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Learning - 学习

Education - 教育

Curriculum - 课程

Development - 发展

Cognition - 认知

Skill - 技能

Behavior - 行为

Engagement - 参与

Motivation - 动力

Discipline - 纪律


Children's learning is a fundamental aspect of their development and growth. From a young age, children begin to explore and understand the world around them through various means, including formal education, family interactions, and everyday experiences. Effective learning environments are crucial for fostering curiosity and a love for learning.

In school, children learn basic academic subjects such as math, science, and language. However, education extends beyond textbooks; it also includes learning social skills, emotional intelligence, and problem-solving abilities. Teachers and parents play a significant role in guiding children, creating a supportive atmosphere where they feel encouraged to ask questions and seek answers.

Parents can support their children’s learning by creating a positive home environment that values education. Reading together, discussing daily experiences, and providing opportunities for hands-on activities are all effective ways to enhance learning. Additionally, encouraging good study habits and helping children set realistic goals can foster a sense of responsibility and achievement.

In summary, children's learning is a comprehensive process that involves both formal and informal methods. A well-rounded approach to education helps children develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in life.






❶ 很抱歉我必须给您打电话。I'm sorry to have to call you.

同类表达 I'm sorry to have to contact you.

I apologize for having to call you.

❷ 我很遗憾地通知您,您儿子数学考试没及格。I regret to inform you that your son has failed the math test.

同类表达 I have some bad news. 我有个坏消息。

❸ 我想跟您谈谈您女儿的成绩问题。I wanted to talk to you about your daughter's grades.

同类表达 I asked you to come because we need to talk about your son's grades. 我请您来主要是想跟您谈谈您儿子的成绩问题。

❹ 您女儿的成绩落后了,我很担心。I'm worried about your daughter's falling behind.

同类表达 I'm worried about your daughter's progress. 我担心您女儿的学习情况。

对话 A: I'm worried about your daughter's falling behind. 您女儿的成绩落后了,我很担心。

B: We helped her as best we could. 我们尽了最大的努力帮助她。

❺ 约翰尼是全班第一名。Johnny is at the top of his class.

同类表达 He is the second in the class. 他是班上的第二名。

❻ 我女儿的学习步入正轨了吗?Is my daughter on the right track in terms of school work?

这样回答 She does well on tests. 她考试成绩很好。

❼ 您儿子取得了非常显著的进步。Your son has made excellent progress.

同类表达 His grades are improving. 他的成绩在提高。

❽ 他的成绩在下滑。His grades are falling.

对话 A: What's wrong with my son? 我儿子怎么了?

B: His grades are falling. 他的成绩在下滑。

❾ 您儿子的作业常常完不成。Your son's homework is often incomplete.

同类表达 Your son's homework is often not so good. 您儿子的作业常常做得不好。

Your son's homework is often missing. 您儿子的作业常常弄丢。

❿ 您应该跟孩子谈谈她的学习情况。You should discuss her progress with your daughter.

对话 A: What can I do to solve this problem? 我应该做些什么来解决这个问题?

B: You should discuss her progress with your daughter. 您应该跟孩子谈谈她的学习情况。
