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地球仪知识讲解儿童? 心理健康教育知识?英文双语对照


地球仪知识讲解儿童? 心理健康教育知识?英文双语对照

















包括以下几个方面:1. 常见的心理问题和障碍,如焦虑、抑郁、情绪管理、人际关系等。2. 心理健康的保护措施和方法,如心理疏导、心理咨询、心理格局塑造、情绪调节等。3. 知识和技能的培养,如沟通技巧、自我认知、情绪管理、应对挫折等。4. 学生心理健康与学习成绩、职业发展、人生规划等方面的关联及其影响。5. 学生心理健康问题的防范和预防策略,如校园心理健康教育、家庭教育、社交技能训练等。以上是的主要方面,学生可以通过各种途径获取相关信息和帮助,如阅读相关书籍、参加心理健康培训和课程、寻求专业人士的帮助和支持等。







1. 起源:兰科植物中最古老的一支,大约起源于4000年前的中国。

2. 种类:兰花种类众多,包括冬兰、春兰、夏兰、秋兰等,在野生兰花中,世界上最小的兰科植物是中华迎春兰,最大的花序则是云南金线姜(蜘蛛兰)。

3. 栽培:兰花的栽培较为复杂,需要定期浇水、补充养料、给其提供适宜的阳光和空气湿度等。与其他花卉不同的是,兰花在栽培中不需要太多的肥料,过量的施肥容易导致兰花的生长异常和凋谢。

4. 花语:兰花的花语为高贵、高尚、优雅、尊荣,是送给祖母、母亲或其他重要女性节日或场合的理想花卉。

5. 意义:中国文化中,兰花代表着高尚的品德、高雅的情操和高贵的身份,因而被公认为“风度翩翩”的植物代表。在中国古代文化中,还有很多与兰花有关的传说和故事,进一步加深了兰花在中国文化中的地位和意义。














1. 酱油的种类


2. 酱油的制作


3. 酱油的营养价值


4. 酱油的储存







1. 星系:星系是由星体、气体、尘埃和暗物质等组成的庞大天体系统。目前已知的星系数量约为2万亿个,其中最著名的是银河系,它是地球所在的星系。

2. 恒星:恒星是由气体聚集而成的发光天体,它们在宇宙中的分布是不均匀的。恒星的大小、亮度和寿命等特性取决于它们的质量。

3. 行星:行星是围绕恒星运行的天体,它们通常由岩石和气体组成。目前已知的行星数量约为4000多个,其中一部分可能存在适宜生命存在的条件。

4. 星云:星云是由气体和尘埃组成的云状物体,它们是新恒星形成的地方。星云可以发射出强烈的辐射,形成令人惊叹的星云图案。

5. 黑洞:黑洞是由质量极大的天体引力塌缩而成的天体,它们的引力非常强大,甚至连光线也无法逃脱。黑洞的存在可以通过它们对周围物质的影响来观察。





One, does tellurion knowledge explain children?

The child tells when telling tellurion to the child, the thing of accept of this earth appearance is very much, cover a whole world.

1, round-the-world voyage confirmed Mai Zhelun earthly appearance is a sphere.

2, watch area of the earth is kilometre of 510 million square, average radius is 6371 kilometre, the biggest circumference is 40 thousand kilometre.

3, people follows earthly appearance, narrow it by certain proportion, the model that made the world -- tellurion.

4, there are countless warps and woof on tellurion, give each classics woof for distinction, people gives them demarcate different number of degrees, be called longitude and latitude respectively.

5, longitudinal characteristic: Join north and south is polar, every longitudinal length is equal, can surround into semicircle, indicate direction of north and south.

6, the characteristic of weft: As perpendicular as meridian intersect, every woof length is unequal, can surround into the circle, indicate thing direction

2, does mental health teach knowledge?

The content that mental health teachs has 5:

The mental health that 1 individual character develops: Self-respect, self-improvement, self-love, self-improvement, free-standing.

2 adolescence should know the change of the body and the psychology that cause from this correctly to react.

The mental health of 3 study respect, develop the interest of study, increase study interest, the target that studies clearly;

The mental health of 4 lives respect, get used to school environment, the human relation that gets along with other;

The mental health that 5 future career develops is taught.

