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原本茂盛的森林,现如今变成了荒芜的土地。原本清新的空气,现如今变得污浊不堪。 人类不断的滥砍滥伐,导致大量的水土流失。还有沙尘暴,洪水,土地干旱,海啸等人为破坏,我们应该杜绝这些对大自然对地球母亲的过度开发。




1、砍伐树木 乱砍乱伐 2、挖掘河沙 3、杀伤动物 4、建立有污染工厂,排放大量污染气体 5、城市的空气污染 6、水污染 工厂排放废水,污染水源 7、过度放牧 8、任意捕杀野生动物 9、大量开发耕地 10、大量开发旅游区,破坏自然环境

































极度深寒 - 我印象最深的,也很好看。


1.本文介绍了黑德木、布尔塞拉、 飞鸟杀手的弹树这三种植物的报复行为 2.“布尔塞拉”的树是通过在断口处,喷射出一种令人讨厌的粘性液体,来保护自己。

这种喷射可以持续3-4秒,射距达15厘米。布尔塞拉对付虫子也有一套,当它的叶子部分受损时,会通过快速浸没反应,即释放萜烯类物质(即粘性液体)快速流遍受损叶片,在几秒内覆盖叶面至少一半的面积,迫使虫子窒息或快速逃离。(1)这种喷射可以持续3-4秒,射距达15厘米。( 举例 ) (2)臭虫爬上蚕豆叶面时,会被叶面上锋利的钩状毛缠住,无法前进,也无法撤退,直至饥饿而死,棉花植株的软毛能对抗蝉的侵犯。(事实 ) (3)在印尼布敦岛西部森林,有一种被称为“飞鸟杀手”的弹树。(比喻 ) 从文章内容和上述两则材料,我发现其实很多植物都有报复行为,从本质上来说,也是一种自我保护行为。所以对待不了解的植物,一定要小心,不要随便摘采或损伤植物,否则,伤到的可能是自己。


One, the example that the mankind destroys nature nature to retaliate the mankind?

Greenhouse effect will make desert expands, land erodes accentuation, the forest is retreated to polar, drought waterlogged calamity is serious, rainfall will increase 7- - winter of 11%; temperate zone is wetter, summer more drought; tropics also will become wetter those who fight heat is subtropic become arider, force readjust of original water conservancy project. It is coastal again will be browbeaten badly. Because air temperature is elevatory, polar ice cube will be dissolved, make sea level rises 1 meter many. The population that has 1/3 all over the world now lives in coastal, it is industry and agriculture littoral special the place that develop, elevatory meeting floods sea level a lot of cities and haven.

2, what is nature to human retaliation?

While the mankind is destroying nature, also harming him mankind. We are self-righteous earthly dictate person. Actually those so called science and technology can't bear biff at all before nature.

Be polluted when river water, the person that drinks these water also can be harmed; The meeting inside piscine body contains the chemical element of heavy metal, the person health that has these fish also can be harmed.

Originally flourish forest, became run-down land nowadays now. Originally fresh air, become extremely dirty nowadays now. The mankind's ceaseless excessive chops denudation, cause many soil erosion. Still have sanded dust storm, the flood, land drought, destroy seismic sea wave artificially, we should put an end to these to be opposite to nature the excessive development of earthly mother.

3, the case that what is nature retaliation mankind is there?

From ancient up to now does the example of nature retaliation mankind have dinosaur of a lot of fast ancient? Eradicate, gas of latter-day carbon dioxide is discharged create the whole world calefacient cause sea level to rise etc.

4, the action that what the mankind has to destroy nature?

1, random cut down of hackle of fell trees tree 2, mining river is sanded 3, kill and wound an animal 4, build have contaminative plant, the platoon magnifies the quantity pollutes gas 5, urban air is polluted 6, water pollution factory discharges liquid waste, contaminative fountainhead 7, excessive depasture 8, random is caught kill wild animal 9, many development farmland 10, area of many development travel, destroy environment


The environment pollutes classification:

1, terrestrial pollution: Of rubbish clear the problem is serious, became each serious problem of big city. Everyday ten million ton in rubbish, a lot of be cannot cremate or corrupt, wait like plastic, balata, glass.

2, air pollution: Most main pollution, the carbon monoxide that basically comes from factory, car, power plant to be given off etc and vulcanization hydrogen, can bring about people to catch the disease of respirator official or eyespot.

