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      D1天:河南郑州出发(抵达杭州-乌镇)抵达杭州 - 接站 -杭州东站出发乌镇 -游览乌镇西栅 - 游玩西栅最美夜景(住乌镇 水乡客栈 )

      D2天:(南浔-西塘)出发前往江南最富有小镇南浔 南浔享有“中国湖笔之都”- 下午西塘 - 感受最原生态的江南人文特色,《碟中谍》拍摄地 是中国最具水乡魅力的影视基地(住西塘水乡客栈)

      D3天:(西湖)西塘赴杭州 - 漫步西湖(赠西湖游船)观西湖十景-雷峰塔-三潭印月-雷峰夕照-曲院风荷等 后游【漫步苏提】,【花港观鱼】(住杭州三钻标准酒店 【含早中餐】)

      D4天:(千岛湖)抵达农夫山泉取水地千岛湖 - 码头出发 - 乘画舫船体验千岛湖城中湖区休闲游 - 登天屿观全景 (住杭州三钻标准酒店 【含早餐】)









4.沿杭长高速公路行驶84.4公里,过紫金港枢纽 ,进入杭州绕城高速公路。



7.沿杭新景高速公路行驶32.3公里,朝新安江/建德/千岛湖/G320方向,行驶20.3公里,直行进入进贤大道、经睦州大道、进入S06,行驶4.7公里,进入环湖北路,行驶3.8公里,进入新安东路,沿新安东路行驶410米,右前方转弯进入浪排,行驶1.1公里,转弯进入新安北路 ,沿新安北路行驶490米,进入新安大街,沿新安大街行驶3.8公里,左前方转弯进入X731,沿X731行驶520米,到达终点:千岛湖。

































1. 从大连出发,沿着沈海高速公路(G15)一路向北,经过庄河、海城、营口等地,最后到达宽甸县城。

2. 在宽甸县城可以选择租车或者包车前往千岛湖。路程大约需要2-3小时,可以沿着宽甸-灯塔-凤城-绥中-千岛湖的路线前往。

3. 在千岛湖可以游览湖景、观赏荷花、划船、钓鱼等活动。也可以前往附近的景点,如千山国家森林公园、东戴河海滨浴场等。

4. 返回宽甸县城后,可以品尝当地特色美食,如宽甸烤肉、鲍鱼、海鲜等。

5. 最后返回大连,结束此次旅行。










Does Zhengzhou travel to 1000 islands lake optimal course?

     1000 islands lake drives annulus oneself the course is best course:

     D1 day: Henan Zhengzhou sets out (arrive at Hangzhou - black is pressed down) arrive at Hangzhou - receive a station - Hangzhou east station black setting out is pressed down - visit Wu Zhenxi bar - amuse oneself on the west bar is the most beautiful night scene (live hotel of Wu Zhenshui countryside)

   D2 day: (Na Xun - on the west pond) past Changjiang Delta is the richest before setting out Na Xun of small town Naxun is enjoyed " of Chinese writing brush produced in Huzhou " - afternoon on the west pond - the Changjiang Delta that experiences the formerest zoology is humanitarian characteristic, " the espionage in dish " the base of movie and TV that films the ground is China has charm of a region of rivers and lakes most (live on the west hotel of pond a region of rivers and lakes)

   D3 day: (west lake) the pond goes to Hangzhou on the west - rambling west lake (give a west lake yacht) view west lake 10 scene - Lei Feng tower - 3 Tan Yinyue - Lei Feng afterglow - after waiting, carry on one's shoulder of music courtyard wind swims [ramble revive carry] , [fish of the view that spend harbor] (stay in Hangzhou 3 get standard public house [contain early Chinese meal] )

   D4 day: (1000 islands lake) arrive at farmer spring to take water land 1000 islands lake - dock sets out - area of the lake in experiencing city of 1000 islands lake by boat of gaily painted pleasure boat is recreational swim - view of the island that enter a day is panoramic (stay in Hangzhou 3 get standard public house [contain breakfast] )

   D5 day: (Suzhou) Suzhou swims Changjiang Delta the wind of 4 names garden-----[lion forest] roam outside aunt Su Cheng [cold hill temple] , receive on the west " Wu Zhong the first scenic spot " of Hu Qiu [7 lis of 3 ponds] ([contain breakfast] )

Does Xi'an travel to 1000 islands lake optimal course?

