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1. Detective (侦探)

  • 释义:A person who investigates crimes and solves mysteries.

  • "Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective known for his brilliant deductive skills."

  •  “福尔摩斯是一个著名的侦探,以其卓越的推理能力而闻名。”

2. Investigation (调查)

  • 释义:The process of examining a crime or mystery to find out what happened.

  • "The investigation into the missing person's case lasted for several months."

  •  “对失踪案件的调查持续了几个月。”

3. Clue (线索)

  • 释义:A piece of evidence or information that helps to solve a crime or mystery.

  • "The detective found a crucial clue hidden in the victim's diary."

  •  “侦探在受害者的日记中发现了一个关键的线索。”

4. Suspect (嫌疑犯)

  • 释义:A person who is believed to have committed a crime.

  • "The police have identified a suspect in the robbery case."

  •  “警方已经确认了抢劫案件中的一名嫌疑犯。”

5. Witness (证人)

  • 释义:A person who has seen or heard something relevant to a crime or investigation.

  • "The witness testified that she saw the suspect leaving the scene."

  •  “证人证词称她看到嫌疑犯离开现场。”

6. Alibi (不在场证明)

  • 释义:Evidence that shows a person could not have been at the scene of the crime.

  • "He provided a solid alibi, proving he was at a party during the crime."

  •  “他提供了一个有力的不在场证明,证明他在犯罪发生时在参加聚会。”

7. Evidence (证据)

  • 释义:Information or objects that help to prove whether someone is guilty or innocent.

  • "The fingerprint found on the weapon was crucial evidence in the trial."

  •  “在武器上发现的指纹是审判中的关键证据。”

8. Motive (动机)

  • 释义:The reason someone had for committing a crime.

  • "Detectives worked hard to uncover the motive behind the murder."

  •  “侦探们努力揭示谋杀背后的动机。”

9. Red Herring (假线索)

  • 释义:A misleading clue intended to divert attention away from the real issue.

  • "The missing necklace turned out to be a red herring in the investigation."

  •  “失踪的项链结果证明是调查中的一个假线索。”

10. Interrogation (讯问)

  • 释义:The process of questioning a suspect or witness to gain information.

  • "The suspect's interrogation lasted for several hours."

  •  “嫌疑人的讯问持续了几个小时。”

11. Forensic (法医的)

  • 释义:Related to scientific methods used in crime investigation.

  • "Forensic analysis revealed the presence of blood on the suspect's clothing."

  •  “法医分析显示嫌疑人的衣物上有血迹。”

12. Homicide (谋杀)

  • 释义:The act of killing another person unlawfully.

  • "The detective specialized in investigating homicide cases."

  •  “侦探专门调查谋杀案件。”

13. Felony (重罪)

  • 释义:A serious crime, such as murder or robbery.

  • "Burglary is classified as a felony under the law."

  •  “入室盗窃在法律上被分类为重罪。”

14. Misdemeanor (轻罪)

  • 释义:A less serious crime than a felony, such as petty theft or disorderly conduct.

  • "Public intoxication is generally considered a misdemeanor."

  •  “公共醉酒通常被认为是轻罪。”

15. Deduction (推理)

  • 释义:The process of reasoning from general principles to specific conclusions.

  • "Through careful deduction, the detective solved the case."

  •  “通过仔细的推理,侦探解决了案件。”

16. Case (案件)

  • 释义:An instance of a crime or problem that is being investigated or solved.

  • "The detective was assigned to a high-profile murder case."

  •  “侦探被分配到一个引人注目的谋杀案件。”

17. Crime Scene (犯罪现场)

  • 释义:The location where a crime took place.

  • "The police cordoned off the crime scene to preserve evidence."

  •  “警方封锁了犯罪现场以保护证据。”

18. Suspect List (嫌疑人名单)

  • 释义:A list of people who are considered as potential perpetrators of a crime.

  • "The detective narrowed down the suspect list to three individuals."

  •  “侦探将嫌疑人名单缩小到三个人。”

19. Detective Inspector (侦探督察)

  • 释义:A senior detective who oversees investigations and detectives.

  • "Detective Inspector Thompson led the investigation into the heist."

  •  “侦探督察汤普森负责了对抢劫案的调查。”

20. Mystery (神秘)

  • 释义:A situation or thing that is difficult to understand or explain.

  • "The disappearance of the artifact remained a mystery for decades."

  •  “文物的失踪几十年来一直是一个谜。”

21. Conspiracy (阴谋)

  • 释义:A secret plan by a group of people to commit a crime.

  • "The authorities uncovered a conspiracy to commit fraud."

  •  “当局揭露了一个进行欺诈的阴谋。”

22. Deductive Reasoning (演绎推理)

  • 释义:A logical process where conclusions are drawn from general premises.

  • "Using deductive reasoning, the detective inferred the suspect’s motive."

  •  “通过演绎推理,侦探推断出嫌疑犯的动机。”

23. False Lead (错误线索)

  • 释义:Misleading information intended to divert the investigation.

  • "The false lead about the suspect’s whereabouts turned out to be a dead end."

  •  “关于嫌疑犯去向的错误线索最终被证明是死胡同。”

24. Case Closed (案件结案)

  • 释义:The conclusion of an investigation when the case is considered solved.

  • "With the arrest of the suspect, the case was officially closed."

  •  “随着嫌疑犯的被捕,案件正式结案。”

25. Murder Weapon (杀人武器)

  • 释义:The object used to commit a murder.

  • "The murder weapon was found buried in the backyard."

  •  “杀人武器被发现埋在后院。”


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