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1, scabies mite is ill. Cause by scabies mite or squirm form mite. Scabies mite basically happens at the head (bridge of the nose, orbit, auricle and) of its root ministry, also happen below prothorax, abdomen sometimes, inside of axillary, ham and end side, still can spread to the whole body even. Tide of skin goose surface is red, have the brief summary of rash shape, subcutaneous tissue is added thick, because the skin that has a department often is scratched catch, attrition, gnaw bite depilate. Squirm form mite basically can be all round the eye form not big depilate spot, some can expand even all over. The skin suffers from a ministry to add account of the thick bits that show scale, some may develop young worthless fellow or fester sex dermatitis.

 2, cootie is ill. Be the Sao that causes as a result of cootie parasitism itchs and the skin is stimulated, brought about scratch catch, chafe and gnaw bite, have a department by wool coarse without burnish, break off very easily still and fall off. Especially the parasitism of wool cootie can cause the depilation with many dog, in the dog often mobile place can discover what had fallen off in great quantities by wool.

 3, ancylostostomiasis. Sicken dog is angular, conjunctiva is cadaverous, by wool thick random lacklustre Yi She is broken fall off, back often meets what occurrence size differs to depilate spot, papule still can appear after showing the skin or scab skin. Ill dog is met inappetence, vomit, different be addicted to, next dysentery and constipation can appear alternately, excrement and urine takes blood or darkly look, have moldy taste.

 4, bald wool tinea. Advocate the fungus that if be belonged to by sporule bacterium of the dog and bacterium of ringworm of the scalp,causes is ill. This ill course of diseases is longer, appear on the skin circle or irregular bald spot, fu with hoar scale bits, mix with head, neck limb is relatively common, serious when can become repeatedly, or the much that affects body is expressed. Return meeting companion to have dermatitis, papula or blain sometimes.

 5, estrogen is secreted disorder. See more at manhood not the mother dog of sterilization, expression is secreted for estrogen superfluous, sao of whole body having a dog is urticant, depilate (depilate commonly show symmetry) , skin pigment is ad cool-headed. Strut of some ill dog vaginal orifice, bleed appearance secretion, expression is continuously oestrus symptom.

  6, disease of skin of canine black thorn. The pathogeny is current still ambiguous, majority thinks with canine put oneself in another's position the hormone inside is secreted concern mussily, with disease of the old and weak the dog is sent more, the exudation of skin symptom and estrogen is disorder special likeness, basically symmetry is depilated, ad cool-headed, skin adds pigment thick symptom, at the same time the skin still can have grease kind oozy, but urticant without Sao symptom.

 7, vitamin lack. The lack of vitamin B also meets those who cause pet dog depilate a phenomenon, return meeting companion to have anorexia at the same time, the whole body is faint and eyesight drops or lose wait for a symptom.

The remedial method that pet dog depilates

 1, the cure of scabies mite disease can use engine oil of element of Yi Wei bacterium, dipterex, useless derv or realgar pink to wait for cure.

 2, cootie disease can use Yi Wei amidine of bacterium element, dipterex, double armour or destroy cootie essence exterminate cootie and cootie egg.

 3, the ancylostostomiasis can use worm of drive of always of Zun Xuanmi Zun, A Weijun.

 4, the cure of bald wool tinea is OK griseofulvin of to be taken orally, at the same time outside besmear overcomes mildew Zun ointment or Da Kening ointment is treated.

 5, the depilation that causes to hormone, take corresponding hormone therapy commonly, wait for cure like ketone of acerbity spermary of third of to be taken orally or armour ground progesterone, can take sterilization operation when necessary, excise ovarian.

 6, the cure of disease of skin of canine black thorn returns the method with very effective neither one now, take pair of disease therapy commonly, cooperate candy pine of rice of a place of strategic importance of coriaceous hormone ground or prednisone and antibiotic, manage of useful also traditional Chinese medical science is applied by differentiate card study the effect with was obtained better.

 7, the depilation that the lack of vitamin B causes can be cured through preparation of B of compensatory and compound vitamin.
