was shocked to hear of his poor death.
    hear from 收到……来信 We haven't heard from her for ages.
    help oneself to  请随便吃点 Help yourself to what you need.
    help sb. with sth. 帮某人做某事 Your mother helped me with the baby so I could finally get some sleep.
    hold on  等一等 If you can hold on a minute I'll go and find her. 
    hundreds of  几百,成百上千 That dress costs hundreds of dollars.
    hurry up 赶快,快点 Hurry up, or we’ll miss the bus!
    in a hurry 匆忙,很快地 I wanted to ask my professor about the exam, but I could see she was in a hurry.
    in all 总之 How many textbooks do we need in all?
    in a word  简言之,总之 In a word, the situation is serious.
    in danger 处在危险中 He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in danger.
    in fact  实际上,事实上 He was in fact near death by the time they reached him.
    in front of 在……前面 Why did you have to embarrass me in front of all those people?
    in need of  需要 The building was in need of repair. 
    in order 按顺序 I must put my affairs in order. 
    in order that 为了 We all get up early in order that we can start at seven.
    in order to 为了 He came home early in order to see the children before they went to bed.
    in other words 换句话说 In other words, none of us can go to the movie.
    in public 当众,公开 I'd never behave like that in public.
    in surprise 吃惊,惊讶 He looked at her in/with surprise.
    in the end 最后,终于 Everything will come right in the end. 
    in the future 在未来 We expect better of you in the future. 
    in time  及时,来得及 It's impossible to get there in time. 
    instead of  代替 You can go instead of me, if you want.
    join in 参加,加入 The discussion started between John and me, but then everyone joined in.
    just now 现在,刚才 Who was that at the door just now?
    keep doing sth. 继续做某事 I kept hoping that he'd phone me.
    keep in touch with 与…保持联系 Of course I can keep in touch with everyone through Facebook.
    keep off 勿踏,勿踩 They lit a fire to keep off wild animals.
    keep on 继续 Did he give up or keep on trying?
    keep one's word 守信 Tom always keeps his word, so if he promised to help you move, then he'll be here.
    keep up 保持,维持,继续, 跟上 I can't keep up with all the changes. 
    knock at 敲(门、窗等) It's impolite to knock at the door in that way. 
    knock into sb. 撞上 If you knock into someone, you should say sorry to him.
    laugh at  嘲笑 She thinks people will laugh at her if she sings.
    lead to 导致,导向 A poor diet will lead to illness. 
    let in 让……进来,放进 We are told to let in fresh air by opening the windows.
    learn…from… 向…学习 I'm sure she'll learn from her mistakes. 
    lend … to… 把…借给… If you need a coat I can lend one to you.
    live on 以……为主食 The Irish used to live on a potatoes. 
    look over 检查 I had a few minutes before the meeting to look over what he'd written.
    look after 照顾 I love looking after the children.
    look around 四周看 There will be a chance for parents to look around the school. 
    look down upon 看不起,轻视 Don't look down upon others. 
    look for 寻找 I was late because I was looking for my keys.
    look forward to 盼望 She was looking forward to seeing the grandchildren again.
    look into 向…里而看去,调查 A working party has been set up to look into the problem.
    look out 留神,当心 Please look out when you’re crossing streets.
    look through 看穿,浏览 Peter starts looking through the mail as soon as the door shuts.
    look up 查找 Can you look up the opening times on the website?
    lots of  许多,大量 He earns lots of money.
    make a face 做鬼脸 I was making silly faces to get the baby to laugh.
    make friends with  与…交朋友 I want to make friends with you. 
    make sure 确保 Make sure he's honest before you lend him any money.
    make up 和解,化妆 We often quarrel but we always make it up soon after.
    make up of 由……组成;构成 A team is made up of ten players.
    make up one's mind 下决心 She made up her mind to call him again.
    millions of  成百万上千万;数以百万计 The problem is millions of people are unemployed.
    more or less 或多或少 I've more or less finished the book.
