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Itinerary - 行程安排

Destination - 目的地

Accommodation - 住宿

Transportation - 交通

Reservation - 预订

Budget - 预算

Activity - 活动

Packing - 打包

Travel Insurance - 旅行保险

Sightseeing - 观光


Planning a trip is an essential step to ensure a successful and enjoyable travel experience. A well-organized plan involves several key elements. First, selecting the destination is crucial, as it sets the stage for the entire journey. Once the destination is chosen, the next step is to arrange transportation. This could involve booking flights, renting a car, or figuring out local transportation options.

Accommodation is another important aspect to consider. Researching and booking hotels, hostels, or vacation rentals in advance can prevent last-minute stress. An itinerary should be created to outline daily activities and attractions to visit. This helps maximize the time spent at the destination and ensures that important sights are not missed.

Budgeting is also a critical part of trip planning. Estimating expenses for accommodation, transportation, food, and activities helps manage finances and avoid overspending. Additionally, packing appropriately for the weather and activities planned is essential.

Finally, obtaining travel insurance can provide peace of mind in case of unexpected events. By taking the time to plan carefully, travelers can enhance their overall experience and make the most of their trip.






❶ 这个夏天你打算做什么?What are you going to do this summer?

同类表达 Where are you off to this summer? 这个夏天你打算去哪儿?

对话 A: What are you going to do this summer? 这个夏天你打算做什么?

B: I am going on a tour of Canada with my parents. 我要和我父母去加拿大旅游。

❷ 我对寒假旅行感到非常兴奋。I am so excited about traveling this winter holiday.

同类表达 Canada would be interesting. 加拿大会很有趣的。

❸ 我们去非洲旅行吧。Let's go on a tour of Africa.

同类表达 Let's travel around Africa.

Let's tour Africa.

How about going to Africa? 去非洲怎么样?

❹ 我还没有决定去哪儿。I still haven't decided where I am going.

同类表达 Where do you have in mind? 你对去哪儿旅行有什么想法吗?

❺ 你什么时候去旅行?When are you going on your trip?

同类表达 Where would you like to travel? 你想去哪儿旅行?

这样回答 I am going on my trip this weekend. 我这周末去旅行。

❻ 我已经制订了一个完美的旅行计划。I have made a perfect plan for my trip.

同类表达 My itinerary is set. 我的行程安排好了。

❼ 我想周游全世界。I want to travel around the world.

❽ 这个周末我要乘飞机去埃及旅行。I will travel to Egypt by air this weekend.

对话 A: I will travel to Egypt by air this weekend. 这个周末我要乘飞机去埃及旅行。

B: Really? Have fun! 真的吗?好好玩哦!

❾ 你要在那里待多久?How long are you staying there?

同类表达 How long will you be there?

How long is your stay there?

这样回答 One week. 一周。

❿ 咱们来计划一下行程吧。Let's start planning our itinerary.

对话 A: Let's start planning our itinerary. 咱们来计划一下行程吧。

B: Sure. Firstly, we have to decide how many days our trip will be. 好的。首先,我们需要决定一下旅游的天数。

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