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     1, game " ? First? "

    Game regulation: Young? ? Pull? Surround into? Circle, by the side of? Bian Nian? Song " am I? ? First? , won't talk won't move, who to see hold to? Minute does " read aloud finally? When the word all young? Place a modelling to be not moved. ? Division says time is moved to ability, is game entered repeatedly? .

       2, game " stick bubble gum "

    Game regulation: Young? ? Pull? Surround into circle, by the side of? Bian Nian? Song " is stuck stick stick bubble gum, ? Stick stick to the top of head, ? Which does the song say to be stuck to be stuck in? The what place of body, to increase interest interest, can you let young? Stick each other, and other? The friend is interactive "

    3, game " city gate city gate? A unit of length? "

    Game regulation: Young? Surround into circle, ? Pull? , two? The friend does city gate, young? By the side of? Bian Nian? City gate of song " city gate? A unit of length? , 3? 6 a unit of length? , ride dapple, belt? ? , ? Enter city gate to cover? Cover, ask you eat tangerine? Eat? Broadleaf plant " ? The song ends city gate to fall, be closed in city gate? ? Which kinds does the choice eat? If really, who to choose to in who stand? Hind. (two when do city gate young? Had discussed ahead of schedule? ? Which kinds be? If really)

   4, game " green light runs run "

    Game regulation: Young? ? Pull? Surround into? Circle, two young? Outside the circle, ? Regard as chase after? , ? ? Taking permission to go ahead with some project young? When the person that be chased after, after game begins of that green light young? When be about to be overtaken, for protection? ? Can will? Does the green light that go up give a circle to go up? Renown young? , this young? Taking green light to continue to run, is game entered repeatedly? , is the game when be being overtaken changed? ? Into? .

       5, game " cut on the west? "

    Game regulation: ? Part young? Surround into? ? Circle (do " ? On the west? " ) ? Young? Do " to cut on the west? Does " edge read aloud? Is song edge circling circle? , do " to cut on the west? The movement of " , read aloud finally? When the word, will? Edge two young? Those who pulling? Dissection, stand in the position that is dissectioned next, two when be dissectioned young? Criterion must? Exceed namely different? To run? Circle, farewell arrives former, arrive at raw ingredient first be namely again is the " of game cut? ? " .

       6, game " ? ? Basket "

    Game regulation: ? Half young? Do? ? Basket, ? Half young? Do? ? , do basket? young? ? Does sound read aloud? Song, " ? ? Does " keep from " basket? " ? Get into get (from young? ? Below? Get into get) . Should? When the song reads aloud final " to capture your " , ? ? ? Should get into " at once basket? " , act " ? ? Basket of " ? The friend crouchs rapidly, without the " that gets? ? ? " was captured. Be captured young? , go doing? ? Basket, without the " that is captured? ? ? " continues game.

       7, game " ? ? Fish "

    Game regulation: Young? Cent becomes two parts, ? Part young? Do? Fish, ? Part young? Do fishing? , do fishing? young? Surround into? ? Circle, do a fish? young? The station is among circle, game begins, collectivity young? Read aloud? Song " fish? Fish? Swim ah swim, swim will swim on the west east, fish? Fish? Swim quickly, ? ? Fishing? ? Live your " ? The song reads aloud, play the part of? Of the fish young? Look for space to be gotten out, run away everywhere, on circle young? Do? ? Change? , as far as possible the fish? ? Live, does game repeat into? , escape? Does the fish do fishing? .

       8, game " am I trailing plants? "

    Game regulation: Participant? ? Do chase after the person that catch, the others? In? Inside calm limits? By run move. After game begins, catch? Person can you chase after some arbitrarily? ? . The person that should be chased after is fast by nab when, can? Calm double? Across builds say on two shoulders: " am I trailing plants? " , chase after the person that catch to cannot catch him so. When trailing plants? ? Should wait for a companion to pat? Below, watch? Saved him, such ability can continue to run move. Catch? Person catch? ? Hind, with trade of the person that be caught? ? , be caught? Instantly? Annulus catch? Person, game begins afresh.

       9, game " red light green light stops "

    Game regulation: ? Part young? Stand in the ready-made after initiative line, ? Renown young? Of attendant ground additional? The head issues orders, game begins, young? Begin? Pace, issue orders young? Is the back right young? When reading aloud green light of " red light to stop " to read aloud to stop, turn? , right now? Of the pace young? Not active, move young? Time-out? Second game, does game repeat into? , till what issue orders young? By? Of the pace young? Pat.

       10, game " lose? Thin silk "

    Game regulation: Young? Surround into? Circle, ? Renown young? ? Is the edge singing a song? Is the edge in? Of friends hind? Jump, should sing " to be put gently in? Of the friend hind? When " , young? Go up with respect to the horse? Is thin silk put in? ? Of the friend hind? . If this? Does the friend discover me? After is thin silk put in him? When, is he about? Quarter take? Thin silk will chase after me, young? run immediately, should run this? Before the friend's position, I crouch. Did not chase after me please next? The friend will play. If was chased after, so be chased after? Is the friend about to perform? Section? Oh.

