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  • 倡导纸笔考试和书本知识,重视背诵和记忆;
  • 学生在知识获取方面相对被动,以接受教师授予的知识为主;
  • 教室中以教师的话语为主,学生主要是听讲和做笔记;
  • 班级管理严格,学生集体活动较少,更注重纪律和规范;
  • 教师对于学生的评价主要基于考试成绩。



  • 尊重每个学生的个性和兴趣,注重培养学生的创新和批判思维能力;
  • 鼓励学生积极参与,倡导互动式教学和团队合作;
  • 教师充当引导者的角色,更注重激发学生的独立思考和问题解决能力;
  • 课堂上采用多种教学方法,如小组讨论、实践操作和项目研究等;
  • 评价更加综合,除了考试成绩外,还注重学生的创造力、沟通能力和合作精神。



  • 直接互动:学生与教师之间可以直接进行交流和互动,教师能够及时解答学生的问题;
  • 纪律管理:面对面教育有助于维护教室秩序和学生纪律;
  • 社交能力:学生在面对面教育中有机会与同学进行交流和合作,提高社交能力;
  • 监督和反馈:教师能够对学生的学习过程进行监督和及时反馈,帮助学生找到错误和改进方法。



  • 个性化教学:面对面教育难以满足每个学生的个性化学习需求;
  • 资源分配:面对面教育需要大量的教室、教材和教师资源,对于教育资源不均衡的地区来说,存在挑战;
  • 创新教学:面对面教育需要更多教师的创新能力和教学方法的更新;
  • 灵活性:面对面教育的学习时间和地点比较固定,对于学生的学习和生活带来一定的限制。





The characteristic of traditional education

Traditional education is to point to the educational means that gives lessons face-to-face by the teacher. Means of this kind of education is a center with the teacher, pay attention to knowledge to impart to manage with discipline. Its characteristic is as follows:

  • Advocate paper pen exam and book learning, take recital and memory seriously;
  • The student gets a respect in knowledge opposite passivity, give priority to in order to accept the knowledge that the teacher awards;
  • The with the teacher speech in the classroom is given priority to, the student basically is to listen to become reconciled to make note;
  • Class government is strict, student collective activity is less, pay attention to discipline and standard more;
  • The teacher basically is based on exam achievement to the student's evaluation.

The characteristic of contemporary education

Contemporary education is to point to pay attention to the educational way that the student is participated in and learns independently more. Teach photograph comparing with the tradition, contemporary education pays attention to full-scale development of the student more, its characteristic is as follows:

  • Value the individual character of every student and interest, pay attention to the innovation that develops a student and critically thinking ability;
  • Encourage a student to take an active part in, advocate interactive type education and group cooperation;
  • The teacher acts as the part of guide, pay attention to the independence that arouses a student to think to solve ability with the problem more;
  • A variety of teaching methods are used on classroom, if operation of panel discussion, practice and project consider to wait;
  • The assessment is more comprehensive, besides exam achievement, still pay attention to the student's creativity, communication ability and cooperative spirit.

The advantage that teachs face-to-face

Teach the educational way that serves as a kind of tradition face-to-face, still have a few distinct advantages, include:

  • Interact directly: Can undertake communicate and interacting directly between student and teacher, the teacher can solve the student's problem in time;
  • Discipline management: Teach face-to-face conduce to maintain classroom order and student discipline;
  • Gregarious ability: The student has opportunity and classmate to undertake communicate and cooperative in be taught face-to-face, increase gregarious capacity;
  • Supervise and feedback: The teacher can undertake supervise and feedbacking in time to learning process of the student, help student is found mistake and improve a method.

The challenge that teachs face-to-face

Although be taught face-to-face,have its advantage, but also facing a few challenges:

  • Personalized education: Teach the personalized study requirement that satisfies every student hard face-to-face;
  • Resource allocation: Teach the classroom with many need, teaching material and pedagogic resource face-to-face, to the area of disequilibrium of educational natural resources, put in the challenge;
  • Achieve new teacher and student: What teach the innovation capability that needs more teacher and teaching method face-to-face is newer;
  • Flexibility: The study time that teachs face-to-face and place are fixedder, bring certain limitation to the student's study and life.


Teach the main component that is traditional education face-to-face, although contemporary education appeared,a lot of new education way are mixed technology, but teach face-to-face still have its distinct advantage. In teaching development course, we need to balance the advantage of traditional education and contemporary education, explore educational reform and innovation ceaselessly.

Thank you to read the article, through the article you can know the difference of traditional education and contemporary education and respective dominant position. Hope these information understand education to you face-to-face the process is helped somewhat.
