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1. 摩托车(Motorcycles)

  • Motorcycle: A two-wheeled motor vehicle, usually for personal transportation.

  • Sport Bike: A motorcycle designed for high-speed and agile riding.

  • Cruiser: A comfortable motorcycle usually used for long-distance riding.

  • All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV): A motorcycle that can operate on various terrains.

  • Dirt Bike: A motorcycle specifically designed for off-road riding.

  • Scooter: A small motorcycle typically equipped with footrests and an automatic transmission.

  • Electric Motorcycle: A motorcycle powered by an electric battery.

  • Touring Bike: A motorcycle designed for long-distance travel, equipped with additional comfort features and storage.

  • Chopper: A motorcycle that has been customized for a unique appearance and design.

  • Mini Bike: A smaller-sized motorcycle suitable for children or beginners.

  • 摩托车(Motorcycle):一种具有两个轮子的机动车辆,通常用于个人交通。

  • 跑车摩托车(Sport Bike):一种设计用于高速和敏捷驾驶的摩托车。

  • 巡航摩托车(Cruiser):一种舒适的摩托车,通常用于长途驾驶。

  • 全地形摩托车(All-Terrain Vehicle, ATV):一种可以在各种地形上行驶的摩托车。

  • 越野摩托车(Dirt Bike):一种专门用于越野驾驶的摩托车。

  • 踏板摩托车(Scooter):一种小型摩托车,通常配有脚踏板和自动变速器。

  • 电动摩托车(Electric Motorcycle):一种使用电池驱动的摩托车。

  • 巡航车(Touring Bike):一种设计用于长途旅行的摩托车,配有额外的舒适设备和存储空间。

  • 改装摩托车(Chopper):一种经过个性化改装的摩托车,通常具有独特的外观和设计。

  • 小型摩托车(Mini Bike):一种尺寸较小的摩托车,适合儿童或初学者。

2. 汽车(Cars)

  • Sedan: A car with four doors and a separate trunk.

  • Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV): A car with a higher chassis and more passenger space.

  • Sports Car: A car designed for high-speed and performance driving.

  • Station Wagon: A car with an extended cargo area for more storage space.

  • Convertible: A car with a roof that can be folded down or removed.

  • Hatchback: A car with a rear door that swings upwards, providing more interior space.

  • Electric Car: A car powered entirely by electricity.

  • Hybrid Car: A car that combines an internal combustion engine with an electric motor.

  • Luxury Car: A car offering high-end comfort and features.

  • Compact Car: A smaller-sized car suitable for city driving.

  • 轿车(Sedan):一种具有四个门和独立行李厢的汽车。

  • SUV(运动型多用途车,Sport Utility Vehicle):一种具有更高底盘和更多乘客空间的汽车。

  • 跑车(Sports Car):一种设计用于高速和性能驾驶的汽车。

  • 旅行车(Station Wagon):一种具有扩展后备厢的汽车,提供更多的货物空间。

  • 敞篷车(Convertible):一种可将车顶折叠或拆除的汽车。

  • 厢式车(Hatchback):一种后备厢门和车顶连成一体的汽车,通常车内空间更大。

  • 电动汽车(Electric Car):一种完全由电力驱动的汽车。

  • 混合动力车(Hybrid Car):一种结合了内燃机和电动机的汽车。

  • 豪华车(Luxury Car):一种提供高级舒适和设备的汽车。

  • 紧凑型车(Compact Car):一种尺寸较小的汽车,适合城市驾驶。

3. 公共交通工具(Public Transportation)

  • Bus: A public transportation vehicle used to carry a large number of passengers.

  • Subway: An underground rail system for rapid transit within cities.

  • Light Rail: An urban rail transit system that typically operates on the surface.

  • Tram/Trolley: A rail vehicle that runs on city streets.

  • Taxi: A private vehicle for hire, typically booked via phone or app.

  • Ferry: A boat used to transport passengers and vehicles, usually across water.

  • Coach: A long-distance bus used for intercity or interstate travel.

  • Shuttle Bus: A public transport vehicle used for specific routes or transport services.

  • Bicycle: A two-wheeled vehicle powered by human pedaling.

  • Electric Scooter: A single-person, electrically powered vehicle suitable for short urban trips.

  • 公交车(Bus):一种用于运送大量乘客的公共交通工具。

  • 地铁(Subway):一种地下铁路系统,用于城市内部的快速交通。

  • 轻轨(Light Rail):一种城市轨道交通系统,通常在地面上运行。

  • 有轨电车(Tram/Trolley):一种在城市街道上运行的轨道车辆。

  • 出租车(Taxi):一种按需提供服务的私人车辆,通常可以通过电话或应用程序预约。

  • 轮渡(Ferry):一种用于运送乘客和车辆的船只,通常在水上航行。

  • 长途汽车(Coach):一种用于城市间或国家间长途旅行的公共汽车。

  • 班车(Shuttle Bus):一种用于特定路线或接送服务的公共交通工具。

  • 自行车(Bicycle):一种由人力驱动的两轮交通工具。

  • 电动滑板车(Electric Scooter):一种电动驱动的单人交通工具,适合城市短途出行。

4. 其他交通工具(Other Vehicles)

  • Truck: A heavy vehicle used for transporting goods.

  • Van: A medium-sized vehicle used for transporting goods or passengers, often with ample interior space.

  • Trailer: A vehicle towed by another vehicle, primarily for transporting cargo.

  • Jet Ski: A small motorized watercraft used for water sports.

  • Glider: An aircraft that flies without an engine, using air currents.

  • Hot Air Balloon: A flying device that uses hot air to rise, typically for recreational flights.

  • Helicopter: An aircraft capable of vertical takeoff and landing, used for short-distance transport or rescue.

  • 卡车(Truck):一种用于运送货物的重型车辆。

  • 面包车(Van):一种用于运输货物或乘客的中型车辆,通常具有较大的内部空间。

  • 拖车(Trailer):一种被拖拉车牵引的车辆,主要用于运输货物。

  • 摩托艇(Jet Ski):一种用于水上运动的小型摩托艇。

  • 滑翔机(Glider):一种不依赖发动机飞行的滑翔器。

  • 热气球(Hot Air Balloon):一种利用热空气上升的飞行器,通常用于休闲飞行。

  • 直升机(Helicopter):一种可以垂直起降的航空器,用于短途运输或救援。
