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四川古城排名榜? 四川名山排名榜?英文双语对照


四川古城排名榜? 四川名山排名榜?英文双语对照


有2万多人,占全镇人数的9成; 故有“中国西部客家第一镇”之称。洛带被世人称之为“世界的洛带、永远的客家”,“天下客家”的定位也得以确立。



9、桃坪羌寨 50元:





1.贡嘎山    蜀山之王贡嘎山。主峰海拔7556米。四川最高的山









这个就太多太多了 之前有个老外说要一个月吃遍四川美食 结果在四川定居了 ...









我觉得宜宾的特产嘛 最好的就是五粮液了 其次 燃面 黄粑啥的(黄耙超市里有叶叶裹的,不错,但是味道没家里的好我觉得) 推荐竹荪 很多外地的人没吃过 而且天然食品 无污染 很有价值 味道也好 然后嘛 南溪豆腐干也不错 可以携带 总之给你推荐的就是五粮液 南溪豆腐干 黄粑 燃面



一、四川火锅 二、麻婆豆腐 三、夫妻肺片 四、肥肠粉 五、担担面 六、钵钵鸡 七、蹄花汤 八、三大炮 九、串串香 十、回锅肉















第三层次:棠湖中学,新都一中,温江中学,郫县一中,新津中学,龙泉中学,江油中学,什邡中学,绵竹中学,罗江中学,蜀光中学,富顺二中,自贡一中,荣县中学,大竹中学,渠县中学,达县中学,宣汉中学,宜宾一中,宜宾三中,南溪一中,内江六中,隆昌一中,威远中学,乐山一中,五通桥中学 ,峨眉二中,资阳中学,简阳中学,安岳中学,眉山中学,仁寿一中,广元中学,苍溪中学,攀钢一中,攀枝花三中,阆中中学,遂宁中学,射洪中学,广安中学,邻水中学,巴中中学,西昌一中,绵阳江油一中,绵阳实验高中(排名不分先后),德阳外国语








4、嘉子峰:6549米 ;










14 无名峰:5159米;






20.大姑娘山 :5025米


One, does Sichuan Gu Cheng rank a list of names posted up?

Have 20 thousand much person, hold whole town number 9 have into; reason " China western the Hakkas the first town " say. Belt of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces is by what common people says " the belt of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces of the world, forever the Hakkas " , "The world the Hakkas " fixed position also be able to establish.

8, smooth happy ancient town is free:

Smooth happy ancient town is located in southwest of the Chengdu City 18 kilometers locate southwest of city of Lai of 93 kilometers, Qiong, it is historical culture famous city of China. Smooth happy Gu Zhensu has " make the same score 2 solid 3 clip close " beautiful praise, originate the white foam Jiang Zixi of peak of night of jade of Yu Tiantai hill sheds classics ancient town north.

9, stockaded village of Qiang of peach level ground 50 yuan:

Stockaded village of Qiang of peach level ground is located in countryside of level ground of peach of riverside of head of manage county miscellaneous cereal, be the most complete still inhabited watchtower and civilian house be in harmony are saved to be built for an organic whole on the world group, enjoy " natural air conditioning " good name. District of town of manage of distance of Qiang stockaded village 40 kilometers, the city zone of plain of short of Wenshui River 16 kilometers, chengdu 139 kilometers, it is unit of protection of file of national level key, the fundamental condition area that travel of 9 yellow lines encircles.

10, Xilaigu presses down free:

Ancient town will be located in Sichuan to save churchyard of county of river of cattail of the Chengdu City on the west, holding period of a large number of bright Qing Dynasty thoroughly not only plain on the west civilian house, the tourist attraction that still has mark sex is tree of 12 chiliad Gu Rong

2, does Sichuan name hill rank a list of names posted up?

1. tribute hill  The Wang Gongga hill of Sichuan hill. Altitude of the highest peak in a mountain range 7556 meters. The hill with highest Sichuan

4 girls of 2. hill, among them altitude of peak of one younger sister 6250 meters.

Hill of eyebrow of 3. high mountain. The world of high mountain eyebrow is beautiful. Buddhist name hill.

Hill of 4. black town. Black town the world is secret. Taoism bethel.

