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“help for” “help to” “help with”分别应该怎么用?英文双语对照


“help for” “help to” “help with”分别应该怎么用?英文双语对照

“help for” “help to” “help with”分别应该怎么用?

看help当动词的用法,一般来说,要表示“帮助某人做某事”的句型为:help sb(to)do sth,其中to可以省略.需注意的是help之后的动词一定要用原形.此外,help之后还可以用介系词with接事或物,同样表示“帮助某人做某事”.

help of与 help with的区别?

help for和help with的区别为:


1、help for:帮助。

2、help with:用……来帮助。


1、help for:后面可以接被帮助的人。

2、help with:后面可以接所帮助的事情。


1、help for:help用作动词的基本意思是“帮助”“援助”,即为他人提供所需或向某结果〔目的〕推进。引申可表示“有助〔利〕于”“救治”“克〔抑〕制”等。

2、help with:help既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。

help与to help如何区别?


to help是不定式,作状语。也可以表示将来帮助,意思是目前没有帮助

helping是现在分词,可以作状语。也是动名词,可以做宾语或者主语,表示正在帮助help do的用法: help sb.to do sth.帮助某人做某事。其中的to通常是省略的; be ofsome/ no/ much help to sb.对某人有些/没有/很有帮助; help oneself ( to )自用(食物等)。help do用法:帮助某人做某事的意思,是帮别人做; help to do用法:可以是两个人一起做,也可以是帮的人做。

help me help me歌词?

My heart is paralyzed

My head was over sized

I'll take the highroad like I should

You said it's meant to be

That it's not you it's me

You're leaving now for my own good

That's cool but if my friends ask where you are

I'm gonna say

She went down in an airplane

Fried getting suntan

Fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand

Help me help me I'm no good at goodbyes

She met a shark under water

Fell and no one caught her

I returned everything I ever bought her

Help me help me I'm all out of lies

And ways to say you died

My pride still feels the sting

You were my everything

Some day I'll find a love like yours a love like yours

She'll think I'm Superman

Not super minivan

How could you leave on Yom Kippur

That's cool but if my friends ask where you are I'm gonna say

She was caught in a mudslide

Eaten by a lion

Got run over by a crappy purple Scion

Help me help me I'm no good at goodbyes

She dried up in the desert

Drown in a hot tub

Danced to death at an east side night club

Help me help me I'm all out of lies

And ways to say you died

I wanna live a thousand lives with you

I wanna be the one you're dying to

Love but you don't want to

That's cool but if my friends ask where you are I'm gonna say

That's cool but if my friends ask where you are I'm gonna say

She went down in an airplane

Fried getting suntan

Fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand

Help me help me I'm no good at goodbyes

She met a shark under water

Fell and no one caught her

I returned everything I ever bought her

Help me help me I'm all out of lies

She was caught in a mudslide

Eaten by a lion

Got run over by a crappy purple Scion

Help me help me I'm no good at goodbyes

She dried up in the desert

Drown in a hot tub

Danced to death at an east side night club

Help me help me I'm all out of lies

And ways to say you died

help yourself还是help you?



help yourself 一般表示"别客气,你随意"。比如你到别人家做客吃饭,主人就会对你说"help yourself",意思是"你随意,自便"。这时一般不要带主语。

而help you一般表示普通的"帮你"的意思。比如说"he can help you.他能帮你"。一般需要带主语。

with the help和with the help of的区别?

with one's help与with the help of sb的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。


1、with one's help:在某人的帮助下,在某人帮助下。

2、with the help of sb:在某人所给与的帮助之下。


1、with one's help:help用作动词的基本意思是“帮助”“援助”,即为他人提供所需或向某结果〔目的〕推进。引申可表示“有助〔利〕于”“救治”“克〔抑〕制”等。

2、with the help of sb:help用作名词的基本意思是“帮助,援助”,可以是物质上的,也可以是精神上的或经济上的。用于人可表示“助手”,还可指“佣人”,多指女性。有时还可指“补救办法,治疗方法”。


1、with one's help:其中的one's是形容词性物主代词或名词所有格。

2、with the help of sb:With the help of则是加名词性物主代语或名词。

help out with与help with区别?

区别就是两者都是动词help +介词短语,只不过help out with多了个副词out,但意思是差不多的,具体的不同如下

help out with中文意思是帮助解决,帮忙做……

hey promised to help out with the preparation.他们都保证帮我做准备工作。

help with中文意思是帮忙某人做……!

She became uncooperative: unwilling to do her homework or help with any household chores.她变得不合作起来:不愿做作业或是帮助分担家务。

needs help with 还是 need help from?

正确是第二个,need help from,意思是需要来自哪儿的帮助。第二个更符合我们说的汉语表达。

Help yourself与help oneself区别?

