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连云港旅游攻略? 连云港冬天旅游攻略?英文双语对照


连云港旅游攻略? 连云港冬天旅游攻略?英文双语对照




1. 连云港冬季海风比较毒辣,不建议去海边。

2. 花果山可以去,虽然绿色已经很少了。但是登上江苏最高的地方,还是能看到很多景致。

3. 东海温泉度假区,冬天最好的选择,消除疲劳,加上各种各样的娱乐,很惬意。

4. 海上云台山,差强人意。

5. 朝阳镇有个小型的滑雪场,也可以放松一下。














1. 小岛概况:连云港周边有多个美丽的小岛,其中著名的有花果山、灌云葛沙岛、东海望海岛、大泗礁等,每个小岛都有自己独特的风光和特色。

2. 交通方式:从连云港市区到小岛可以选择坐船或者乘车,其中最方便的方式是从连云港旅游码头坐船前往小岛,航程时间根据不同的小岛而有所不同。

3. 景点推荐:每个小岛都有自己的景点和特色,例如花果山有神仙湖、仙人洞等景点,灌云葛沙岛有海滩、赛车、农家乐等活动,东海望海岛有风景秀丽的海岸线和温泉度假村,大泗礁则以海上垂钓和海岛度假闻名。

4. 住宿推荐:每个小岛都有自己的度假村和酒店可供选择,可以根据自己的预算和需求选择合适的住宿。需要注意的是,有些小岛上的住宿条件可能相对简陋,需要做好心理准备。

5. 美食推荐:连云港的美食以海鲜为主,每个小岛都有自己的特色小吃,例如花果山的仙人鱼、灌云葛沙岛的开洋螃蟹、东海望海岛的海鲜大排档等。

6. 注意事项:在旅行过程中要注意保护环境和文化遗产,遵守当地的规章制度和习俗,文明旅游。此外,要注意防晒和防蚊虫叮咬,带上足够的现金和必要的药品等。





















- 连云港海州湾湿地公园:这是一个美丽的湿地公园,可以观赏到丰富的湿地生态和各种候鸟。

- 连云港海洋世界:这是一个大型海洋主题公园,可以观赏到各种海洋生物表演和展览。

- 连云港国家森林公园:这是一个风景优美的森林公园,可以进行休闲散步和户外活动。

- 连云港海滨浴场:连云港有多个海滨浴场,可以享受海滩、沙滩和海水浴的乐趣。


- 连云港海鲜:连云港是一个渔业发达的城市,可以品尝到新鲜的海鲜美食,如螃蟹、虾、贝类等。

- 连云港特色小吃:连云港有一些特色小吃,如连云港烧饼、连云港炒肝、连云港炒面等,都值得一试。


- 参观连云港的古建筑和历史文化遗址,如连云港古城墙、连云港博物馆等。

- 参加当地的民俗活动和节日庆典,了解连云港的传统文化和民俗风情。





One, strategy of travel of the harbor that connect the cloud?

The harbor that connect the cloud has beautiful fruit mountain, join an island, kong Wangshan, can go looking.

2, strategy of travel of winter of the harbor that connect the cloud?

1.Sea wind of winter of the harbor that connect the cloud is more sinister, do not suggest to go seaside.

2.Beautiful fruit hill can go, although green is already very few. But enter the place with highest Jiangsu, still can see a lot of view.

3.Hot spring of the East China Sea goes vacationing area, best in the winter choice, eliminate exhaustion, add various recreation, very satisfied.

4.Maritime Yun Taishan, goodish.

5.Sunny town has a diminutive ski field, also can loosen.

3, does strategy of travel of the harbor that connect the cloud drive the of great capacity?

Can choose park of sea continent bay to drive the of great capacity: Prize sea Li child, catch crab, lucky firm refluent from time to tome slimy snail. Earthy bamboo shoot also has, but reckon major person does not love to eat aspic of earthy bamboo shoot, include native to also do not love to eat. Catch Hai Kui. Sea continent bay is more. Beside reef of the eastern side. The dusk is OK north originallies on the side of remount hill forest park, harbor town visits on station summit scene of debauchery, maritime lamplight brights.

The proposal drives go up, have jockey place. To above walk along track to see a landscape. These two are pure free.

Still can join an island, the view is good, suit to look after children treat the lake, entrance ticket stepping billow 50, before going, the parking lot has trainset, probably two, it is to try before me do business free.

It is to be in sea continent bay and even the island between also can ramble in sea one party. Free beach? .

Also can choose two tourist attractions to play early or late.

Still can choose to go tall fair island, can barbecue, need equipment of provide for oneself. Can treat the lake, more important is to be able to buy seafood. Can bring back the home.

