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(5)有利于文化的普及和繁荣。新文化运动提倡白话文,能够使语言和文字更紧密地统一起来,为广大民众所接受,从而有利于文化的普及与繁荣。 不过,新文化运动中的先进分子,大多有一些偏激情绪,对东西方文化的看法,存在着绝对肯定或绝对否定的偏向,这种看法一直影响到后来。其实无论是东方或西方,都应该互相地取长补短,这样才能共同进步。

















































粮票出现的原因是因为50年代全国刚解放, 生产能力低下,特别是粮食生产产量很低, 还不能满足全国人民的饮食需要 ,为了满足普通百姓吃饭的基本本需求 国家实行了粮食的配给 制度 ,为了方便配给种制度的执行就产生了粮票 。



One, the historical sense that new culture moves?

The meaning that new culture moves

The ① concussion to feudal thought: Shook the regnant position of feudal thought, the thought of people gets all-time liberate.

② : To the intellectual's influence: The intellectual gets in motion democracy and scientific severe test, the socialistic thought that later period transmits becomes an intellectual to deliver the country, thought weapon that transforms a society.

③ drives scientific progress: Democracy and scientific thinking get promoting, promoted the development of Chinese science.

④ drives to what the history progresses: To May 4th movement of 1919 explode action of the member that initiated conduct propaganda to move.

2, is the historical sense expression that new culture moves in?

(1) shook the regnant position of feudal thought. Before new culture moves, bourgeois reform (improved) clique and revolutionary clique, when publicizing respective political viewpoint, do not have thoroughly critically and feudal thought. Move through new culture, feudal thought suffers unprecedented concussion critically, the thought of people gets be emancipatoried all-timely.

(2) democracy and scientific thinking get promoting. Chinese intellectual is in new culture campaign, get the ablution of western democracy and scientific thinking. This transmits open up with respect to what be new ideological trend road, also promoted the development of Chinese science career.

(3) be May 4th movement of 1919 erupted thought preparation. New culture campaign inspired the people democratically awareness, to action of the member that 54 patriotic motion had announce drive.

(4) the socialistic thought that later period transmits, inspired China's advanced intellectual, make they choose to mix accepted a Marxism, save a country as save, transform society and the thought weapon that push revolution. This is the gain with new culture the most significant movement.

(5) be helpful for culture gain ground and flourish. New culture campaign advocates colloquial article, can make language and character more close together land interconnected system comes along, accept for numerous people place, be helpful for culture thereby gain ground with prosperity. Nevertheless, the advanced element in new culture campaign, have a few extreme sentiments mostly, to the view of thing square culture, the deflection that existing to affirm absolutely or denies absolutely, this kind of view is affected all the time later. Actually no matter be east or west, should learn from others's strong points to offset his weakness each other, such ability progress jointly.

3, what is the historical sense that new culture moves?

[1] main content:

Regard the thought of a dynamic as revolution, the main content that new culture moves namely around move " 4 advocate, 4 object " and the specific practice activity that have. Early days pledges the new culture that is bourgeois fights the fight of feudal old culture actually. Later period publicizes a Marxism to give priority to a problem to the utmost by advanced intellectual. Have specific considerable: With respect to new culture respect, hu Kuo is in " literature is improved my humble opinion " in also put forward famous 8 not creed:

Say: Need character have thing;

2 say: Do not imitate the ancients;

3 say: Beard be particular about is grammatical;

4 say: Do not do the groan that does not have disease;

5 say: Wu goes rotting tone polite formula;

6 say: Need not be in charge of;

7 say: Do not say etc. usu. with the matching words in the same part of speech;

8 say: Do not avoid common word common saying.

He thinks, the language of new literature is colloquialism, style is free, such OK infuse new content, new idea.