首先help oneself 是种词组搭配,其中的oneself可以任意换为yourself,itself,themselves等…此时它们的词意为“请自便,请随意”

1.help yourself的中文翻译是随便吃,一般是用在招待客人的情况下:

If you want milk, help yourself to it.  如果你要加奶,自便。

2.那么help oneself 只看这个词组时,它意为自救。

It becomes the tremendous strength which the mobilization disaster relief and the disaster victims help oneself.


help to do和help in的区别?

help do与help to do的区别是:含义不同,help do是帮别人做,help to do是两个人一起做。


1.help do

读音:英 [help duː] 美 [help duː]

2.help to do

读音:英 [help tu duː] 美 [help tu duː]


1.help do


2.help to do



1.help do


2.help to do



同义词:give sb a hand、help sb out

一、give sb a hand


语法:这是一个固定词组,即使sb是复数还是用a hand。

例句:Let's give him a hand!


二、help sb out



例句: It's a way to help you get out of the awkward situation.



"Help For " " Help To " " Help With " how should use respectively?

See Help the usage when the verb, generally speaking, should express " help someone does something " sentence pattern is: HElp Sb(to)do Sth, among them To can omit. Need the verb after noticing is Help to must use original shape. In addition, interpose copulative With still can be used after Help receive thing or thing, express likewise " help someone does something " .

The distinction of Help Of and Help With?

The distinction of Help For and Help With is:

One, show era is different

1, Help For: Help.

2, Help With: With... will help.

2, side focal point is different

1, Help For: The person that is helped can be accepted from the back.

2, Help With: The business of a help can be accepted from the back.

3, adduce usage is different

1, Help For: Help uses as basic means of the verb " help " " aid " , offer place to need for other namely or advance to 〕 of purpose of some result 〔 . Extend the meaning can express " 〕 of conduce 〔 benefit at " " cure " " 〕 of the curb that overcome 〔 is made " etc.

2, Help With: Help can use as already intransitive verb, also can use as transitive verb. Use as when transitive verb, can receive noun, pronoun or verbal adventitious type to make object, also can receive with verbal adventitious type acts as the compound object of complemental language.

How are Help and To Help distinguished?

Help is a verb, means help, the term is received from the back, make predicate

To Help is indeterminate form, make adverbial modifier. Also can express to be helped in the future, means does not have a help at present

Helping is present participle, can make adverbial modifier. Also be gerundial, can become object or subject, express to helping the use of Help Do: Help Sb.to Do Sth. Help someone does something. Among them To omits normally; Be Ofsome/ No/ Much Help To Sb. Have to someone some / not / very helpful; For private use of Help Oneself (To) (the) such as food. Help Do usage: Help someone makes the meaning of something, it is to help others do; Usage of Help To Do: Can be two people are done together, the person that also can be a side is done.

Libretto of Help Me Help Me?

My Heart Is Paralyzed

My Head Was Over Sized

I'll Take The Highroad Like I Should

You Said It's Meant To Be

That It's Not You It's Me

You're Leaving Now For My Own Good

That's Cool But If My Friends Ask Where You Are

I'm Gonna Say

She Went Down In An Airplane

Fried Getting Suntan

Fell In A Cement Mixer Full Of Quicksand

Help Me Help Me I'm No Good At Goodbyes

She Met A Shark Under Water

Fell And No One Caught Her

I Returned Everything I Ever Bought Her

Help Me Help Me I'm All Out Of Lies

And Ways To Say You Died

My Pride Still Feels The Sting

You Were My Everything

Some Day I'll Find A Love Like Yours A Love Like Yours

She'll Think I'm Superman

Not Super Minivan

How Could You Leave On Yom Kippur

That's Cool But If My Friends Ask Where You Are I'm Gonna Say

She Was Caught In A Mudslide

Eaten By A Lion

Got Run Over By A Crappy Purple Scion

Help Me Help Me I'm No Good At Goodbyes

She Dried Up In The Desert

Drown In A Hot Tub

Danced To Death At An East Side Night Club

Help Me Help Me I'm All Out Of Lies

And Ways To Say You Died

I Wanna Live A Thousand Lives With You

I Wanna Be The One You're Dying To

Love But You Don't Want To

That's Cool But If My Friends Ask Where You Are I'm Gonna Say

That's Cool But If My Friends Ask Where You Are I'm Gonna Say

She Went Down In An Airplane

Fried Getting Suntan

Fell In A Cement Mixer Full Of Quicksand

Help Me Help Me I'm No Good At Goodbyes

She Met A Shark Under Water

Fell And No One Caught Her

I Returned Everything I Ever Bought Her

Help Me Help Me I'm All Out Of Lies

She Was Caught In A Mudslide

Eaten By A Lion

Got Run Over By A Crappy Purple Scion

Help Me Help Me I'm No Good At Goodbyes

She Dried Up In The Desert

Drown In A Hot Tub

Danced To Death At An East Side Night Club

Help Me Help Me I'm All Out Of Lies

And Ways To Say You Died

Is Help Yourself still Help You?

