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中国,泱泱大国,一个有着五千年历史的文明古国,作为一个炎黄子孙,了解中国历史文化是理所当然的。在理解中国历史的过程中,《中华上下五千年》成为了我的良师益友。 《中华上下五千年》讲的是五千年来中国――这个大国的改革和变迁,生动有趣地介绍了中国历史上重大的历史事件、重要的历史人物或历史现象。 中华民族的历史源远流长,博大精深,从盘古开天到三皇五帝,再到中华民国,世事沧桑,历尽了数不胜数的悲凉与欢喜。 中华民族已经有了五千多年的文明历史了,我们祖先所缔造的国家,是世界文明古国之一。中华民族是勤劳、勇敢、热爱自由、热爱和平的民族。 我们的祖先,经过原始社会后,首先在人烟稠密、物产丰富的黄河一带的中原大地,建立了以华夏族为中心的多民族国家。 从此,各族人民共同建造了中华文明的历史和灿烂的文化。其中,我最佩服的要数古代劳动人民的智慧,最典型的两个代表就是举世闻名的长城和秦兵马俑了。 《中华上下五千年》汇集了人间的喜怒哀乐,酸甜苦辣,当读到越王勾践为过牺牲时我为他的满腔热血所振奋:当读到大禹治水时,我被大禹顽强的毅力和不怕困难的精神深深地打动了;当读到夏朝国君暴虐荒淫时,我的心中不禁生起团团怒火,为当时的平民百姓抱不平;当我读到清王朝腐败而签订一条条丧权辱国的不平等条约时,不时觉得心寒。 上下五千年,好汉千千万。我们的祖先创造了灿烂的民族文化,我们的民族孕育了许多杰出的人物:如思想家孔子、民族英雄林则徐、文学家陶渊明、科学家张衡等,他们以优异的成绩为中华民族添光增彩。 曾几何时,巴比伦、古罗马等国家和中国一样,有着灿烂的历史文化,但在科学技术高速发展的今天却失去了昔日的光泽,惟独中国――这条东方巨龙还闪耀着光辉,中华浩浩五千年创造了无数令人叹为观止的奇迹:世界上最大的皇宫是中国北京的故宫,世界上最高的宫殿是布达拉宫,世界上最早最全的医药书是李时珍的《本草纲目》,最早的兵书是春秋孙武的《孙子兵法》,最早的传记文学是西汉的《史记》……这些都凝聚着中华民族古代劳动人民智慧的结晶。历史是一座取之不竭的知识宝库,蕴藏着人类文明的光辉成果与高深的智慧。 “读史使人明智”――这是英国哲学家培根在300多年前说过的一句话。的确,读史能让我头脑变得睿智,让心胸变得开阔,让目光变得敏锐,让志向变得高远,真正成为天地间一个大写的“人”。 中华民族的历史上不知有过多少奇迹,我真为我是一个中国人而感到骄傲,为我们的祖国而感到骄傲!书中一个个生动的历史故事,一位位鲜活的历史人物,激励着我在今后的学习中一定要加倍地勤奋。 我们在学习现代科技时,也要扎扎实实地学好我国的历史文化,我们要认识中华文化的博大精深,吸收民族文化智慧,尊重多样化,汲取人类优秀文化的营养。我们要继承和发扬中华民族的优秀文化传统,把上下五千年的灿烂文明代代相传,这就是我们义不容辞的责任。 如果我的答案对您有帮助,请点击下面的“采纳答案”按钮,送咱一朵小红花鼓励下吧!祝您生活愉快!谢谢!


China, great country, one is having historical civilization is ancient 5000 country, as a Chinese people, understanding Chinese history culture is of course. In the process that understands Chinese history, " China fluctuates 5000 " the good teacher and helpful friend that became me. " China fluctuates 5000 " those who tell is to came to China 5000 -- the reform of this big country and changes, vivid enjoyably introduced the major historical event on Chinese history, main history character or historical phenomenon. The history of the Chinese nation is of long standing and well established, broad and profound, open a day to arrive from Pan Gu 3 emperor 5 emperor, arrive again China the Republic of China, life vicissitudes of life, the Bei that had gone through without number is cool with jubilate. The Chinese nation had had civilized history of more than 5000 years, the country that our ancestor place creats, it is one of world culture ancient countries. The Chinese nation is laborious, brave, have deep love for the free, nation that has deep love for peace. Our ancestor, after passing primitive society, above all the Central Plains earth that the Yellow River that in signs of human habitation dense, products abounds takes, built with the multinational country that a group of things with common features of an ancient name for China is a center. From now on, every nationality people created the history of China civilization and bright culture jointly. Among them, I most the wisdom of working people of admired ancient time wanting number, two the most typical delegates are world-famous Great Wall and tomb figure of military forces of the Qin Dynasty. " China fluctuates 5000 " assemble terrestrial feeling, joys and sorrows of life, should read the hearten of place of warm blood of have one's bosom filled with that when jumping over king Gou Jian to had been sacrifice, I am him: When reading big Yu Zhishui, I was moved deeply by the perseverance of big Yu Wanjiang and the spirit that are not afraid of difficulty; Should read Mr Xia Chaoguo when violence is debauched, can't help be born in my heart all round fury, for the civilian common people at that time aggrieved; Read when me when signing an unequal treaty of a humiliate the nation and forfeit its sovereignty to clear dynasty corruption, often feel be bitterly disappointed. Up and down 5000, brave man one billion four hundred and ten million and sixty-five thousand four hundred and eight. Our ancestor created bright ethical culture, our ethical be pregnant with a lot of prominent figures: Be like hero of ideologist Confucius, folk forest criterion deep of Xu, writer contented bright, scientist piece judge etc, they add Guang Zengcai for the Chinese nation with outstanding achievement. Before long, country and the China such as Babylonian, ancient Rome are same, having bright historical culture, but lost however today in what high speed of science and technology develops in former days burnish, alone China -- this Oriental megalosaurus is glaring still brightness, china grand grand created the miracle of countless acclaim as the peak of perfection making a person 5000: The biggest palace on the world is the Imperial Palace of Chinese Beijing, the highest palace on the world is the Potala Palace, on the world the earliest the wholest medicine book is Li Shizhen " detailed outline of a book on Chinese medicine " , the earliest a book of tactics is age grandson fierce " grandchildren strategics " , the earliest biography literature is the Western Han Dynasty " history write down " ... these crystallization that are condensing wisdom of working people of ancient time of the Chinese nation. The history is one is taken not the thesaurus of exhaust, contain is worn the brilliant achievement of human civilization and profound wisdom. "Read history make a person wise " -- this is British philosopher earth up a root to be in a 300 words that had said before New Year more. Really, read Shi Nengrang my brains becomes sagacious, let breadth of mind become open, let a look become acumen, let ambition become Gao Yuan, become a capitalization between heaven and earth truly " person " . Do not know to had had how many miracle on the history of the Chinese nation, I am me really is a Chinese and feel proud, feel for our motherland proud! Each dramatic in the book history narrative, a fresh historical character, in incentive my study henceforth must act vigorously of double ground service. When we are studying modern science and technology, also want to learn the historical culture of our country solidly, what we want to understand China culture is broad and profound, absorb ethical culture wisdom, esteem diversification, derive mankind is outstanding the nutrition of culture. The outstanding culture that we should accede and develops the Chinese nation is traditional, fluctuation the acting according to legend of bright and civilized generation 5000, this is our obligatory responsibility. If my answer is right you are helpful, click please below " accept the answer " pushbutton, send encourage of we one small red flower-drum to fall! Wish you the life is happy! Thank!

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