    neither… nor… 既不……也不…… I neither know nor care what happened to him.
    next to 紧接着;相邻;次于 Can I sit next to the window?
    no longer 不再 This building is no longer used.
    not any more 不再 He didn't cry any more.
    not at all 一点也不 He was not tired at all.
    not only … but also …   不仅……而且…… She is not only beautiful but also clever.
    not so…as 不像;不如 This house is not so/as big as that one. 
    not till/ until 直到……才 Once he starts painting a room he won't stop until it's done.
    now and then 不时;偶尔 We still meet for lunch now and then, but not as often as we used to.
    of course  当然 "May I look at your newspaper?" "Of course you can."
    on duty 值日;值班 What time are you off/on duty tomorrow?
    on foot 走路;步行 Are you going by bicycle or on foot?
    on show 展出;在上演(放映) The latest computers will be on show at the exhibition. 
    on time 准时 Don't worry, she'll be on time.
    on /over the radio 通过收音机 Did you hear that play on the radio last night?
    once again 再一次 Once again the train was late. 
    once more 再一次 I’ll explain it once more, but listen this time.
    once upon a time 从前;很久以前 Once upon a time there was an ugly duckling.
    one after another 一个接一个 He ate one chocolate after another until the box was finished.
    out of breath 上气不接下气 She was slightly out of breath from running.
     out of order运转不正常,出毛病 The toilets are all out of order.
    out of work失业 He's been out of work for six months. 
    over and over again反复;多次重复 I've told you over and over again not to do that. 
    pass by经过 Just then, the little mouse happened to pass by. 
    pay attention to注意…… I didn't pay attention to what she was saying.
     pay back偿还(贷款等) You can pay back the loan over a period of three years. 
     pay for为…付款 How much did you pay for the tickets?
    pay off偿清(欠款等)取得成功 All her hard work paid off in the end, and she finally passed the exam.
    pick out选出 I have been picked out to represent the whole team.
    pick up拾起;捡起;获得;开车去接 He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head.
    point out指出 I feel I should point out how dangerous it is.
    point to指向(远距离) All the evidence seemed to point to the fact that he had been lying.
    prevent…from妨碍;防止,预防 The police tried to prevent him from leaving.
    put away储存;收起来;放好 Put your toys away now.
    put down放下;记下 The journalists simply put down what they thought they heard.
    put off推迟 The meeting has been put off for a week.
    put on穿;戴上;上演 She put on her coat and went out.
    put on a performance演出 The singer put on a performance last night.
    put on weight发福;增加体重 I'm forever on a diet, since I put on weight easily. 
    put out扑灭;关熄 Firemen tried to free the injured and put out the fire.
    put up挂起;举起;贴(广告等) They're putting new street signs up.
    place of interest名胜古迹 Though the island is a popular place of interest, there is no airport on the island.
     plenty of大量 Most businesses face plenty of competition.
    prefer…to…比起…更喜欢… He prefers watching football to playing it.
    provide… with…提供…… I can provide you with directions to their house.
    regard… as…把…看作 Her parents always regarded her as the smartest of their children.
    ring back回电话 He isn't here now. Could you ring back later? 
    ring off挂断电话;停止讲话 She said "No, thank you" and rang off hurriedly.
    ring up打电话给……     She said "No, thank you" and rang off hurriedly.
    right away立即;马上 He wants to see you right away.
    right now立即;马上 He's not in the office right now. 
    run away逃跑,失控 I ran away from home when I was sixteen.
     run out of用完 We've nearly run out of paper. Do you think there's enough for today?
    save one's life挽救某人生命 The doctor saved his life.
    so as to 以便;为了 We went early so as to get good seats.
    sell out 卖完;出卖 Sleeping bags sold out almost immediately.
    see sb. off 为某人送行 My parents saw me off at the airport.
    send for 派人去叫(请) I've sent for the doctor.
    send out 发出;派遣 We sent out the wedding invitations about three weeks ago.