If plan to play two days more, yu of another name for Jiangxi Province also can consider, swallow end harbor can look.

4, does the harbor that connect the cloud travel in the evening strategy?

Can go to what saline river alley still has ruins channel fine time Eden! Saline river alley is fastfood new riverside park is on the side of shopping mall of street drawing near, still saline river can take a ship You Hu (end 11:30 in the evening) , very lively!

Fine time Eden business hours is early night arrived at 9 o'clock late 10:30, project of You Le of bright of light of late light the lamp is very how old person child is OK and to one's heart's content play!

5, strategy of travel of isle of the harbor that connect the cloud?

The harbor that connect the cloud is a when Jiangsu saves coastal city, have the isle of numerous beauty, it is strategy of travel of isle of a harbor that connect the cloud below, hope to help somewhat to you:

1.Isle general situation: Periphery of the harbor that connect the cloud has the isle of many beauty, have beautiful fruit hill, fill famously among them Yun Gesha island, the East China Sea looks at reef of island, big Si to wait, every isle has his distinctive scene and distinguishing feature.

2.Traffic means: From Lian Yun harbor urban district can choose to take a ship or take a car to the isle, among them the most convenient way is Cong Lianyun harbor travel commercial and transportation center heads for an isle by boat, the isle with range time different basis and differ somewhat.

3.The tourist attraction recommends: Every isle has his tourist attraction and distinguishing feature, spend fruit hill to have the tourist attraction such as hole of immortal lake, celestial being for example, sanded island of fill cloud arrowroot has beach, racing bicycle, peasant family happy wait for an activity, the East China Sea hopes island has the coasting with pretty scenery and hot spring to go vacationing village, big Si reef goes vacationing with maritime go angling and island famed.

4.Accommodation recommends: Every isle has him go vacationing village and hotel can offer an alternative, can choose appropriate accommodation according to his budget and demand. Those who need an attention is, the accommodation condition on some isles may be relatively pallet, need does good psychology to prepare.

5.Cate recommends: The cate of the harbor that connect the cloud is given priority to with seafood, the distinguishing feature that every isle has him is fastfood, the seafood that the crab opening ocean of sanded island of arrowroot of cloud of the celestial being merman that spends fruit hill for example, fill, the East China Sea visits island is big archives.

6.Note: Want to notice to protect environment and culture heritage in viatic process, the regulations system that abides place and consuetudinary, civilization travels. In addition, should notice to prevent bask in and prevent mosquito bite, the enough ready money on the belt and necessary medicines and chemical reagents.

Hope above strategy is helped somewhat to you, wish you to happy journey is spent on the isle in the harbor that connect the cloud!

6, strategy of travel of long island of the harbor that connect the cloud?

Connecting cloud harbor to grow an island is the island with a resourceful travel, having distinctive marine resource and resource of environmental modes of life and relation to their environment. Travel strategy includes traffic, clothing and other articles of daily use, protect skin to taste, the proposal of the respect such as medicines and chemical reagents. Give a means to be able to choose taxi or airport bus to head for terminal of car of a fabled abode of immortals, before taking a taxi again, toward bitter fleabane chief objective harbor buys steamer ticket to ascend an island. Can experience in long island drive the of great capacity, fish, collect the activity such as holothurian, Shi Bei, still can visit the tourist attraction such as area of scene of hill of island of crescent moon bay, 10 thousand birds, beacon

7, strategy of travel of island of cut into a mountain of the harbor that connect the cloud?

Island of cut into a mountain is one of travel tourist attractions with the famous harbor that connect the cloud, it is strategy of travel of island of cut into a mountain below:

Traffic: From Lian Yun harbor urban district sets out, can take ferry to head for island of cut into a mountain. Ferry dock is located in the dock of sea city bay of urban district of the harbor that connect the cloud, take ferry to need 30 minutes about.

Visit a tourist attraction: Island of cut into a mountain has a lot of tourist attractions to be worth to swim. Include beach of island of park of ocean of island of temple of cut into a mountain, cut into a mountain, cut into a mountain to wait among them. Temple of cut into a mountain is the main tourist attraction on the island, it is an old Buddhist temple, there are a lot of ancient buildings and culture relics inside the temple. Marine park is ocean of a collect the omnibus travel of happy establishment of upper reaches of animal performance, water and sightseeing tourist attraction at an organic whole scene area. Beach of island of cut into a mountain is a broad beach, suit to swim to move with the beach.

Cate: On island of cut into a mountain, you can sample all sorts of fresh seafood cate, wait like crab, shrimp, shellfish. In addition, still have distinguishing feature of a few place fastfood, wait like congee of sesame seed cake of island of cut into a mountain, seafood.