[2] historical sense:

New culture campaign is reached all the time in the influence of the mainland controlled 1949, its are main achievement has 3: On culture atmosphere, broke the regnant position of feudal old culture, the Euramerican new culture that passes in order to reform replaced old culture, edified further civilian wisdom, communicated thing square culture to communicate, make China more thorough to western understanding an administrative levels; On the thought, blew feudal and absolute mind further, transmitted western democracy, free spirit, also modelled Chinese contemporary bookman latitudinarian thought, make latitudinarian label 3 big ideological trend of contemporary China with the Three People's Principles, communism, its are dominant more in advanced intellectual; Be in political, fostered large quantities of one cares for the Chinese nation pragmatic, graph puts the contemporary talented person that pursues strong, also formed what give priority to body with latitudinarian intellectual at the same time " the 3rd road " political force, to be in power of clamp down on person absolute impulse, drove Chinese politics democracy to make significant contribution.

4, the historical sense that 54 new before culture move?

New culture campaign is reached all the time in the influence of the mainland controlled 1949, its are main achievement has 3: On culture atmosphere, broke the regnant position of feudal old culture, the Euramerican new culture that passes in order to reform replaced old culture, edified further civilian wisdom, communicated thing square culture to communicate, make China more thorough to western understanding an administrative levels; On the thought, blew feudal and absolute mind further, transmitted western democracy, free spirit, also modelled Chinese contemporary bookman latitudinarian thought, make latitudinarian label 3 big ideological trend of contemporary China with the Three People's Principles, communism, its are dominant more in advanced intellectual; Be in political, fostered large quantities of one cares for the Chinese nation pragmatic, graph puts the contemporary talented person that pursues strong, also formed what give priority to body with latitudinarian intellectual at the same time " the 3rd road " political force, to be in power of clamp down on person absolute impulse, drove Chinese politics democracy to make significant contribution.

New culture campaign is Chinese mordern history last time all-time ideological emancipation moves. It holds high democracy and scientific banner, undertook violent clean-out to feudal and absolute system and feudal thought culture, promoted Chinese people especially the arousal of school leavers, the transmission that is in China for the Marxism created a condition, the birth that also is a Chinese Communist made thought preparation.

5, what history sense does new culture campaign have?

The meaning that new culture moves

The ① concussion to feudal thought: Shook the regnant position of feudal thought, the thought of people gets all-time liberate.

② : To the intellectual's influence: The intellectual gets in motion democracy and scientific severe test, the socialistic thought that later period transmits becomes an intellectual to deliver the country, thought weapon that transforms a society.

③ drives scientific progress: Democracy and scientific thinking get promoting, promoted the development of Chinese science.

④ drives to what the history progresses: To May 4th movement of 1919 explode action of the member that initiated conduct propaganda to move.

6, revolution of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches and the historical sense that new culture moves?

① Westernization Movement is China appeared the first batch of latter-day enterprises, accumulated experience, developed a person with ability, stimulative action reached since the generation of this creed that is Chinese nation and development, for mordern history open up road

② the Reform Movement of 1898 is in Chinese history last time the improved motion of bourgeois, at that time it is to accord with what Chinese history develops a tendency to have very great progress sense; It still is the politics of patriotic save the nation from extinction, patriotic thought of people and ethical consciousness were aroused at that time, had main effect

Revolution of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches is not complete democratic revolution, it was not overthrown completely feudal, be People's Republic of China established ability to be overthrown completely feudal, also did not build the state that republican makes, but the ideal development popular feeling that it makes democracy republic, again also cannot restoration of the old order is feudal.

Campaign of ③ new culture shook badly to dominate feudality thought, people's thought gets be emancipatoried all-timely, advanced intellectual member gets democracy and scientific severe test, promoted the development of Chinese science, the Marxism that later period transmits becomes advanced intellectual member to transform a country, deliver social sharp weapon.

7, in September 1915, is the historical sense expression that new culture moves in?

The 54 new culture before moved to produce tremendous and far-reaching effect with society of the following China pair at that time, main show is in:

1, new culture campaign is bourgeois the intense engage in a battle that radical democrat leader and the bourgeois new culture that start are the same as feudal class old culture, it goes up in political, thought, feudalism gives on culture with serious blow. They introduce new ideological trend of the west, new science and new culture energetically, did away with old moral principles, old idea, old culture to be opposite the long-term confine of people thinking, promoted Chinese people especially young arousal, it is the thought the Enlightenment of massive ideological emancipation campaign and bourgeois consequently.