Xi'an arrives 1000 islands lake, if you consider save effort, can arrive from Xi'an directly by Gaotie 1000 islands lake.

Xi'an north - Hangzhou east second train of G2390/87/90, G2389/8/9, line of yellow tall iron runs by Hangzhou, the beauty spot of 7 5A class such as lake of source of distributinging Wu of along the line, Huang Shan, 1000 islands, area of scene of famous travel of whole nation of class of 50 many 4A, because this is called by the netizen string " hill of river of lake of famous city, name, name, name " " line of world-class gold travel "

If you are to be driven oneself, make an appointment with 1463.1 kilometers to whole journey of 1000 islands lake from Xi'an.

1. sets out from Xi'an city, edge Shanghai short for Shaanxi Province freeway travel, be in business the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces, travel 760.8 kilometers, lake of face overgrown with weeds / Nanjing / G40 direction, enter Hefei to circle a city freeway.

2. edge Hefei circles a city freeway travel 44.8 kilometers, face Chu city / Nanjing / G40 direction, enter overgrown with weeds to add up to a freeway to left-hand rotation a bit, combine freeway travel along overgrown with weeds 115.6 kilometers, cross hub of lake of overgrown with weeds, straight travel enters Shanghai change freeway.

Change of 3. edge Shanghai freeway travel 152 kilometers, face Hangzhou / An Ji / Ning Bo / carry on promotes orientation, after crossing Si to bring a key position, enter Hangzhou long freeway.

4. edge Hangzhou grows freeway travel 84.4 kilometers, cross hub of violet gold harbor, enter Hangzhou to circle a city freeway.

5. edge Hangzhou circles a city freeway travel 24.8 kilometers, toward 1000 islands lake / rich positive direction, enter the key position austral Hangzhou, straight travel enters long difficult highway.

6. edge grows difficult highway travel 74.6 kilometers, straight travel enters Hang Xinjing freeway

Travel of freeway of 7. edge Hang Xinjing 32.3 kilometers, toward Xin Anjiang / build heart / 1000 islands lake / G320 direction, travel 20.3 kilometers, advance to enter highway of virtuous highway, classics harmonious city continuously, enter S06, travel 4.7 kilometers, enter annulus Hubei grade, travel 3.8 kilometers, enter new An Donglu, along travel of new An Donglu 410 meters, west the front turns enter billow platoon, travel 1.1 kilometers, turn enter bring boreal way newly, the edge installs boreal road travel newly 490 meters, enter install an ave newly, the edge installs ave travel newly 3.8 kilometers, left ahead turns enter X731, edge X731 travel 520 meters, arrive at terminus: 1000 islands lake.

Drive oneself travel 1000 islands lake, what course is best?

Best choice on the west line line. Because line line passed the core area of 1000 islands lake on the west, can view and admire the most beautiful scenery, still can admire large dams of 1000 islands lake and the tourist attraction such as the Eden on 1000 insular lake water. Additional, on the west the road situation of line line is opposite better, car Cheng also does not calculate too long. If have enough time, can consider to choose east line line, can pass through the natural scene of 1000 islands lake, but road state relatively rugged, and car Cheng is longer, the proposal is headed for below the case with good weather. South line line is opposite relatively gently, suit the first time the person selected that drives travel oneself; Boreal line line compares rare tourist attraction, not quite proposal choice.

Is travel of 1000 islands lake seasonal?

Season of travel of lake of Chun Anqian island is 3~5 month and 9~11 month.

Chun Xiaqiu winter suits 1000 islands lake quite go playing, every seasonal characteristic is different. Summer but dabble, spring, autumn, winter is OK closer nature, drive oneself, camp, play oarage playing a skin. The age that optimal play time is 3~5 month and 9~11 month two season. Annulus lake green line of spring everywhere the flower blooms, the sweet-scented osmanthus of autumn lakefront cultivates He Cailin to go up at the same time line, very beautiful.