Two kinds of expression are OK.

Just differ like field syncretic.

Help Yourself states " is fastened commonly polite, you are optional " . For instance you have a meal to others home be a guest, host can say "help Yourself" to you, means " you are optional, " of as one pleases. Do not bring subject commonly at this moment.

And the meaning that Help You expresses to common " helps your " commonly. E.g. "he Can Help You. He can help your " . General need brings subject.

The distinction of With The Help and With The Help Of?

The distinction of With One's Help and With The Help Of Sb is: Meaning different, usage side focal point is different, different.

One, the meaning is different

1, With One's Help: Below someone's help, in someone the help falls.

2, With The Help Of Sb: It is under the help of someone place accord.

2, usage is different

1, With One's Help: Help uses as basic means of the verb " help " " aid " , offer place to need for other namely or advance to 〕 of purpose of some result 〔 . Extend the meaning can express " 〕 of conduce 〔 benefit at " " cure " " 〕 of the curb that overcome 〔 is made " etc.

2, With The Help Of Sb: Help uses as basic means of the noun " help, aid " , can be materially, also can be spirit go up or economically. Use at the person to be able to express " assistant " , still can point to " servant " , point to a female more. Still can point to sometimes " help, remedial method " .

3, side focal point is different

1, With One's Help: Among them One's is pronoun of adjectival sex owner or substantival possessive.

2, With The Help Of Sb: With The Help Of is acting language of owner of the syntactical functions and morphological features that help to determine a part of speech that add a name or noun.

Are Help Out With and Help With distinguished?

Distinguish even if both is phrase of preposition of verbal Help + , just Help Out With became much an adverbial Out, but means is about the same, differ specificly as follows

Help of means of Chinese of Help Out With is solved, help do...

Hey Promised To Help Out With The Preparation. They assure to help me prepare the job.

Means of Help With Chinese helps someone is done... !

She Became Uncooperative: Unwilling To Do Her Homework Or Help With Any Household Chores. She becomes uncooperative rise: Do not wish to do work or be the help partakes housework.

Is Needs Help With still Need Help From?

Correct it is the 2nd, need Help From, means needs to come from the help of where. The 2nd more the Chinese expression that accords with us to say.

Are Help Yourself and Help Oneself distinguished?

Above all Help Oneself is kind of word group collocation, among them Oneself can be changed arbitrarily for Yourself, itself, themselves... right now their word meaning is " ask as one pleases, please optional "

The Chinese interpreter of 1.help Yourself is to eat casually, it is to use below the circumstance of entertainment guest commonly:

If You Want Milk, help Yourself To It.  If you want to add a milk, as one pleases.

2. so when Help Oneself sees this word group only, its meaning is save oneself.

It Becomes The Tremendous Strength Which The Mobilization Disaster Relief And The Disaster Victims Help Oneself.

It is become arouse the vast power that provides disaster relief to save oneself with the victim.

The distinction of Help To Do and Help In?

The distinction of Help Do and Help To Do is: The meaning is different, help Do is to help others do, help To Do is two people are done together.

One, pronunciation is different

1.help Do

Pronunciation: Flower [Help Du? ] beautiful [Help Du? ] beautiful [Help Du??

2.help To Do

Pronunciation: Flower [Help Tu Du? ] beautiful [Help Tu Du? ] beautiful [Help Tu Du??

2, the meaning is different

1.help Do

Paraphrase: The help is done.

2.help To Do

Paraphrase: Conduce to.

3, usage is different

1.help Do

Usage: Help someone makes the meaning of something, it is to help others do.

2.help To Do

Usage: Can be two people are done together, the person that also can be a side is done.

Patulous data

Synonym: Give Sb A Hand, Help Sb Out

One, Give Sb A Hand

Paraphrase: Give (someone) help.

Syntactic: This is a fixed word group, although Sb is plural,still use A Hand.

Illustrative sentence: Let's Give Him A Hand!

Translation: Let us help him!

2, Help Sb Out

Paraphrase: Help someone resolves difficulty, help someone casts off predicament.

Syntactic: Means helps someone solve a problem or cast off predicament to offer a thing to give someone.

Illustrative sentence: It's A Way To Help You Get Out Of The Awkward Situation.

Translation: This is a method that helps you walk out of corner.

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