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Apparently, there's now a new way for teens in Indonesia to get high. 最近,印尼青少年找到了一种能让自己兴奋起来的新方法。 And no, it's not drugs or alcohol but something you would never expect. Their new "drug" of choice is actually sanitary pads! Yes, the ones women use during their menstruation! 不是酒精也不是毒品,而是你可能根本想不到的东西。他们“药物”的新选择竟然是卫生巾!没错,就是女人在月经期间用的卫生巾! If you were curious as to how one gets high on pads, well, they drink the water they get from boiling the pads. 可能你会好奇卫生巾怎么可能让人感到兴奋,但实际上他们是把卫生巾放在水里煮沸,然后喝掉这些水。 According to Sitty Hikmawatty, a Member of the Indonesian Child Protection Commision (KPAI), says that this is a new way for those who want to get high but can't afford alcohol or drugs. It's how they discovered this cheaper alternative. 印尼儿童保护委员会成员斯迪·西玛瓦蒂表示,对于那些想要获得快感却买不起酒和毒品的人来说,这是一种新的让自己兴奋的方法。这些人发现这种方式更加便宜。

Sitty said that these kids are getting more creative, especially with the existence of the Internet that allows them to discover such things. They even try and add several other variants inside this new "drug" to make it more effective. 斯迪称,现在这些孩子太有创造力了,特别是有了互联网以后,他们可以在网上找到这些东西。他们甚至尝试在这种新型“药物”中添加其他配方,使其更有效。 Due to those trial and error, the risk of danger increases as multiple different substances are added, regardless whether the additives are harmful or not. 无论添加物质是否有害,这些试验和错误操作都会因添加多种物质而导致危险的增加。 A chemical researcher in Bandung Institute of Technology, Yessi Permana stated that a sweat-absorbent polymer, better known as superabsorbent polymers (SAP) contained in sanitary pads will affect the eyes, especially if it is boiled and consumed. 万隆理工学院的化学研究员耶西·博马纳表示,卫生巾中所含的高吸水性聚合物(SAP)会对眼睛造成影响,尤其是在被煮沸并食用的情况下。 Sitty continued by saying the number of teenagers getting high on sanitary pads have been increasing since 2017. The exact amount was, however, not mentioned. 斯迪表示,自2017年以来,通过卫生巾而让自己兴奋的青少年人数呈上升趋势。但是确切数字并未提及。