Strategy of travel of 1000 islands lake?

The first kind is to visit 1000 islands lake area of 5 dragon lake () of really island of fish of the view that lock up an island, bird, interesting garden, strange Shi Yuan, dragon hill island. Multiply: of area of scene of row plum peak in the morning? ⑸ of body of Song of exterminate of ⑼ of body of the Zhang that peddle Qian corrupts  Chinese casts?6:0 of  of  shrimp 0 Xin Anjiang returns Hangzhou by the car. The 2nd kind is morning 6:30-7:00 or so Hangzhou sends a car to reach commercial and transportation center of yacht of 1000 islands lake, swim by ship area of scene of 5 dragon island (really island of lock world, bird, interesting garden, strange Shi Yuan, Yu Leqiao, lucky bridge) reach sweet island or Long Shan island. Live in the evening south great river hotel or with class. Multiply: of area of scene of row plum peak in the morning? ⑸ of body of Song of exterminate of ⑼ of body of the Zhang that peddle Qian corrupts  Chinese casts?6:0 of  of  shrimp 0 Xin Anjiang returns Hangzhou by the car.

Is 1000 islands lake pedestrian and optimal course?

The optimal course with 1000 islands pedestrian lake: 1000 islands lake is pressed down - big bridge of 1000 islands lake - 1000 power lines - forestry centre of power level ground - east hill is pointed. Hill pointed sunrise is power level ground east the first scene, every season has another scenery. Not only head amounts to 229 meters cataract, still can watch be just as the marvellous spectacle of sea of clouds like elfland

Is green line of 1000 islands lake optimal course?

Course one: Green line of 1000 Fen line

Circuit characteristic: On the way the scenery is beautiful, road surface evenness is better, ride a circuit longer, carry momentum is big, suit to ride a lover, hold a match, fitness, sightseeing and experience concurrently at the same time.

From 1000 islands lake big bridge sets out, along construction of 1000 confused highway, full-length 70 much kilometers, it is construction the earliest, also most first by everybody hep.

Gules proper motion driveway crosses the bridge, wear a village, get channel, pass amorous feelings of garden of orange of camping ground of small golden hill, bound head, ginger home on the way ancient city of camping ground of car of small town, house, underwater -- Gu Cun of area of scene of bay of lion city museum, Long Chuan, Qin plain, it is one most mature rides swim circuit.

1000 Fen line obtains a Zhejiang " the most beautiful highway " .

Course 2: Green line of honest poplar line

Circuit characteristic: On the way the scenery can be compared spell 1000 Fen line, road surface evenness and harbour crisscross, meantime has the upper Changjiang region to the big bridge photograph such as port joins and be become, still have ride travel green line alone, no matter be the match, recreational, experience or be to loosen, it is a kind to the top of one's bent enjoy.

Set out from slow life square, whole journey makes an appointment with 60 kilometers, a section of a highway is built along the lake, next big gorge of lake of big bridge of port of the upper Changjiang region of by way of, 1000 islands, ginger, terminus is pressed down to Fen mouth.

Course 3: Discharge mountain peninsula green line

Circuit characteristic: Yangxian of honest of edge of green line of the peninsula that discharge mountain is outspread, port city of travel of central lake area has east, big bridge of port of the upper Changjiang region comes on the west, make an appointment with 7.3 kilometers endlong,

Main construction content includes " two villages, at 3 o'clock, 4 belts " :

Two villages are village of tea of slow living modes of life and relation to their environment and; of grange of slow living modes of life and relation to their environment

Was a citizen at 3 o'clock distributing center dot and open air have distributing center dot, recreational houseboat oxygen motion fitness nods;

4 belts are spring, summer, autumn, 4 kinds of bicycles ride the winter travel is special path.

Course 4: Green line of urban landscape steamer

Circuit characteristic: Cross square of park of steamer of central lake area, river bank, lakeside park, beautiful water on the way, it is recreational ride travel, loosen body and mind, experience of scenery of city of 1000 islands lake not two anthology.