2, what new culture moves is arisen, the mark is worn the Chinese has entered mental culture level from level of system of implements technology, politics to modern effort. Result, it is foreign gun replaced bolo not merely, foreign vessel replaced sampan Ban, however the change on level of more extensive implements, this is the biggest gains that Westernization Movement place obtains. The achievement of Westernization Movement is attacked so that smash in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, this proclaimed the modernization of implements level has gone to the end.

Because this began the modern effort of system level, namely health, the reform of bridge moves. The effort of this kind of politics modernization that studies western politics system dies young finally as a result of a variety of reasons. Then, advanced ideologist people the modernization that realises thought culture is crucial aspect, this also is the immediate cause with new culture arisen campaign.

3, new culture campaign makes people intensify chasing after country of ask for help to save civilian the truth, made thought forerunner for great May 4th movement of 1919, the transmission open up that is in China for Marxism-Lininism road. Fall in the concussion of new culture storm just about, drew the May 4th movement of 1919 that turn sense has on latter-day China history.

Chinese revolution transforms quickly for New Democracy revolution. With beginning the May 4th movement of 1919 that start on May 4, 1919, dynamic ground spread out, this is indicating what bourgeois leads is old democratically of revolution terminative the beginning of the New Democracy revolution that leads with the proletariat. The development that also is May 4th movement of 1919 and revolution of Chinese nation democracy thereby laid solid thought foundation.

8, propositional angle 3 539 before what is the historical sense that new culture moves?

Historical sense is very great.

Make clear conclusion above all, may 4th movement of 1919 is the fundamental thought revolution on Chinese contemporary history, have far-reaching historical sense. Next, may 4th movement of 1919 is indicating of on Chinese mordern history one paragraph of new history level begin, the society that drove many sided changes.

This includes the field such as art of system of idea idea, politics, culture.

May 4th movement of 1919 advocates " democratic " , " science " , " free " , " independent " wait for a concept, affected the direction of Chinese modernize and process deeply, those who become each domain such as Chinese latter-day society, politics, culture to change is important shove a hand.

Finally, may 4th movement of 1919 returns emerge in large numbers to give large quantities of one crackajack new cultural workers content.

They participated in May 4th movement of 1919 directly not only, and its the thought is pushed to more far-reaching domain, wait like Lu Xun, Hu Kuo, Chen Duxiu.

They put forward new culture, " colloquial article " the thought such as motion and literary art style, brought profundity to change to the respect such as Chinese culture, thought, art, far-reaching influence is worn the culture of China and even world develops.

The place on put together is narrated, campaign of May 4th movement of 1919 and new culture is modern to China history, the respect such as society, culture is having very important history sense.

9, what is the main content that new culture moves? What history sense is there?

The basic content that new culture moves is " 4 advocate 4 object " , promote democracy namely, object dictatorship absolute; Encourage science, object superstition implicit; Advocate new morality, object old morality; Advocate new literature, object old literature " .

After October revolution, new culture campaign appeared new development, basically be the transmission that the Marxism is in China.

10, the historical sense of food coupon?

Because 50 time whole nation just was liberated,the reason that food coupon appears is, productivity is low, especially grain production yield is very low, return the dietary need that cannot satisfy the people of the whole country, what have a meal to satisfy ordinary common people is basic the admeasure system that this demand country implemented commissariat, plant for convenient admeasure the execution of the system produced food coupon.

Food coupon, special status is on Ceng Yiji Chinese economy arena, walk into the life of the innumberable families. "Civilian it is a day in order to feed " , can saying without food coupon in those days is to be able to not move a step. In the time with national economy difficulty, in short supply goods and materials, the country implements policy of state monopoly for purchase and marketing, link up with of registered permanent residence and grain, oily, cloth. That specific times, be in charge of place to buy rice in grain by food coupon ability only, light is rich trashy also.

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