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英语笑话:Ex-Lax Cough Syrup 治疗咳嗽的强力泻药


英语笑话:Ex-Lax Cough Syrup 治疗咳嗽的强力泻药

Ex-Lax Cough Syrup

John was a clerk in a small drugstore but he was not much of a salesman.He could never find the item the customer wanted.

Bob,the owner,had about enough and warned John that the next sale he missed would be his last.

Just then a man came in coughing and he asked John for their best cough syrup.Try as he might John could not find the cough syrup.Remembering Bob’s warning he sold the man a box of Ex-Lax and told him to take it all at once.The customer did as John said and then walked outside and leaned against a lamppost.

Bob had seen the whole thing and came over to ask John what had transpired.

“He wanted something for his cough but I couldn’t find the cough syrup.I substituted Ex-Lax and told him to take it all at once,”John explained.

“Ex-Lax won’t cure a cough.”Bob shouted angrily.

“Sure it will.”John said,pointing at the man leaning on the lamppost.“Look at him.He’s afraid to cough.”


Clerk - 店员,指在商店或办公室工作的人员。

Drugstore - 药房,也常指销售药品和其他商品的商店。

Salesman - 销售员,指专门从事销售工作的人。

Item - 商品,指顾客想要购买的具体物品。

Owner - 拥有者,指拥有某物或某企业的人。

Warned - 警告,指提醒某人注意可能的问题或后果。

Sale - 销售,指商品的买卖过程。

Missed - 错过,指未能成功完成某事。

Customer - 顾客,指购买商品或服务的人。

Coughing - 咳嗽,指呼吸道疾病的一种症状。

Cough Syrup - 止咳糖浆,指用来缓解咳嗽的药物。

Substituted - 替代,指用一种东西或方法来替换另一种。

Ex-Lax - 一种品牌名,指一种用于缓解便秘的泻药。

Transpired - 发生,指事情的进展或结果。

Angry - 生气的,指因不满或受挫而情绪激动。

Cure - 治疗,指采取措施消除疾病或不适。

Afraid - 害怕,指由于恐惧或担忧而不敢做某事。

Lamppost - 路灯杆,指街道上用于照明的杆子。









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