Set out from dock of passenger transport of 1000 islands lake, along construction of steamer of landscape of central lake area, to big bridge of 1000 islands lake, whole course is near 10 kilometers, to 1000 islands lake big bridge and 1000 Fen line join, urban amorous feelings can experience by the side of Bian Qi car.

Course 5: Green line of the lake in the city

Circuit characteristic: On the way the scenery is elegant, can the edge walks along Bian Xin to appreciate edge lake view, the square of 1000 islands lake of by way of is the recreational square with 1000 islands very lively lake, let you be in appreciate view of 1000 islands lake while, be personally on the scene experiences small town life.

From 1000 islands Long Ting opens yuan of big public house to set out, along the lake in the city, by way of square of 1000 islands lake, whole course is near 2 kilometers, terminus reachs village of a landscape.

Wide pasture is 1000 islands lake optimal course?

Hello, the proposal sets out from Dalian, reach wide pasture town first, head for 1000 islands lake next. Specific line is as follows:

1.Set out from Dalian, along Shen Hai freeway (G15) one direction north, through and other places of mouth of wall of Zhuang He, sea, battalion, reach wide pasture town finally.

2.Go to before wide pasture county can choose to hire a car to perhaps rent a car 1000 islands lake. Distance needs 2-3 hour about, can along wide pasture - beacon - phoenix city - in peacefuling - the course of 1000 islands lake is headed for.

3.Lake scene can be visited in 1000 islands lake, view and admire lotus, row, the activity such as fishing. Also can head for the tourist attraction around, be like park of forest of 1000 hill country, east Dai He bathing place.

4.After returning wide pasture county, can sample local characteristic cate, wait like wide pasture barbecue, abalone, seafood.

5.Return Dalian finally, the end travels this.

Table of article of travel of 1000 islands lake?

1, the lake is a picture, wait for you to draw go-between.

One lake of 2. hides samite, 1000 islands accumulate oasis.

One lake of 3. Changjiang Delta charm, different of 1000 islands the world.

4. the world the first beautiful water, lake of world incomparable island. 1000 islands lake, group continuous immense forest folds hill emerald green, howl of Lai Songtao of hill wind Xu, mountain-climbing supports and overlook 10 thousand big pool of show of 1000 peaks contest drip emerald green, green water of Gao Xiaping lake is like lens wave to billow solely, eagle of face of fish dive lake circle in the air Yu Tian, if green jade cloud drift is visional,the vault of heaven.

Go is 1000 islands lake optimal course?

1000 islands lake is located in Huang Shan, xin Anjiang, fu Chunjiang, hangzhou this " gold " on travel line, lake of island of same You Qian, might as well tour even this line together. Specific and OK the arrangement that makes as follows: Plane tall iron reachs yellow hill city first, visit inhaling county, huang Shan, the depth that the bus takes to head for area of upper reaches of 1000 islands lake after be over is pressed down, before building passenger liner from this, go to build heart commercial and transportation center, scene of conditions of wind of landscape of lake of this paragraph of 1000 islands is delightful, 10 lis of gallery, all stop eye ground.

Need not ascend an island (humanitarian landscape is negligible on the island, also yacht can go up the island swims) , arrive build heart hind, look around to install river hydroelectric station newly, morrow builds a car to head for Mei Cheng (the year's harvest of Sun Quan child grows the ground) , after visitting Gu Cheng, take You Lun to arrange Xin Anjiang, fu Chunjiang and below, appreciate " 7 lis of Yang Fan " " Fu Chunshan resides a graph " scene of Zhuang Meishan water, the boat touchs Yan Ziling to angle commercial and transportation center attends after stage scene area, visit after finishing, consider the tourist attraction in tung cottage churchyard incidentally, for instance, precious jade beautiful jade elfland, hang down river of cloud exceeding lofty or great, after ending, head for Hangzhou (bus) .

上一篇:广州美食文案? 广州美食特产?英文双语对照