3, knowledge of student mental health?

Include the following fields: 1. Common psychological problem and obstacle, wait like angst, depressed, mood management, human relation. 2. The safeguard of mental health and method, if psychological dredge, psychology seeks advice, psychological pattern is modelled, mood adjustment. 3. The education of knowledge and skill, if communicate acknowledge of skill, ego, mood,manage, should wait to the setback. 4. The correlation of the respect such as program of development of student mental health and study result, profession, life and its influence. 5. Of problem of student mental health be on guard and prevent strategy, if education of campus mental health, family education, gregarious skill trains,wait. Above yes main field, the student can get pertinent information and help through all sorts of ways, if read relevant book, attend mental health to groom wait with the course, help that seeks professional personage and support.

4, does steam repair knowledge to explain?

Steam repairs the knowledge that must master to include: Basic professional knowledge, if technology of electrical engineering, electron, computer controls technology, mechanical foundation, car,construction and maintenance, vehicle failure is diagnosed with detect etc;

Have the primary capacity related stronger professional basic training and manufacturing technology, if vehicle maintenance and repair is general technology, specific type safeguards technology, information to get ability, organization harmonious ability, learn ability to wait continuously;

Good professional mood, if have deep love for profession, ceaseless enterprising, consciousness,abide by morality of rules and regulations in enterprise, profession and relevant law code, right client honesty, genuine, enthusiasm.

5, does orchid knowledge explain?

Orchid is to be known as " the empress in the flower " plant, it is a kind of painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style that having faint scent and high figure. Be knowledge of a few orchid below explain:

1.Genetic: The oldest in plant of the orchid family, about traceable the China before 4000.

2.Phyletic: Orchid sort is numerous, include wintry orchid, Chun Lan, Xia Lan, Qiu Lan to wait, in wild orchid, the plant of the smallest the orchid family on the world is China winter jasmine orchid, the biggest inflorescence is ginger of Yunnan gold line (spider orchid) .

3.Help advance somebody's career: Of orchid help advance somebody's career relatively complex, need waters regularly, compensatory nourishment, offer appropriate sunshine and air humidity to wait to its. What differ with other flowers and plants is, orchid does not need too much fertilizer in help advance somebody's career, the fertilizes to bring about orchid easily growth of excessive is unusual and die of old age.

4.Beautiful words: The beautiful words of orchid is high, exalted, elegant, honour flourish, it is the good painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style that gives grandmother, mother or red-letter day of other and serious woman or situation.

5.Meaning: In Chinese culture, orchid is representing exalted moral character, decorous sentiment and high capacity, consequently by accepted for " demeanour is elegant " plant delegate. In culture of Chinese ancient time, still have a lot of fokelore that concern with orchid and story, deepened orchid further the position in Chinese culture and meaning.

As a whole, orchid is one kind has culture value and the plant that view and admire value extremely, the technology that helping advance somebody's career to choose to wait for a respect to also have a lot of with breed and knowledge need to master.

6, does cosmic knowledge explain?

Cosmic knowledge

1, there are more than 100 billion universes in the universe. The universe that the largest universe has near 4000 100 million celestial or heavenly body, our place -- bank department can have 100 billion heavenly body certainly, if you want several tiny spot, only of the galaxy, one second counts, you also want a flower to go up to just was counted 3000.

2, " day " it is solar system inside most of chunk head, the 98%(130 of the total mass that it holds solar system about 10 thousand earths can fill in inside the sun, the exterior temperature of the sun has 6000 ℃ , and internal temperature is as high as 15, 000, 000 ℃ ) .

3, Jupiter is the biggest planet in solar system, also be rotation at the same time the fastest planet, there are only in on Jupiter one day.

4, the distance of the earth and moon increases one year 3, 8 centimeters. Be in formally as a result of rotation of this reason earth slow, every other rotation of 100 years of earths is slow 2 seconds. Change character, after 100 years compare today present want many 2 seconds today.

5, the foundation is the exactest count, current discover 14 black holes (the closest from us CygnusX-1, have 8000 light-year so far, black hole can be absorbed only cross it the object inside sphere of influence, so they won't swallow sneer a whole universe, black hole can be absorbed other Xiao.

