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自然灾害 (Natural disasters)


自然灾害 (Natural disasters)



Earthquake - 地震

Flood - 洪水

Hurricane/Typhoon - 飓风/台风

Tornado - 龙卷风

Drought - 干旱

Volcanic Eruption - 火山爆发

Landslide - 滑坡

Tsunami - 海啸

Wildfire - 野火

Avalanche - 雪崩


Natural disasters are catastrophic events caused by natural processes of the Earth. They include earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, volcanic eruptions, and landslides. These disasters can have devastating impacts on communities, causing significant loss of life, property damage, and economic disruption.

Earthquakes occur when there is a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust, leading to shaking and surface damage. Floods can result from heavy rainfall, overflowing rivers, or dam failures, submerging large areas of land. Hurricanes and typhoons are powerful storms that bring strong winds, heavy rain, and storm surges. Tornadoes are violent windstorms characterized by a twisting, funnel-shaped cloud. Droughts are prolonged periods of abnormally low rainfall, leading to water shortages. Volcanic eruptions release magma, ash, and gases from beneath the Earth's surface, which can destroy everything in their path. Landslides occur when rock or soil moves down a slope, often triggered by heavy rain or earthquakes.

Preparing for natural disasters through early warning systems, emergency plans, and building resilient infrastructure can help mitigate their effects. While we cannot prevent natural disasters, we can work to reduce their impact and improve our ability to respond effectively.





A: "Have you heard about the recent earthquake in Japan?"

B: "Yes, I saw it on the news. It was really devastating. Do we know how many people were affected?"

A: "Reports say that thousands of people have been displaced and there are significant damages to buildings and infrastructure."

B: "That's terrible. Are there any international relief efforts underway?"

A: "Yes, several countries are sending aid and teams to help with rescue and recovery. They’re also working on providing temporary shelters and medical supplies."

B: "I hope the situation improves soon. It’s crucial to have good disaster preparedness plans in place to minimize the damage."

A: "你听说过最近日本的地震吗?"

B: "是的,我在新闻上看到了。真的非常严重。我们知道有多少人受到影响了吗?"

A: "报告说已经有数千人被迫撤离,建筑和基础设施受到了严重损坏。"

B: "太可怕了。有国际救援行动吗?"

A: "是的,几个国家正在派遣援助和救援队伍来帮助救援和恢复。他们还在提供临时住所和医疗用品。"

B: "我希望情况能尽快好转。制定良好的灾害应急计划以最小化损害是至关重要的。"