5. Xiling snow mountain. The window contains snow of Xi Ling a thousand years, men Bodong Wu Moli boat.

6. places golden hill, revolutionary spirit.

7. Long Menshan

8. sparrow hill, altitude 6168

3, what does Sichuan characteristic cate have?

This too much and too much before a foreigner says to want a month to ate Sichuan cate to settle in Sichuan as a result. . .

4, does school of Sichuan specialized subject rank a list of names posted up?

1, institute of technology of Chengdu aviation profession -- the whole nation is ranked the 41st, belong to manage to be versed in kind of school;

2, institute of technology of Sichuan project profession -- the whole nation is ranked the 43rd, belong to manage to be versed in kind of school;

3, institute of technology of Sichuan building profession -- the whole nation is ranked the 62nd, belong to manage to be versed in kind of school;

4, institute of technology of Sichuan traffic profession -- the whole nation is ranked the 67th, belong to manage to be versed in kind of school;

5, Chengdu spin is advanced schools -- the whole nation is ranked the 147th, belong to manage to be versed in kind of school;

5, what does cate of characteristic of Sichuan appropriate guest have?

Are you to want to bring back the school or should take a dot to go person door ah?

I feel the special local product of appropriate guest best is 5 grain fluid light yellow cake what next (yellow make what there is Xie Xie to wrap in the supermarket smooth with a rake, pretty good, but flavour does not have the home in very I feel) recommend Zhu Sun the person of a lot of other places had not eaten and natural food free from contamination is very valuable flavour it may not be a bad idea next it is pretty good also and OK that Na Xi bean curd works those who carry anyhow to be recommended to you is 5 grain fluid south

6, Sichuan cate of 10 big characteristic?

Sichuan is called " the land of abundance " , not only a lot of people like to go Sichuan travels, also like the cate of Sichuan, the famousest in Sichuan cate is Sichuan chaffy dish, hot delicacy of hemp of Sichuan chaffy dish is sweet, after a lot of people had eaten hard dismiss from one's mind, actually Sichuan cate still has a lot of, do 10 big cate have Sichuan what?

One, Sichuan chaffy dish 2, hemp mother-in-law bean curd 3, lung of husband and wife piece 4, pink of pig's large intestines 5, Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce 6, chicken of earthen bowl earthen bowl 7, hoof spends soup 8, 3 cannon 9, string string sweet 10, cook again flesh

7, what characteristic cate does Sichuan continous this world have?

Characteristic cate has catalpa Tong crisp cake, catalpa Tong piece chief of soup of canister of bean jelly of flower of pink, bean, banquet, canister, boiler. Continous this world still has a company that becomes local characteristic produce technically to call precious to have a reason, pink of taro having evil spirit, organic rice still has run the Ba Kuo with hill pig true bacon.

8, is Sichuan wide yuan what does characteristic cate have?

Wide yuan delicious:

The characteristic of the Han nationality that empress evaporate cool surface is Sichuan is fastfood, have acerbity, sweet, hemp, hot, sweet 5 flavour. Plain flavour is dye-in-the-wood. Cool surface is so hot that cool surface the person blushs mouth pins and needles, but eat so that grow has taste. Now, empress evaporate cool surface still is in Wu Zetian's birthplace -- Sichuan is wide yuan by extensive edible, but outer, almost very insipid to authentic empress evaporate cool surface.

Sword door beans spends congee, nutrition of fabaceous beautiful congee is rich, flavour is delicious, this article by help a hair amusedly, everybody happy event eats. But the working procedure that make is various, do less also at ordinary times, have a settle or live in a strange place or spend the New Year to just be done. The working procedure that make is: Go up soya bean bubble (want 8 hours commonly) hind, with stone mill the boil inside boiler of the buy that grind an oar filters, with water of pickled Chinese cabbage dot Qing Dynasty makes soya-bean milk is decomposed lacteal piece, bail out water, press bean curd gently agglomerate, delimit forcibly diamonds, after waiting for parboil, rice of mix into underwater and bean put case of head of fine dried noodles again. When the meal is ripe, work rare trenchant. Up to now farmhouse still is with this meal entertain a guest cate.