3, marine pollution: Basically be the crude oil that comes from oil tanker and wildcat leakage, the acidity solution that mine field pours out of, the sewage of factory eduction, the pesticide that farm uses and chemical fertilizer, they make major ocean and laky be polluted, marine biology, avian meet with the mankind fall victim, likely also toxic because of having these live thing, toxin enters biology chain.

5, what does the behavior that the mankind destroys nature have?

1, industrial exhaust emission pollutes atmosphere environment, cause acid rain and greenhouse effect.

2, cutting, destroy vegetation, destroy biology perch environment, go against the absorption of greenhouse gas.

3, random is caught kill wild animal, destroy biology diversity.

4, smooth pollution of the city, destroy biology zoology environment, if migrant loses way.

5, the use of chemical fertilizer pesticide, pollute land natural resources and water natural resources.

6, means of exploitation of the sources of energy is undeserved, destroy ground mark vegetation, pollute circumjacent environment.

7, excessive catching fish, xiang Haiyang discharges litter, destroy marine zoology environment.

6, the meaning that retaliates behavior?

I feel revengeful behavior is to satisfy the psychological requirement of the person that make reprisals, do not do him be impassable in the heart, that does him.

Retaliation is defense of after the event, self-defence cannot be called retaliation.

Not be the deepness that tells retaliation 10 years late.

It is the range that discusses retaliation from morning till night.

Of computational cost proceeds do not call retaliation, so game theory can not explain retaliation in the round.

Wu Zi all leads Wu Fa Hunan, bleed a thousand li, open coffin whip dead body, retroact of crack oneself up. How to calculate cost income?

The assist pricking Zhao that comfort lets child, do sth over and over again big also pricked the dress nevertheless.

Clear intense is Guan Yu to avenge, bring about defeat utterly.

It is feel no regret nevertheless at the heart just.

7, who says the retaliation that the mankind conquers natural result is nature?

Engels ever was in " natural dialectics " in had said: "We are intoxicated not overly at the our mankind victory to nature, to every time such victory, nature undertakes retaliation to us. So we should cherish nature, cannot excessive fell trees, loving nature is ourselves!

8, wolf group the film that retaliates the mankind?

This film cries " wolf totem " .

" wolf totem " the novel that is Jiang Rong creation, publish first in April 2004.

" wolf totem " main the perspective with Chen Zhen of educated youth of prairie of jump the queue, told about 20 centuries the story between the life with nomadic prairie of 669 time Inner Mongolia and herdsman and prairie wolf. Whole book by a few organic and coherent " wolf story " composition.

This book personal experience with him author, up to autobiographical is narrative perspective, lead reader enters the real world of the wolf.

9, an eccentric person that nature retaliates human film to one comes out from sea mile?

An eccentric person that sea mile comes out, still have many motion pictures.

Exceeding deep cold - my impression is the deepest, very good-looking also.

10, floral retaliates behavior, read the result?

1. the article introduced Hei Demu, Boer a place of strategic importance to pull, of flyer killer play a tree these 3 kinds of floral retaliate behavior 2. "Boer a place of strategic importance is pulled " the tree is through be in fracture surface is in, eject gives a kind of rebarbative agglutinant liquid, will protect oneself.

This kind of eject can last 3 - 4 seconds, shoot be apart from amount to 15 centimeters. Boer a place of strategic importance is pulled cope with insect to also have, when its leaf part is damaged, can pass fast immersion reaction, release terpene Xi namely kind material (namely agglutinant liquid) shed damage lamina quickly, face of blade is enclothed inside a few seconds at least the area of the half, force insect to choke or escape quickly. (1) this kind of eject can last 3 - 4 seconds, shoot be apart from amount to 15 centimeters. (citing) (2) when bedbug mounts horsebean face of blade, can be gotten on by face of blade sharp falcate wool entwine, cannot advance, also cannot pull out, till hungry and dead, the down of pily plant can defy the encroachment of cicada. (fact) (3) in island of Indonesian cloth honest western forest, one kind is called " flyer killer " play a tree. (analogy) mix from article content two afore-mentioned material, I discover actually a lot of plants have revengeful action, go up from essence for, also be act of protection of a kind of ego. Serve the plant that does not understand so, must take care, do not pick casually collect or injure a plant, otherwise, the likelihood that hurts is him.