    separate…from… 分开 The river separates this village from that one.
    set down 放下,记下 Old Walter is setting down his memories of village life.
    set off 动身;起程;使爆发 What time do we set off tomorrow?
    set out  出发;开始 They set out to discover a cure for cancer.
    set up  建立;创立 There are many tents set up for tourists.
    settle down 定居;平静下来 One day I'll want to settle down and have a family.
    side by side 肩并肩;一起  There were two children ahead, walking side by side. 
    speed up 加快速度 The car suddenly sped up and went through a red light.
    spend on 在……花钱(时间) She spends a lot of money on clothes.
    so… that… 如此……以至于…… He ran so fast that I couldn't catch up with him.
    stay up 熬夜;不睡觉 I used to stay up late with my mom and watch movies.
    stop doing sth.  停止做某事 After about an hour, they stopped playing football and rested.
    stop to do sth.  停下来去做某事 After about an hour of playing football, they stopped to rest.
    such as 例如 Small companies such as ours are having a hard time.
    take part in (积极)参加 All the children took part in the Thanksgiving play.
    take care of  关心;照顾;保管. Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself.
    Thanks for  为……而感谢 I'm afraid we can't come, but thanks for the invitation anyway. 
    talk with/to 与……交谈 She talks to her mother on the phone every week.
    try one's best 尽某人最大努力 She tried her best to solve the problem.
    take place 发生 The meeting should take place on the fifth of May. 
    take away 拿走 "Give me the toy," he said softly, "or I'll take it away from you."
    take it easy 别着急;别紧张 The doctor told me to take it easy for a few weeks. 
    take off 脱下;起飞 He wouldn't take his hat off.
    take one's time 从容;慢慢行动 He liked to take his time over breakfast. 
    take out 取出 They had to take out two of his teeth.
     take place 发生 The meeting should take place on the fifth of May. 
    take sb. in the arms 搂抱 I will never let you take me in your arms again.
    take the place of  取代;代替 New soldiers would soon take the place of those lost in battle. 
    talk about 谈论;议论 They talk about it endlessly. 
    talk of  谈论;议论 He quickly began to talk of his new plan.
    the day after tomorrow 后天  She's leaving the day after tomorrow.
    the day before yesterday 前天  She reached Paris the day before yesterday. 
    the more… the more… 越……就越…… The more she thought about it, the more depressed she became. 
     the other day  前几天;某日 I saw Jack the other day.
    think of  想起;考虑;认为 What do you think of the new manager?
    think about  考虑(是否去做) What did you think about the idea?
    think over 仔细考虑 She said she needs time to think it over.
    thousands of  成千上万;几千 There were thousands of people there. 
    throw away 扔掉 I never throw anything away.
    too… to… 太……而不能…… The boy is too young to go to school.
    try on  试穿;试试看 You can try on this schoolbag.
    try out  试验 Some owners wish they could try out the car in a race track.
    turn down  关小;调低 I thanked him for the offer but turned it down.
    turn off 关掉(水、电、电视、收音机等) The light's a bit too harsh. You can turn it off.
    turn on  打开 I want to turn on the television.
     turn up 出现;发生;开大(声音) They finally turned up at nearly midnight.
    up and down 上下,来回 The dog was running up and down the path.
    be/get used to doing sth. 习惯于 I am used to playing basketball after school
    used to do sth.  过去常常做某事 He used to live in China.
    work on  从事;忙于 You really need to work on your pronunciation。
    wait for  等候;等待 You don't need to wait for me.
    wake up 醒来 You have to wake up now, baby. 
    work out  算出;解决 It took me some time to work out what was causing this.
    worry about 担心;烦恼 We have less to worry about now. 
    write down 写下;记下 On the morning before starting a diet, write down your starting weight.
    write to  写信给… I said I would write to you, but as usual I never got around to it. 

    上一篇:历史上的今天 · 1961年 柏林墙开始建造