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英语笑话:The Four Fathers 四位父亲


英语笑话:The Four Fathers 四位父亲

The Four Fathers

Four fathers are out playing golf one day when one of them pops off to buy the drinks.While he’s gone the first father says,“You know,my son is doing so well in the Mercedes company that he gave one of his friends a new Merc fully loaded.”“So what?”the second father says,“My son is doing so well in the house business that he gave one of his friends a new house.”“Big deal,”says the third father.“My son is doing so well in the stock market that he gave one of his friends a whole stock portfolio.”Shortly after that,the fourth father comes back with the drinks.“What’s up?”he asks.“Oh,we were just talking about how well our sons are doing.How’s yours?”“Oh,well,he’s a dancer in a gay bar,”the fourth father admits,“but I’m not entirely against it,because three customers of his gave him a new Mercedes,a house,and a stock portfolio.”




Golf: 高尔夫球

Mercedes company: 奔驰公司

Merc: 奔驰车

House business: 房地产生意

Stock market: 股市

Stock portfolio: 证券投资组合

Dancer in a gay bar: 同性恋酒吧的舞者

Customers: 顾客
