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1. 探索自然:记录孩子在自然环境下的探索和发现,如在公园里拾取落叶、捕捉昆虫、观察小动物等。

2. 科学实验:记录孩子参与科学实验的过程和结果,如制作简单的水循环实验、发现物体的浮力等。

3. 自然美景:记录孩子在户外游玩时欣赏到的自然美景,如彩虹、日落、星空等。

4. 大自然中的游戏:记录孩子在大自然中玩耍的游戏,如躲猫猫、踢球、玩泥巴等。

5. 健康饮食:记录孩子通过接触自然食材和饮食习惯的改变,发生的身体变化和健康状况的改善。




1. 大自然的奇妙之处:介绍不同的自然景观,如森林、海洋、山脉等,让孩子们认识到自然的多样性和美丽。

2. 亲近自然的活动:列举亲近自然的活动,如野餐、露营、徒步旅行等,希望孩子们能够通过这些活动更深入地了解大自然。

3. 探索自然的乐趣:介绍自然探索的乐趣,如观察昆虫、捕鱼、拾贝壳等,让孩子们学会用心去观察和发现大自然中的美好。

4. 爱护自然的责任:教育孩子们爱护自然的责任,如垃圾分类、节约用水等,让孩子们意识到自己对自然的影响,从小学会保护自然。

5. 自然与人类的关系:介绍自然与人类的关系,如植物和动物对人类的重要性,让孩子们明白人类需要依赖自然,也需要保护自然。

6. 大自然的教育意义:让孩子们明白大自然对于人类成长的重要性,如大自然能够培养孩子们的品格、智力、情感等多方面的能力。




1. 唱着歌,追着蝴蝶跑。

2. 看!蜗牛在爬山。

3. 看到一只小青蛙,它跳呀跳。

4. 站在海边,听大海的声音。

5. 天空中飞过一只小鸟,它在寻找家。

6. 山上有一只小兔子,它吃草、玩耍又睡觉。

7. 看!一朵朵漂亮的野花在路旁开放。

8. 大树下有一只小松鼠,它在储存食物,准备过冬。

9. 看!小草地里有许多小昆虫,它们在玩耍。

10. 大雨过后,彩虹出现了,它在天空中飘动。



1. 宝宝很健康,发育良好,穿衣习惯自己动手。

2. 孩子性格开朗,积极主动,喜欢和小朋友玩,表现很好。

3. 孩子有很好的动手能力,喜欢画画、动手拆装,对玩具很有兴趣。

4. 孩子很聪明,记忆力好,学习认字和数数都很快,是个优秀的学生。

5. 孩子很有耐心,可以安静地玩耍很长时间,也可以很好地听取老师的指导和建议。

6. 孩子有很好的创意思维能力,喜欢构思各种新玩法和游戏规则,很有趣味性。

7. 孩子很勇敢,敢于尝试各种新事物和挑战自己,是一个有冒险精神的孩子。

8. 孩子的眼观六路、耳听八方,对周围的环境和事物非常敏感,能够快速适应各种场合和人际关系。

9. 孩子是一个有待进一步培养的领袖和团队合作者,喜欢自己独立思考,也可以和小伙伴一起协作完成任务。

10. 孩子非常可爱,大家都很喜欢和他玩耍,是园里的小明星。
















2.新学期的脚步近了,爸爸妈妈看着你一天天的长大,非常欣慰。希望你在新学期里:健康快乐的成长,在幼儿园里好好学习知识,做一个懂事听话的孩子。你快上小学了,希望你在这学期更加努力学习,越来越讨人喜欢。 爱你的爸爸妈妈

3.希望孩子能够在健康快乐中学习,希望孩子好好学习听老师家长的话 ,希望老师严加管教 4、希望该孩子在校能遵守学校的一切规章制度,能尊师爱友,虚心求进,能以优异的成绩回报老师,回报父母。 5、希望老师多一点道德教育,多一点学习难点,不要让孩子认为上了大学就等于进了天堂。 6、现在的孩子有一股傲劲,希望老师严加管教,循循诱导,使孩子走向社会时,是一个成功的人材。 希望我女儿虚心的学习,有特长之处加强学,不断上进,不足之处要加强学习,力争具有高尚的道德情操,良好的文化素养。






你好,1. 小孩子不懂得什么是私人空间,所以他们可能会在公共场所随意放屁或者讲一些尴尬的话。

2. 幼儿时期的小孩子很容易相信魔法和神话,他们可能会认为自己有超能力或者有神奇的魔法。

3. 幼儿时期的小孩子非常喜欢模仿成年人的行为,比如穿衣服、化妆、做饭等等。

4. 小孩子在成长过程中会经历很多奇怪的阶段,比如喜欢吃一些奇怪的东西、爱玩一些怪异的游戏等等。

5. 幼儿时期的小孩子非常喜欢动物和玩具,他们可能会把自己的玩具当做真的动物来对待。

6. 小孩子的想象力非常丰富,他们常常会想出一些奇怪的故事或者创造出一些奇怪的角色。

7. 幼儿时期的小孩子非常喜欢玩水,他们可能会在浴缸里玩水、在游泳池里玩水、在雨中玩水等等。

8. 小孩子在成长过程中会经历很多奇怪的心理阶段,比如对母亲的依赖、对父亲的崇拜、对故事的热爱等等。


One, how does surprise interesting nature keep cheeper growing record?

