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1. 女明星A:成功事业后再婚


2. 女明星B:情史丰富再谱爱恋


3. 女明星C:聚焦事业后迎来新的幸福


4. 女明星D:家庭幸福不容错过


5. 女明星E:重塑个人形象的新起点


6. 女明星F:情感经历后再次寻觅真爱


7. 女明星G:事业家庭两不误


8. 女明星H:经历离婚迸发新的创作灵感


9. 女明星I:让幸福来得更晚一点


10. 女明星J:从新人到二婚的辉煌转身



1.Female star A: Remarry after successful career

Female star A, it is recreation the equipment in the circle gets the female actor of a gleam of that fix eyes upon. She once had perfect marriage, but the conflict of the development as a result of respective career and lifestyle, chose finally to divorce. However, after those who experienced period of time is lone, pick up of female star A oneself happiness, walked into marital hall with new partner.

2.Female star B: Affection history is rich again chart is in love with

Female star B, because of marital failure Ceng Yi is spent by media focusing. However, she did not abandon because of this searching new love. After 2 marriage, female star B encountered a spouse, two people give aid to each other and managing perfect marriage jointly.

3.Female star C: New happiness is greeted after focusing career

Female star C suffers attention all the time on the career, however her marriage ends with divorcing however. But, female star C is done not have crestfallen because of marital failure, she changed centre of gravity to the career, the effort that passes oneself finally becomes the person above average inside the industry. In the meantime, in the process of the career image that shapes oneself afresh, she also found new happiness, new life was received in 2 marriage.

4.Female star D: Domestic happiness nots allow to miss

Female star D is a with domestic happiness famous female actor or artist. Although her first time marriage failed, but she is done not have depress because of this, search the true love that belongs to oneself actively however. After experiencing 2 marriage, female star D found his happiness truly, managing good family jointly with new partner.

5.Female star E: Weigh the new start of model individual figure

Female star E once was the one party in a marriage that gets dispute fully. However, after the divorce, female star E was tired in the shadow in the past, take an active part in however in new project. Pass oneself effort, she is shown successfully gave a brand-new figure, greeted new happiness in new marriage.

6.Female star F: After affection is experienced again look for loves really

The matrimony of female star F once got attention fully, but end in order to divorce finally. However, she does not have because of this depression, throw the job actively however in, smoothly pick up oneself true love.

7.Female star G: Career family neither by accident

Female star G is the example of a career and domestic give attention to two or morethings. Although was encountered,she is in in marriage not successful, but the pursuit that did not abandon him career because of this. Through depending on outstanding talent and effort, unboiled water of wind of female star G rises, greeted new happiness in 2 marriage.

8.Female star H: Experience divorce bursts forth to create inspiration newly

Female star H ever felt confused for a time after marriage fails with lose. However, she was tired in the pain in the past, carry oneself effort and creative work however, force of oneself affection translate into, found new happiness in new marriage.

9.Female star I: Let come happily a bit later

Female star I ever had had a paragraph of not happy marriage, but she is done not have depress because of this, believe happy meeting is in however proper when advent. Try hard through oneself and hold to, female star I found new happiness successfully, strode marital hall jointly with the spouse.

10.Female star J: Arrive from new personality the brilliant face about of 2 marriage

Female star J is a young actor that marries early, although encountered a few difficulty and problem,be in in matrimony, but she is gone after without what abandon marriage because of this. Try hard through oneself and grow, female star J strode the cavalcade of 2 marriage successfully, had good matrimony with new partner.