An Yuanzheng cool surface is Sichuan wide tradition of yuan of area the Han nationality is fastfood one of, taste acid, sweet, hemp, hot, sweet hold <> concurrently, appetizing, tastily, flavour is thick long. Exceed wide yuan city does not have producing area again. Cool skin of its exterior exterior and Shaanxi is approximate, but its raw material is rice and not be flour. Mouthfeel of An Yuanliang face is satiny tastily, cool and refreshing and delightful.

Hemp mother-in-law bean curd calls Chen Ma mother-in-law bean curd again, it is one of dish of name of tradition of Sichuan area the Han nationality, one of 8 big vegetable departments of Chinese the name in plain dish is tasted. A when name by the country " China old name " old brand boutique.

Chief of crisp boiler of a condiment made of roast prickly ash and salt, cooked wheaten food, characteristic: Colour and lustre is golden, leather sweet crisp, delicious and goluptious. Cook a program: Bake in a pan, bake. With one party law, go salt and Chinese prickly ash need not, make stuffing additionally with brown sugar, become another kind of gust " chief of crisp candy boiler " .

Wide yuan of walnut crisp cake, call walnut cake again, cooked wheaten food, characteristic: Color is light yellow, loose and sweet, cake circle beautiful. Cook a law: Bake. This is tasted is Sichuan the province is wide yuan of tradition of city is fastfood one of.

9, does Sichuan churchyard high school rank a list of names posted up?

Say ground floor only second with the 2nd administrative levels, include aristocratic school

Ground floor second: ? Piao San wakes stand side by side in? of Ш all what the first, dong Chen international, chengdu 9 in, chengdu 4 in, nashanzhong learns, chengdu foreign language, plain division attached middle school (counteract besides continous 7 in beyond those a few ranks do not distribute other early or late)

: of the 2nd administrative levels? What envy learns in?2, continous learns in Yang Luxi, 3 Taichun learn continous this world, chengdu railroad middle school, high middle school is charged south, city of continous in relief science one in, lu state high school, lu city 2 in, wide yuan of middle school, continous in relief foreign language, learn in De Yang, chengdu double shed a middle school, ba Zhongzhong learns, big bay middle school (the rank is not divided early or late)

: of the third administrative levels? Dusk  wakes  of land of  of school of extensive of home of В  dew wakes Mou of land of  of school of extensive of plaque of В   wakes  of В   wakes Tuo of В   wakes  of В  coarse wakes Duo of В  Di wakes В   leavessing of pulse plants wakes В  burying hut wakes, high mountain eyebrow 2 in, learn in endowment this world, learn in Jian Yang, learn in An Yue, eyebrow hill middle school, in Ren Shouyi, wide yuan of middle school, middle school of dark green brook, pan Gang one in, kapok 3 in, the middle school in Lang, satisfy peaceful middle school, shoot big middle school, an Anzhong learns, adjacent water middle school, ba Zhongzhong learns, in Xi Changyi, continous in relief river is oily one in, high school of continous positive test (the rank is not divided early or late) , de Yang foreign language

The rest of is the 4th administrative levels (the 4th administrative levels differs with the third administrative levels exceptionally big, do not make introduced ~ too much)

10, does the mountain peak with highest Sichuan rank a list of names posted up?

Sichuan saves mountain peak height to rank as follows:

Highest it is tribute hill

1, tribute hill: 7556 meters;

2, Zhongshan peak: 6886 meters;

3, love De Jiafeng: 6618 meters;

4, Jia Zifeng: 6549 meters;

5, hot heart sells a peak: 6249 meters;

6, pen rack hill: 5880 meters;

7, anguine lake hill: 5878 meters;

8, white lake hill: 5924 meters;

9, cropland lake hill: 6070 meters;

10, hold in the arms greatly south hill: 4904 meters;

11. is folded mountainous: 4962 meters;

12. is elegant pull a summit (especially ancient channel) : 5244 meters;

Peak of 13. old a term applied to a kindhearted person: 5448 meters;

14 anonymous peaks: 5159 meters;

15. Bodhisattva hill: 4905 meters;

16. black lake: 5050 meters;

4 girls of 17. hill: 6250 meters;

3 girls of 18. hill: 5355 meters;

2 girls of 19. hill: 5276 meters;

Hill of 20. old girl: 5025 meters
