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雅加达纬度? 雅加达效应?英文双语对照


雅加达纬度? 雅加达效应?英文双语对照


印度尼西亚首都雅加达的经纬度坐标为:南纬S6°12′31.55″ ,东经E106°50′44.16″。海拔9.00米.


雅加达是一座历史悠久的名城。几百年前就是输出胡椒和香料的著名海港,称为巽他格拉巴(Sunda Kelapa),意思是“椰林密布之地”,或“椰子林的世界”。




















第一次亚洲人听到“盾”(Gulden,荷兰货币单位)这名称是自从荷兰VOC(Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie,联合东印度公司)来到亚洲占领几个国家地区,如:中国台湾、斯里兰卡、马六甲包括印尼的巴达维亚(现在叫雅加达),从此亚洲出现了一个新货币“盾”。


雅加达(JAKARTA)位于印尼的爪哇(JAWA)岛的西北沿海雅加达湾的南岸,濒临爪哇(JAVA)海的西南侧。雅加达(JAKARTA)东距外港丹戎不碌(TANJUNG PRIOK)10千米,是印尼最大的集装箱港口。雅加达(JAKARTA)又是印尼有名的胡椒输出港。雅加达(JAKARTA)是印尼的首都,全国政治、经济及文化中心,也是海陆空的交通枢纽。雅加达(JAKARTA)还是东南亚最大城市之一,也是亚洲南部和大洋洲的航运中心。




1. 是UTC+7。2. 这是因为印度尼西亚的首都雅加达位于该时区,该时区覆盖了印度尼西亚的大部分地区。3. 由于的位置,与其他国家或地区的时差可能会导致跨国或跨区域的通信和协调变得更加复杂。在商务、旅行或国际交流中,了解和适应不同的时区是非常重要的。


One, is Jakarta latitudinal?

The coordinate of longitude and latitude of Indonesian capital Jakarta is: South latitude 12 ′ of S6 ° 31.55 ″ , 50 ′ of ° of E106 of the east longitude 44.16 ″ . Altitude 9 meters.

Jakarta, it is Indonesian capital and the biggest city, will calculate by population amount, jakarta also is southeast Asia population the biggest city, be located in coast of Java island northwest, city market accumulates 740 square kilometer, population ten million two hundred and seventy-seven thousand

Jakarta is the famous city with a long history. Output namely hundreds of years ago peppery the famous harbour with flavor, call Xun his Gelaba (Sunda Kelapa) , means " the ground with coconut densely covered forest " , or " the world of coco forest " .

2, Jakarta effect?

Should be Bernoulli effect.

     Bernoulli passes a test countless times, discovered " effect of surface of attrib border layer " : When fluid speed is accelerated, the pressure on object and the interface that the fluid contacts can be reduced, conversely pressure can increase. To mark the contribution of this scientist, this one discovery is called " Bernoulli effect " .

     Bernoulli effect applies to all fluids that include gas inside, it is one of basic phenomena when the fluid makes steady flow of air, report gives the concern of the intensity of pressure of the fluid and velocity of flow, the relation of velocity of flow and intensity of pressure: The velocity of flow of the fluid is larger, intensity of pressure is less; The velocity of flow of the fluid is less, intensity of pressure is greater.

3, Jakarta landform?

The landform of Jakarta is give priority to with country, campagna is less.

4, Jakarta language?

Indonesian mandarin (already Malay) , Java language (because Jakarta is in Java island) . Additional: ? Does ∧ Yao embed Di swollen excuse does  of brilliant of  of Yao of  of grave of chirp americium predestined relationship take Da Qian to steal  of brilliant of coerce of Sheng of She  thistle to flinch americium bath?

Jakarta, it is Indonesian capital and the biggest city, be located in coast of Java island northwest. City market accumulates 740 square kilometer, population ten million two hundred and seventy-seven thousand, jakarta is Indonesian economy center, collected countrywide major money, talent and political elite. Jakarta enjoys provincial status, the dweller is Java person, minority is a Chinese.

5, Jakarta another namer?

Overseas Chinese says for " coconut adds a city " or " coconut city " .

Jakarta, it is Indonesian capital and the biggest city, will calculate by population amount, jakarta also is southeast Asia population the biggest city, be located in coast of Java island northwest, city market accumulates 740 square kilometer, population ten million two hundred and seventy-seven thousand, and the big Jakarta area that surrounds circumjacent town, live overtake 30 million people, it is the world the 2nd metropolitan circle, jakarta is economic center of Indonesia, collected countrywide major money and elite, jakarta enjoys provincial status, the dweller basically is other of Xun of support of the people of Java person, Batavia, minority is a Chinese, official language is an Indonesian.

Jakarta regards Indonesian economy as the center, basically be in the majority with finance, take this country total output value 28.7% , have country's biggest finance and orgnaization of main industry and commerce, jakarta antedates 15 centuries already were principal commercial port, colonial times Ceng Shihe is belonged to east location of Indian company headquarters, commerce pervades inferior, Europe, blame 3 mainlands.

On September 20, 2014 morning, the thing meets Yaaoli general assembly passed to be held by Jakarta in Renchuantong 2018 the decision of the Asia Game, this also is Indonesian since holding the 4th Asia Game 1962 oneself, 52 years are lain between to obtain an Asia Game to sponsor authority again when. On December 26, 2019, row 2019 global city 500 strong a list of names posted up are odd the 45th.

6, Jakarta altitude?

Jakarta is located in low-lying and alluvial Campagna, whole town altitude only 8 meters, classics of 13 fluvial shedding this city. Accordingly, the ascendant certainly will of sea level affects Jakarta.

7, Jakarta money?

Indonesian aegis is Indonesian perhaps rupee is Jakarta money.

Indonesian aegis, it is legal money of Indonesia, its encode is IDR. By the Indonesian rupee that Indonesian central bank issues, it is the value in global currency one of a few kinds of moneys with the smallest, the biggest denomination.

First time is Asian hear " aegis " (Gulden, holand Monetary Unit) this name is since Holand VOC (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie, jointly east Indian company) come to the Asia occupational district of a few states, be like: Chinese Taiwan, sri lanka, Ma Liujia includes Indonesian Batavia (call Jakarta now) , from now on the Asia appeared a new money " aegis " .

8, Jakarta haven?

Jakarta (JAKARTA) be located in Indonesian Java (JAWA) insular northwest is coastal the south bank of Jakarta bay, be close to Java (JAVA) the southwest side of the sea. Jakarta (JAKARTA) east be apart from outport Dan Rong not busy (TANJUNG PRIOK) 10 kilometre, it is Indonesian the biggest container port. Jakarta (JAKARTA) it is Indonesian and famous peppery output harbor. Jakarta (JAKARTA) it is Indonesian capital, countrywide politics, economy reachs culture center, also be the traffic hub of sea land sky. Jakarta (JAKARTA) still be southeast Asia one of the biggest cities, also be Asian south and Oceanian shipping center.

9, Jakarta area?

Jakarta, it is Indonesian capital and the biggest city, will calculate by population amount, jakarta also is southeast Asia population the biggest city, be located in coast of Java island northwest, city market accumulates 740 square kilometer, population ten million two hundred and seventy-seven thousand

10, Jakarta time zone?

1.It is UTC+7. 2. Because capital Jakarta of Indonesia is located in this time zone,this is, this time zone covered major area of Indonesia. 3. As a result of the position, the time difference with other country or area may bring about the communication chime attune that cross a state or crosses region to become more complex. In business affairs, journey or international communication, understand and getting used to different time zone is very important.