About this problem, when keeping cheeper growing record, can record the relevant content of surprise interesting nature from the following respects:

1.Exploration is natural: Record the exploration that the child issues in environment and discovery, if be in the park collect fallen leaves, catch puppy of the insect, observation to wait.

2.Scientific test: Record child participates in the process of scientific test and result, if make the flotage of simple boiler circulation test, finding body,wait.

3.Natural beautiful scenery: The natural beautiful scenery that when recording child outdoors amuse oneself, admires, wait like rainbow, sunset, sky.

4.The game in nature: Record child is in nature the game of amuse oneself, if hide feline cat, kickball, play mud to wait.

5.Healthy diet: Record child feeds material and the change that food is used to through contacting nature, the improvement of the body change that produce and healthy state.

A variety of forms such as photograph, video can combine in the record, the growing record that lets the child is more vivid and interesting. In the meantime, what should pay attention to the parent and child is interactive, let the child get more inspiration mix in environment grow.

2, how does nursery school growing manual walk into nature to write?

About this problem, walking into nature is the substantial that nursery school children grows, it is the referenced content that writes nursery school growing manual to walk into nature below:

1.The wonderful part of nature: Introduce different natural landscape, wait like forest, marine, mountain range, let children realise natural diversity and beauty.

2.Be close to natural activity: List the activity of close nature, like picnic, camp, hike etc, hope children can pass these activities to understand nature deep more.

3.Poke natural fun: Introduce the fun of natural exploration, if observe the insect, fish, Shi Bei carapace, let children learn to observe and discover the happiness in nature attentively.

4.Cherish natural responsibility: Educational children cherish natural responsibility, like rubbish classification, managing wait with water, let children realize he are right natural effect, learn to protect nature as a child.

5.The relation of nature and mankind: Introduce the relation of nature and mankind, be opposite like plant and animal human importance, let children understand the mankind needs to depend on nature, also need to protect nature.

6.The educational meaning of nature: Let the importance that children understand to nature grows to the mankind, if nature can develop the ability of the many sided such as the character and morals of children, intellective, affection.

Pass these content, can let nursery school children understand nature deep more, grow better thereby and develop.

3, is nature of nursery school strange interest short sentence?

Be nature of a few nursery school strange interests below is short sentence:

1.Singing a song, chasing after butterfly to run.

2.Look! Snail is in climb.

3.See a small frog, it jumps ah jump.

4.Stand in the seaside, hear the voice of the sea.

5.A birdie has flown in the sky, it is searching the home.

6.There is a small rabbit on hill, it browses, amuse oneself sleeps again.

7.Look! A beautiful wild flower be in wayside and open.

8.There is a small squirrel below large tree, it is storing food, prepare hibernate.

9.Look! There are a lot of gnats in small meadow, they are in amuse oneself.

10.After heavy rain passes, rainbow appeared, it is in the sky flap.

These are short a vivid, figure, interesting, can let cheeper people the happiness that understands nature better and mystical place, also can stimulate the curiosity of cheeper and exploration appetite at the same time, the body and mind of stimulative cheeper develops.

4, commment of cheeper growing manual?

1.Darling is very healthy, growth is good, dress him habit starts work.

2.Child disposition is optimistic, active and active, like to play with the child, expression is very good.

3.The child has start work very well ability, like to paint a picture, start work tear open outfit, to the toy very have fun at.

4.The child is very clever, memory is good, study know how to read and count are very fast, it is an outstanding student.

5.The child has patience very much, can quietly play a long time, also can listen to the teacher's guidance and proposal well.

6.The child has very good originality thinking capacity, like to conceive all sorts of enjoy law and game regulation newly, have interest sex very much.

7.The child is very brave, dare to try all sorts of new things and him challenge, it is a child that has adventurous mind.

8.The child's be observant and alert, ear listens all directions, very sensitive to the environment all round and thing, can get used to all sorts of circumstances and human relation quickly.

9.The child is a cacique that remains to be fostered further and group co-worker, like oneself to think independently, OK also with young associate a cooperation finishs the job.

10.The child is very lovely, everybody likes very much and his amuse oneself, it is the starlet in garden.

5, the article table that growing manual is close to nature?

The answer is as follows: Dear children,

Nature is the basis that we live, also be our best teacher. In nature, we can acquire a lot of interesting knowledge, also can experience boundless happiness at the same time.

Let us walk into nature together, experience vernal warmth, the enthusiasm of summer, autumnal bumper harvest, in the winter quiet. Make us static leave a heart, listen to the singing of bird, hear the aroma that hears flower, experience the breath of nature.

In nature, we can learn to respect life, treasure an environment. We can learn solidarity to cooperate, mutual help. We can learn brave exploration, challenge ego ceaselessly.

