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  • 权威性:作为玉林市教育局主办的官方网站,玉林市教育信息网发布的信息具有权威性和可信度。
  • 全面性:玉林市教育信息网涵盖了玉林市各级各类学校的教育信息,包括幼儿园、小学、初中、高中等教育阶段。
  • 及时性:玉林市教育信息网更新及发布教育信息的速度较快,用户可以第一时间获取最新的教育动态和政策。
  • 用户友好性:玉林市教育信息网界面简洁清晰,操作简单方便,用户可以轻松找到所需信息。



  • 学校招生信息:玉林市各级各类学校的招生信息,包括报名时间、招生计划、招生政策等。
  • 教师招聘信息:玉林市教育局及各学校发布的教师招聘信息,帮助教师找到合适的工作机会。
  • 教育政策法规:玉林市教育局发布的教育政策法规文件,包括教育改革文件、教育发展规划等。
  • 教育动态资讯:玉林市教育发展的最新动态、教育活动安排、师生荣誉等。
  • 在线报名系统:玉林市教育信息网提供在线报名系统,方便家长报名学校入学。



  • 师生和家长:师生和家长可以通过玉林市教育信息网获取最新的教育招生信息、教育政策以及相关教育动态。
  • 教育工作者:教育工作者可以通过玉林市教育信息网查找教师招聘信息、教育改革文件等。
  • 社会各界:社会各界人士可以通过玉林市教育信息网了解玉林市教育发展的最新情况。



Jade forest city teachs website introduction

Website of education of jade forest city is the official website that bureau of education of jade forest city sponsors, devote oneself to to be broad teachers and students, parent and social all circles to offer comprehensive, seasonable, accurate education information to serve. Pass this website, the content such as information of information of recruit students of the newest trends that the user can understand jade forest city to teach evolution, school, pedagogic invite applications for a job and educational policy.

Website characteristic

Jade forest city teachs a website to have the following characteristic:

  • Authority: Regard Yu Lin as the official website that city education bureau sponsors, jade forest city teachs the information that the website releases to have authority and reliability.
  • Comprehensive sex: Website of education of jade forest city covered jade forest city the educational information of various and of all kinds school, include level of nursery school, elementary school, junior high school, high secondary education.
  • Seasonable sex: Website of education of jade forest city reachs the rate that releases educational information newlier faster, the user is OK get newest educational trends and policy for a short while.
  • The user is friendly quality: Interface of website of education of jade forest city is concise and clear, the operation goes to the lavatory simply, the user can find place easily to want information.

Website content

The content that website of education of jade forest city provides includes but not be confined to is the following respect:

  • Information of school recruit students: Jade forest city is various and of all kinds the recruit students information of the school, include policy of plan of time signing up, recruit students, recruit students to wait.
  • Information of pedagogic invite applications for a job: The information of pedagogic invite applications for a job that bureau of education of jade forest city and each school release, help teacher finds equal working opportunity.
  • Teach policy code: The educational policy code that bureau of education of jade forest city issues file, include education to reform file, education to develop a program to wait.
  • Teach dynamic information: Honor of arrangement of activity of the newest trends that education of jade forest city develops, education, teachers and students.
  • Online system signing up: Jade forest city teachs a website to provide online system signing up, enter a school of convenient parent school signing up.

Service object

Yu Lin city teachs the service object of the website to basically include:

  • Teachers and students and parent: Teachers and students and parent can teach a website to get policy of information of newest educational recruit students, education and relevant education trends through Yu Lin city.
  • Teaching staff: The teaching staff can teach a website to search information of pedagogic invite applications for a job, education to reform a file to wait through Yu Lin city.
  • Social all circles: Personage of social all circles can teach a website to understand jade forest city to teach the newest circumstance of development through Yu Lin city.

Jade forest city teachs a website to be a tenet in order to provide comprehensive, seasonable, accurate education information, provide convenient and efficient education service for broad user. Personage of greeting all circles visits jade forest city to teach a website, appreciate your support and attention!
