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Groceries - 食品杂货

Supermarket - 超市

Market - 市场

Convenience store - 便利店

Farmers' market - 农贸市场

Produce - 农产品

Deli - 熟食店

Checkout - 结账

Shopping cart - 购物车

Receipt - 收据

Fresh - 新鲜的

Packaged - 包装的

Organic - 有机的

Budget - 预算

Nutrition - 营养


Buying food is an essential part of daily life and can be both a routine and an enjoyable experience. Whether shopping for groceries at a supermarket or visiting a local farmers' market, the process involves selecting items based on quality, price, and personal preference. Supermarkets offer a wide range of products from fresh produce to packaged goods, making them a convenient option for many. Farmers' markets, on the other hand, provide fresh and often organic produce directly from local growers.

In addition to choosing food, budgeting plays a crucial role in the shopping process. Setting a budget helps in managing expenses and making informed decisions about which items to purchase. For instance, opting for seasonal fruits and vegetables can be cost-effective and healthier. Additionally, shopping online has become increasingly popular, offering convenience and often better deals.

Ultimately, buying food is not just about fulfilling a basic need but also about enjoying the process and making choices that support a healthy lifestyle. Whether through traditional shopping methods or modern online platforms, the goal remains the same: to provide nourishment and satisfaction.





❶ 我们需要买些水果。We need to buy some fruit.

对话 A: What shall we get first? 我们先买什么?

B: We need to buy some fruit. 我们需要买些水果。

❷ 我经常在便利店买点吃的。I often buy something to eat at the convenient store.

对话 A: I often buy something to eat at the convenient store. 我经常在便利店买点吃的。

B: Same here. 我也是。

❸ 水果在哪个通道?In which aisle is the fruit?

同类表达 Where are the dairy products? 乳制品在哪里?

对话 A: In which aisle is the fruit? 水果在哪个通道?

B: It's the second on your left hand. 在你左手边的第二个。

❹ 您能帮我称一下这个吗?Could you weigh this for me?

对话 A: Could you weigh this for me? 您能帮我称一下这个吗?

B: Please stand in this line. 请您在这儿排队。

❺ 有没有便宜点的?Do you have any cheaper ones?

对话 A: These eggs are too expensive. Do you have any cheapter ones? 这些鸡蛋太贵,有没有便宜点的?

B: Those in that shelf are cheaper. 那些架子上的鸡蛋便宜些。

❻ 看一下保质期。Check the expiration date.

对话 A: Check the expiration date. 看一下保质期。

B: I will. 我会的。

❼ 这能卖得便宜一点吗?Can you give me a little deal on this?

同类表达 Can you give me this for cheaper? 能便宜点卖给我吗?

Is there any discount on bulk purchases? 我多买些能打折吗?

Give me a discount. 给我打个折吧。

❽ 标签上标的是每500克的价钱。The price shown on the tag is for 500g.

对话 A: How much? 多少钱?

B: The price shown on the tag is for 500g. 标签上标的是每500克的价钱。

❾ 这个你卖多少钱?How much do you want for this?

对话 A: How much do you want for this? 这个你卖多少钱?

B: Eleven yuan . 11元。

❿ 这样的东西我在别的地方可以买到更便宜的。I can get this cheaper at other places.