Let us be close to nature together, experience the happiness of life, grow for more outstanding person. Let us be experienced attentively, go caressing with the action, make nature and us collective grow.

6, surprise interesting nature article table?

Surprise interesting nature is extremely wonderful. Cool breeze stroke passes, sanded face makes the ripple that wind crosses, like beefsteak kind.

Hill is green, water is green, it is white dene. Flood land scattering greatly small stone, configuration each different, like seaside kind.

Riparian, megalith, sanded, form a marvelous sight, I secretly exclaim.

7, does New Year of cheeper growing manual send word?

Dear parents: Happy New Year! The New Year of hope and good luck is full of in this, let us serve to grow to our child together send word. Above all, let us give children love and support. No matter be close affection or friendship, love is the motivation that the child grows. Let us look at them with affectionate look, listen attentively to their aspirations with patient speech, provide safe environment and stable daily life for them. Let them experience the warmth of excellent front courtyard and consideration. Next, let us encourage the child to pursue a dream. As parents, the independence that we want to foster them ponders over the spirit of venture of ability He Yong. Help them find the thing that them like, discover oneself endowment and potential. No matter what is their dream, we should support their pursuit, encourage them precipitant, achievement dream. In the meantime, let us pay attention to the health of body and mind of children. Provide the food of the balance and enough campaign to children, foster their good habits and customs. Pay close attention to their mood and mental health, guide them institutional government mood, solve a problem, establish good human relationship with other. Body and mind is only healthy, ability grows truly happily. Finally, let we and children explore the world together. The curiosity that fosters them and seek knowledge desire, offer varied study opportunity to them. Encourage them to explore different domain and interest, let they learn in practice and gain success. Help them make clear target and direction, guide the voyage in their ocean in knowledge. Dear parents, the person that we believe what you can become the child to grow certainly is how-to and supporter. Let us try hard together, offer children best growing environment, let them be in the new thrive in a year, glow shines! Wish you and your family has a joy, health and the New Year that are full of love! Thank.

8, does parent of cheeper growing manual send word?

Rise the top class in a kindergarten now, you also become the elder brother of middle shift, but should behave Yao well more. The support in the teacher is encouraged and the help falls, we believe you also can become more sensible than before, more polite, meet everyday happy, also can become cleverer and cleverer brave, lively health and self-confident adamancy.

1. baby, you went to school now, teacher and classmate will accompany you to spend good nursery school life. Love a teacher, love a classmate, each outstanding child must accomplish defend discipline. Tell you a secret to the teacher likes to love to have a meal, honest, brave man.

The footstep of 2. new term is close, father mother looks at you one every day grown, very gratified. Hope you are in new term: Health grows happily, learn knowledge well in nursery school, do a sensible and obedient child. You go up quickly elementary school, hope you learn with greater efforts in this semester, more and more congenial. Love your father mother

3. hopes the child can be in health is happy medium study, hope child learns the word that hears teacher parent well, hope teacher is severe impose surelysubject sb to discipline 4, hope this child is in school all regulations systems that can abide the school, can honour division loves friend, modest beg into, can with exceedingly good achievement redound teacher, redound parents. 5, many bits of morality teachs hope teacher, much dot learns difficulty, do not let the child thought to get on an university to be equal to entered heaven. 6, present child has to be proud strong, hope teacher is severe impose surelysubject sb to discipline, abide abide is revulsive, when making the child moves toward a society, it is a successful talent. Hope my daughter learns modestly, the place that has strong point is strengthened learn, ceaseless and aspirant, insufficient place should strengthen study, strive to have exalted moral sentiment, good artistic appreciation.

9, is growing manual of cheeper the top class in a kindergarten made?

1, above all, want to plan a beautiful edition, had better be can write already, the darling that can fit a picture again is special album.

2, the first page in growing album, can affix the group photo of father mother and darling, write down the birth date of darling, height, weight and blood type, make a basic record to darling.

3, still can mix the little hand of darling small footmark above, this is very precious memory, if be in a hospital to did not imprint, oneself can imprint to darling in the home.

10, the fun of cheeper growing manual?

Hello, 1. What dot doesn't know is private space, so they perhaps may speak a few awkwardness in public optional fart.

2.The dot of cheeper period is very dewy-eyed blackart and myth, they may think they have exceed ability to perhaps have magical blackart.

3.The dot of cheeper period likes to imitate the behavior of adult very much, wear the dress for instance, make up, cook etc.

4.Dot can experience a lot of strange level in growing process, like to eat a few strange things, love to play a few barpque game to wait a moment for instance.

5.The dot of cheeper period likes animal and toy very much, they may treat their toy as true animal will treat.

6.The imagination of dot is very rich, they often can think up a few strange tales to perhaps create an a few strange parts.

7.The dot of cheeper period likes dabble very much, they may be in bath crock dabble, in the swimming-pool dabble, in rain dabble is waited a moment.

8.Dot can experience a lot of strange psychology level in growing process, be opposite for instance maternal dependence, right of father adore, wait a moment to the passion of the story.