       11, game " plunge into? Thin silk "

    Game regulation: ? Young? ? Pull? , into? Circle. Armour? Two young? In the opposite ground outside the circle? Part will? Does thin silk plunge into a circle to go up young? ? On wrist; Go to with the rapiddest rate next suitable hour hand? To run, will right? Plunge into? Thin silk unship, plunge into advanced? Young? ? On wrist; Had plunged into before running to solve forth again? ? Thin silk... if additional? Young? Had not plunged into good be overtaken it is the person that be defeated, with be plunged into young? Conversion, game continues to begin.

       12, game " catch lobster "

    Game regulation: ? Part young? Does thin leg stand? Or leap is become langouste, among them two young? ? Pull? When fishing? Go catching lobster, if was captured,become fishing? With that two young? ? Pull? Go catching lobster, till all langouste by nab, game ends. If fast by nab crouch a watch? Safe, cannot go catching.

       13, guess? Who is after be troubled by?

       Game regulation: ? The home? Pull? Surround into? Circle? , cageling? 2? Cover? ? double eye crouchs in midpoint. ? The home? The edge turns round cageling, ? The edge sings folk song, sing " ? When " escaping since, ? The home? Crouch since. Sing " to guess? Who is after when be troubled by " , does cageling want dope out? After? , make his name. The person that be guessed changes an inter to do cageling.

     14, game " build? Hole "

    Game regulation: ? First, divide whole class classmate into 3 teams, among them of two teams? Several? Appearance is much, of two teams? Must end up stands, next two two didymous? , ? ? Arm or strip article make it? Vaulted hole, is this? Hole. Additional? Is the classmate of the team discharging a team from this? Hole? Get the past, is the most important? Cannot let this surely? The buttock that the hole comes up against you and? ? Oh, in that way word do you rise is those who run to the team final? ! Auger? The time of the hole is restricted by us, time arrived, change auger? Of the hole this? Does the group go becoming? Hole, change additional? The group will get. Such, keep going down circularly.

       15, game " ice cube melted "

    Game regulation: Do ice cube, do ice cube, ? ? , ? ? , ? ? , round circle. Should hear? Does division say to read aloud? When the song, should be you placed? Modelling, not active; Should hear the sun to come out, ice cube melted, are you OK? By the activity

    16, game " ? Does hare search? Hole "

    Game regulation: Play game? Child, every 2? ? Group, ? Pull? , does the station play the part of " all round attendant ground? Hole " , make an appointment with additionally? Child crouch in " ? Hole " ? Play the part of? Hare, " ? Hare " ? " ? Hole " is much, many " ? Hare " station is in the center of field. Game begins, " ? Hare " jumps out from inside " hole " , ? Read aloud since? Song: " ? ? Hare, without the hole, ? ? 3, 3? ? , search quickly? ? Hole. Is " pressed by the side of Bian Nian? The rhythm of the song, broadcast double foot jumps ahead, read aloud finally? Word of " hole " , " ? Does hare " run to look for " at once? Hole " , get into " hole " ? Crouch. Without the " that finds " hole " ? Hare " and do " ? Of hole " ? Child from the person at the head of a procession ordinal trade position, can be game entered repeatedly? .

       17, game: " run? Car "

    Game regulation: Teacher? Is chalk good in the picture on the playground? Car graph, young? Into? Thin leg, double foot jumps or linear curve? .

       18, game " catch frog "

   Game regulation: ? Is chalk drawn? ? Form field, part young? Stand in? Frog should be done inside form, additional? Part young? Is the station in quadrilateral outside do catch frog? . Does frog try to protect? ? Not by outside? ? Feel, catch frog? Want block? Frog runs out.

     19, game " roll prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a panbig gun? "

   Game regulation: Young? ? Pull? Is head end not conterminous as? Does song " coil explode? " is the first accordingly young? To? ? Into helix formation. After coiling? Renown young? Dot artillery piece? , give out the sound of give a talking-to of give a talking-to of give a talking-to? , be the first? Does friend start give out sound of " phut " to catch other young? Start gives out sound of " bang " , jump backward? The pace is not moved. Does game repeat into? .

       20, game " stick? "

    Game regulation: Collectivity young? Surround (2? ? Right) ? To the circle? Stand still, find out two young? Angle runs, run young? Can be random stuck before be being chased after? Group young? Of inner ring young? Before? , hind? young? Make the move that be chased after, if be being overtaken, two young? Crossing-over? ? , is game entered repeatedly? .

       Group young? Of inner ring young? Before? , hind? young? Make the move that be chased after, if be being overtaken, two young? Crossing-over? ? , is game entered repeatedly? .

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