6, actually, the astronaut on the aerospace of 217 kilometers, space shuttle, meeting sees freeway, large dams, airport, pyramid, large even car. In fact, Great Wall is lower than other building visibility, glance than those especially the effect is good, perhaps follow all round the building with old chromatism.

7, the Plough is asterism is not constellation. The Plough is a fraction of Ursa Major only actually.

8, inky universe, periphery falls without the circumstance of any objects, temperature is probably 2, 7 Er article (- 270 ℃ ) . The temperature of aerospace should be absolute zero (0 Er article) , but have little microlitre as a result of setting radiant cause, temperature.

7, does soy knowledge explain?

Soy is the dressing that one kind is fermented by the raw material such as soya bean, wheaten, salt and water and becomes, it is the commonly used dressing in Asian dish. It is a few common problems about soy and intellectual dot below:

1.The sort of soy

The sort of soy is very much, main component makes a living smoke, often smoke, little taste soy, balm. Among them, unripe smoke for light, use at the fried dish, dip in raw slices of fish meat; Often smoke for brunet, use at soup of barbecue, Bao to wait; Little taste soy is shown rufous, mouthfeel is relaxed, apply to fry green vegetables to wait; Sesame oil is made by sesame seed, use at adding aroma for dish.

2.Of soy make

Of soy make normally cent is two measure: Brew and boil make. Above all, mix soya bean and wheat, add salt and water, ferment a few months comes several years, form fabaceous sauce. Next, in joining fabaceous sauce caldron, heat boil the hour that make number to come several days, form soy.

3.The nutrient value of soy

Soy contains a lot ofamino acid, saccharide, vitamin and cent of mineral nurturance waiting for battalion, but it also contains certain natrium and candy component, so excessive edible can produce negative effect to health. The proposal is right amount when edible soy, of tie-in and other fitness feed capable person.

4.Of soy store

Soy should be sealed save, prevent sun point-blank with high temperature. Once unseal, should as soon as possible edible, lest soy is degenerative.

As a whole, soy is the commonly used dressing in Asian dish, phyletic and various, the method that make also differs somewhat. Soy of right amount edible conduces to offer for dish delicate with nutrition, but excessive edible may produce negative effect to health, the proposal is so right amount edible.

8, does china knowledge explain?

China is one of handicraft of Chinese tradition, have long history and unique culture value. The fire of high temperature of the need that make of china, have taller tenacity and wearability. Among them, with Jingdezhen china most famous, its craft is masterly, the type is various, be known as " porcelain " . China also is important culture export of China, get world each district of people love.

9, does astronomy knowledge explain?

Hello, the course that astronomy is rule of character of motion of the spherical in studying the universe, structure, physics and evolution. Be knowledge of a few astronomy below explain:

1.Galaxy: Galaxy is the system of enormous celestial body that waits for composition by celestial or heavenly body, gas, dust and dark material. At present known galaxy quantity is 2 trillion about, among them the famousest is a galaxy, it is the galaxy that the earth is in.

2.Sidereal: Star is the glow celestial body that gather by gas and becomes, it is inhomogenous that they distributing mediumly in the universe. The character such as sidereal size, brightness and life depends on their quality.

3.Planet: The planet is the celestial bodies that moves around star, they are comprised by rock and gas normally. At present known planetary quantity is about 4000 many, put possibly in the condition that appropriate life exists partly among them.

4.Nebular: Nebula is the cloud shape object that comprises by gas and dust, they are the place that Xin Hengxing forms. Nebula can emit an intense radiation, form design of nebula of exclamatory making a person.

5.Black hole: The black hole is the celestial bodies that collapses to shrink and be become by gravitation of quality huge celestial bodies, their gravitational force is very powerful, connect the light to also cannot escape even. The existence of the black hole can is opposite through them all round corporeal influence will observe.

Above is partial astronomy knowledge is simple explain, astronomy is an extensive and abstruse course, need learns deep and research just can understand cosmic mystery better.

10, does water scene knowledge explain?

Pedagogic guiding student observes scene of a water is drawn, appreciation all around scenery, note the flow direction of water, water Qing Dynasty is transparent, scenery inverted image enters water all round, good beautiful scenery of a beautiful landscape.
