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皖西学院(West Anhui University)是2000年3月经教育部批准设立的省属综合性本科院校,由原皖西联合大学、六安师范专科学校和六安师范学校三校合并组建。办学历史可以追溯到原全国人大常委会副委员长朱蕴山先生1918年创办的安徽省立第三甲种农业学校












贵州师范大学创建于 1941 年,原名为“国立贵阳师范学院”,建国后改名为“贵阳师范学院”, 1985 年更名为“贵州师范大学”, 1996 年经省委、省政府明确为贵州省省属重点大学, 2004 年“贵州理工职业技术学院”并入。


  学校地处有“中国避署之都”之称的贵州省贵阳市,现有宝山校区和白云校区,分别座落在云岩区和白云区,占地面积近千亩,校舍总面积 47.17 万平方米,教学行政用房面积 25.15 万平方米,各类运动场馆面积达 7. 9 万平方米 , 校园环境优美。

  学校目前设置有文学院、法学院、历史与政治学院、经济与管理学院、外国语学院、教育科学学院、数学与计算机科学学院、理学院、生物技术与工程学院、地理与生物科学学院、音乐学院、美术学院、体育学院、机械与电气工程学院、材料与建筑工程学院、国际旅游文化学院、职业技术学院等 17 个全日制学院、 1 所继续教育学院、 1 所独立学院(求是学院)和 2 个教学部, 50 个本科专业, 22 个高职(专科)专业, 53 个成人教育专业。


















One, does culture of history of courtyard of Anhui Western learning introduce?

Courtyard of Anhui Western learning (West Anhui University) was March 2000 the province that establishs via approval of Ministry of Education belongs to school of omnibus undergraduate course, combine an university by Yuan Wanxi, 6 how normal school schools and 6 install training school 3 school are amalgamative establish. Managerial history is OK the Anhui province that gentleman of hill of Zhu Yun of vice-chairman of standing committee of National People's Congress of restrospect to raw throughout the country established 1918 establishs the 3rd armour to plant agricultural school

2, culture of history of institute of happy hill normal school?

1978, establish Le Shan teachs a college.

1980, two school schism, class of tall division of institute of attend in a advanced studies of teacher of instead happy hill and happy hill

1982, classics country teachs appoint approval, promote of class of happy hill tall division is schools of happy hill normal school, institute of pedagogic attend in a advanced studies more the name teachs a college for Le Shan

1993, schools of happy hill normal school more the name is Le Shan normal school advanced schools.

On March 21, 2000, via approval of national Ministry of Education, advanced schools and happy hill teach happy hill normal school the institute is amalgamative establish for institute of Le Shan normal school.

3, Chongqing the historical culture of 3 gorge institute?

3 gorge institute builds Chongqing at 1956 predecessor Sichuan 10 thousand counties groom 10 thousand cities are after junior high school training school

4, culture of history of institute of profession of Chengdu agriculture science and technology?

Institute of profession of Chengdu agriculture science and technology results from the Sichuan that held water 1958 visits school of lukewarm river agriculture, 2 OO2 year it is advanced profession school via approving promote, in the specialized subject 2 batch recruit students. The institute is sponsorred by government of the Chengdu City, it is the agronomy with Sichuan exclusive province kind high post school. 2 O just a little year office of education of classics Sichuan province and project approving of approval of hall of Sichuan province finance are the 2nd batch provincial demonstrative sex is advanced professional technology institute.

5, the historical culture of institute of Guiyang city normal school?

Guizhou Normal University is founded 1941, original name is " institute of national Guiyang normal school " , after founding a state incognito for " institute of Guiyang normal school " , 1985 more the name is " Guizhou Normal University " , government of classics provincial Party committee, province was Guizhou Province province clearly to belong to key university 1996, 2004 " institute of technology of profession of Guizhou grain industry " merge into.

Come more than 60 years, the school is with fostering society of science and technology of talent, innovation, service from beginning to end oneself, struggle difficultly, education of with great concentration, casting " patriotic, consecratory, respect course of study, self-improvement " university spirit, decided " Shen Saidu is travel, erudite send new " school example, compose built the discipline system that is characteristic with pedagogic education, developed several outstanding person with abilities of each battlefront, become each career bitter fleabane suddenly development, comprehensive strength promotes steadily, the much division sex that is characteristic with pedagogic education Normal University.

The school is located in have " China avoids of arrange " the city of Guizhou Province Guiyang that say, have treasure mountain campus and white cloud campus, repose in cloud cliff area and white cloud area respectively, cover an area of a face to accumulate nearly 1000 mus, school building gross area four hundred and seventy-one thousand seven hundred square metre, education administration uses room area two hundred and fifty-one thousand five hundred square metre, area of place of of all kinds motion is amounted to 7. 90 thousand square metre, campus environment is beautiful.

At present the setting has the school institute of the history and literary courtyard, law courtyard, politics courtyard, economy and administrative institute, foreign language institute, education science, maths and computer science institute, manage institute, biology, 50 undergraduate course are professional, 22 high post (specialized subject) professional, 53 adults teach major.

6, is catchword of phalanx of historical culture institute urgent?

Give you 3 options

1: In hill fierce tiger, shui Zhongjiao dragon, 39 tall, lie Hu Canglong

2: 39 tall, true my elegant demeanour, go all out in work hard, creation is brilliant

3: Set sail, cleave through the waves, 39 tall, achieve again brilliant

7, and south courtyard of chemistry of university history article which campus?

And south courtyard of chemistry of university history article is stone card campus.

And south university officer cadre also calls stone card the campus, be located in highway of yellow Bu of area of Guangzhou city the Milky way 601.

The school has 5 campuses in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, school cadre is in Guangzhou card of a unit of dry measure for grain; Campus covers an area of gross area 2.143 million square metre, floor area 1.702 million square metre; Set 37 institutes and graduate school, undergraduate students courtyard, 26 accessary hospitals.

8, courtyard of chemistry of article of southwest university history how?

Date from of courtyard of chemistry of article of southwest university history at 20 centuries the history ground of institute of normal school of provincial pedagogic courtyard, national woman fastens the Sichuan of 40 time. Heretofore, already passed the harships course of 60 one's remaining years. The institute has a persons qualified to teach 59 people. Among them, teach 17 people, 29 people of associate professor, doctor's degree gainer 23 people, master's degree gainer 17 people. Open has history (normal school) , history, nation learns major of 3 undergraduate course, assume the job that develops minority person with ability, recruit aggrandizement of foundation of graduate student of Master of talent of backbone of high level of class of preparatory of minority undergraduate course, minority to groom class.

9, what class does courtyard of chemistry of article of Linyi university history have?

Courtyard of chemistry of article of Linyi university history has have history (normal school kind) , culture industry government, travel runs class of 3 undergraduate course.

Have place of accredit of a professional degree, history major obtained Shandong to save top-ranking major to build a point 2019

10, culture of history of university talking about a city and travel college code?

Language of foreign country of culture of history of university talking about a city and travel institute and 060106T of code of foreign history major, history major code 060101, travel manages professional code 110206