Accommodation: There is a few on island of cut into a mountain civilian constellation and go vacationing the village chooses for the tourist. You can need budget of sue for peace to choose the accommodation pattern that fit according to your.

Note: When visitting island of cut into a mountain, the attention protects an environment, do not throw rubbish in disorder. In the meantime, the attention is safe, the regulation that abides by scene area and how-to.

Hope above strategy is helped somewhat to you, wish you travel in island of cut into a mountain happy!

8, does the Huaihe River install strategy of travel of Lian Yun harbor?

The strategy that how the Huaihe River travels to the harbor that connect the cloud is as follows:

Traffic: How does the Huaihe River arrive to be able to choose even cloud harbor take the train, long-distance car or drive oneself. The train is commonner choice, the railway station can be installed to take the train that arrives directly at the harbor that connect the cloud in the Huaihe River. Long-distance car also is a kind of convenient traffic way, many stations offer the regular bus that heads for the harbor that connect the cloud. If choose to be driven oneself, can grow difficult highway to head for through G25.

Scheduling: Join an island: Joining an island is one of tourist attractions with the famousest harbor that connect the cloud, can admire beautiful beach and seascape. Can play in the upper reaches that join an island, bask, the beach plays, still can try the activity on all sorts of water. Escort the Emperor hill scene area: Escort the Emperor the mark sex mountain peak that hill is the harbor that connect the cloud, ascend the summit to be able to look down at whole town and seascape. There still are cloister and avalokitesvara to resemble on hill, can experience halcyon atmosphere. World of water of Ao Pule joy: This is the Eden on a large water, suit family and friend to be headed for together. Have the establishment on all sorts of water and You Le project, can enjoy the fun on water. Connect cloud harbor museum: If be interested in the history and culture, can visit museum of the harbor that connect the cloud, understanding connects the history of cloud harbor and culture setting. Cate: The harbor that connect the cloud has a lot of cate to be worth to sample, seafood, characteristic is for instance fastfood wait. The dish of the harbor that connect the cloud with the seafood that can try place is big traditional perhaps archives.

Accommodation: The harbor that connect the cloud has of all kinds hotel can offer an alternative with civilian constellation, can select the accommodation site that suit according to his demand and budget.

Note: Notice weather situation, avoid to have outdoors activity below soup. Notice individual property is safe, custodial good valuable. Respect custom habit of place and culture, observe local regulation and ban. Hope above strategy is helped somewhat to you, wish you journey is happy!

9, will the harbor that connect the cloud travel in September strategy?

September is the travel busy season of the harbor that connect the cloud, weather is appropriate, air temperature moderate, it is a season that suits travel very much. It is to connect cloud harbor to will travel in September below a few proposals of the strategy:

1. tourist attraction recommends:

- park of wet ground of bay of city of sea of the harbor that connect the cloud: This is a beautiful wet park, can view and admire rich wet zoology and all sorts of migrant.

- world of ocean of the harbor that connect the cloud: This is park of a large and marine theme, can view and admire all sorts of marine biology performances and exhibition.

- park of forest of country of the harbor that connect the cloud: This is the silvan park with a beautiful scenery, can undertake lying fallow coming loose pace and outdoors activity.

- the harbor that connect the cloud bathing place: The harbor that connect the cloud has many bathing place, can enjoy the fun of beach, beach and briny bath.

2. cate recommends:

- seafood of the harbor that connect the cloud: The harbor that connect the cloud is the city that a fishery develops, can taste the seafood cate with fresh savor, wait like crab, shrimp, shellfish.

- characteristic of the harbor that connect the cloud is fastfood: The harbor that connect the cloud has a few distinguishing feature fastfood, if connect the cloud harbor sesame seed cake, harbor that connect the cloud to fry chow mien of harbor of liver, Lian Yun to wait,

3. other activity:

- the ancient building that sees the harbor that connect the cloud and historical culture relics, if connect museum of the cloud harbor ancient city wall, harbor that connect the cloud,wait.

- the folk-custom activity that enters place and festal celebration, understanding connects the traditional culture of cloud harbor and folk-custom amorous feelings.

Before the journey, the proposal understands the open time of weather situation of place and tourist attraction ahead of schedule, reasonable arrangement journey. In the meantime, the attention maintains individual safety and environmental sanitation, the regulation that abides by place and formal.

10, strategy of travel of child of belt of the harbor that connect the cloud?

Should see newborn animal how old, if be 3 years old of the following children, avoid to climb as far as possible, because he cannot take a few steps at all, you have to sign up for, and small go-cart is not quite good also introduce to hill, you can choose a seaside, let the child to the top of one's bent play sand, each child likes to play sand to catch crab, and can experience wind of one go into business, if be big the child, that can climb mountain, have a look at the sea to go maritime cloud stage, sit telpher it is right choice
