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酒店卫生丑闻再起波澜 爆料人信息遭恶意泄露(英语双语阅读)


酒店卫生丑闻再起波澜 爆料人信息遭恶意泄露(英语双语阅读)

Global hospitality giants Hilton and IHG have apologized for the actions of employees who leaked personal information about a blogger who revealed shoddy cleaning practices at 14 luxury hotels across the country. 全球酒店巨头希尔顿和洲际,日前就其员工泄露一名揭露全国范围内14家豪华酒店卫生乱象的博主的个人信息的行为进行了道歉。 Wu Dong, a blogger known online as Hua Zong Diu Le Jin Gu Bang, posted information about the leak on his social media account last Friday, two days after he exposed the hotels. 在揭露酒店卫生乱象两天之后,吴东(网名“花总丢了金箍棒”)上周五在其社交媒体账户上晒出了自己信息被泄露的证据。 In a screenshot from a WeChat group shared by Wu, an alleged employee of Hilton Garden Inn Guiyang sent a picture of Wu's passport information page to the group and warned everyone to alert each other if the passport holder checks in at the property. 在吴东晒出的一张微信群截图中,一名疑似贵阳希尔顿花园酒店的员工在群里发送了一张吴东护照信息页的图片,警告群友在此人入住酒店时相互提醒。

A similar screenshot, including not only personal information but derogatory comments about his appearance, was posted by Wu last Saturday. 上周六,吴东张贴出另一张类似截图,上面不仅有吴东个人信息,还有对其外表的辱骂性语言。 The screenshot is believed to be from a group chat for IHG employees. 这张截图据信来自洲际酒店员工的群聊记录。 The blogger's lawyer said that they reserve the right to sue the two groups. 这名博主的律师声称,他们将保留起诉这两家酒店的权利。 The 11-minute video by Wu recorded housekeepers from Hilton's Conrad Beijing and Waldorf Astoria Shanghai, and another 12 properties, cleaning glasses with soiled towels or the same cloth that had been used to wipe toilet seats. 吴东的这段长达11分钟的视频,记录了北京希尔顿康莱德酒店、上海外滩华尔道夫酒店以及另外12家酒店的客房清洁工,用脏毛巾或擦坐便器用的布来擦玻璃杯。 The video was viewed more than 35.6 million times within five days of its release and sparked heated discussion about the value of luxury hotels in China. 这段视频在发布后五天内的浏览量就超过了3560万次,引发了关于中国豪华酒店价值的热烈讨论。

上一篇:酒店卫生丑闻再起波澜 爆料人信息遭恶意泄露(英语双语阅读)
