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1 、巧用牙膏:若有小面积皮肤损伤或烧伤、烫伤,抹上少许牙膏,可立即止血止痛,也可防止感染,疗效颇佳。  

2 、巧除纱窗油腻:可将洗衣粉、吸烟剩下的烟头一起放在水里,待溶解后,拿来擦玻璃窗、纱窗,效果均不错。  

3 、将虾仁放入碗内,加一点精盐、食用碱粉,用手抓搓一会儿后用清水浸泡,然后再用清水洗净,这样能使炒出的虾仁透明如水晶,爽嫩可口  

4 、和饺子面的窍门:在1斤面粉里掺入6个蛋清,使面里蛋白质增加,包的饺子下锅后蛋白质会很快凝固收缩,饺子起锅后收水快,不易粘连  

5 、将残茶叶浸入水中数天后,浇在植物根部,可促进植物生长;把残茶叶晒干,放到厕所或沟渠里燃熏,可消除恶臭,具有驱除蚊蝇的功能。  

6 、夹生饭重煮法:如果是米饭夹生,可用筷子在饭内扎些直通锅底的孔,洒入少许黄酒重焖,若只表面夹生,只要将表层翻到中间再焖即可。  

7 、烹调蔬菜时如果必须要焯,焯好菜的水最好尽量利用。如做水饺的菜,焯好的水可适量放在肉馅里,这样即保存营养,又使水饺馅味美有汤  

8 、炒鸡蛋的窍门:将鸡蛋打入碗中,加入少许温水搅拌均匀,倒入油锅里炒,炒时往锅里滴少许酒,这样炒出的鸡蛋蓬松、鲜嫩、可口。  

9 、如何使用砂锅1:新买来的砂锅第一次使用时,最好用来熬粥,或者用它煮一煮浓淘米水,以堵塞砂锅的微细孔隙,防止渗水_  

10 、巧用“十三香”:炖肉时用陈皮,香味浓郁;吃牛羊肉加白芷,可除膻增鲜;自制香肠用肉桂,味道鲜美;熏肉熏鸡用丁香,回味无穷。  

11 、和饺子面的窍门2:面要和的略硬一点,和好后放在盆里盖严密封,饧10-15分钟,等面中麦胶蛋白吸水膨胀,充分形成面筋后再包饺子  

12 、香菜是一种伞形花科类植物,富含香精油,香气浓郁,但香精油极易挥发,且经不起长时间加热,香菜最好在食用前加入,以保留其香气。  

13 、当进行高温洗涤或干衣程序时,不可碰触机门玻璃,以免烫伤。拿出烘干的衣物时,要小心衣物上的金属部分,如拉链、纽扣等,以免烫伤。  

14 、如果衣领和袖口较脏,可将衣物先放进溶有洗衣粉的温水中浸泡15-20分钟,再进行正常洗涤,就能洗干净。  

15 、如何使用砂锅2:用砂锅熬汤、炖肉时,要先往砂锅里放水,再把砂锅置于火上,先用文火,再用旺火。  

16 、烹调蔬菜时,加点菱粉类淀粉,使汤变得稠浓,不但可使烹调出的蔬菜美味可口,而且由于淀粉含谷胱甘肽,对维生素有保护作用。  

17 、米饭若烧糊了,赶紧将火关掉,在米饭上面放一块面包皮,盖上锅盖,5分钟后,面包皮即可把糊味吸收。  

18 、洗衣粉用量:若衣服不太脏或洗涤时泡沫过多,则要减少洗衣粉用量。避免洗衣粉使用过量,不仅省钱而且保护环境,可令洗衣机更耐用。  

19 、煮饺子时要添足水,待水开后加入2%的食盐,溶解后再下饺子,能增加面筋的韧性,饺子不会粘皮、粘底,饺子的色泽会变白,汤清饺香。  

20 、许多人爱吃青菜却不爱喝菜汤,事实上,烧菜时,大部分维生素已溶解在菜汤里。比如小白菜炒好后,会有70%的维生素C溶解在菜汤里。  

21 、白袜子若发黄了,可用洗衣粉溶液浸泡30分钟后再进行洗涤。  

22 、如何使用砂锅3:从火上端下砂锅时,一定要放在干燥的木板或草垫上,切不要放在瓷砖或水泥地面上。  

23 、烧荤菜时,在加了酒后,再加点醋,菜就会变得香喷喷的。烧豆芽之类的素菜时,适当加点醋,味道好营养也好,因为醋对维生素有保护作用  

24 、面包能消除衣服油迹:用餐时,衣服如果被油迹所染,可用新鲜白面包轻轻摩擦,油迹即可消除。  

25 、用残茶叶擦洗木、竹桌椅,可使之更为光洁。把残茶叶晒干,铺撒在潮湿处,能够去潮;残茶叶晒干后,还可装入枕套充当枕芯,非常柔软。  

26 、饺子煮熟以后,先用笊篱把饺子捞出,随即放入温开水中浸涮一下,然后再装盘,饺子就不会互相粘在一起了。  

27 、炒鲜虾的窍门:炒鲜虾之前,可先将虾用浸泡桂皮的沸水冲烫一下,然后再炒,这样炒出来的虾,味道更鲜美。  

28 、蔬菜尽可能做到现炒现吃,避免长时间保温和多次加热。另外,为使菜梗易熟,可在快炒后加少许水闷熟。  

29 、煮鸡蛋时,可先将鸡蛋放入冷水中浸泡一会,再放入热水里煮,这样煮好的鸡蛋蛋壳不破裂,且易于剥掉。  30 、男子剃须时,可用牙膏代替肥皂,由于牙膏不含游离碱,不仅对皮肤无刺激,而且泡沫丰富,气味清香,使人有清凉舒爽之感。  31 、风油精的妙用(1):在电风扇的叶子上洒上几滴风油精,随着风叶的不停转动,可使满室清香,而且有驱赶蚊子的效用。  32 、刷油漆前,先在双手上抹层面霜,刷过油漆后把奶油涂于沾有油漆的皮肤上,用干布擦拭,再用香皂清洗,就能把附着于皮肤上的油漆除掉。  33 、豆腐一般都会有一股卤水味。豆腐下锅前,如果先在开水中浸泡10多分钟,便可除去卤水味,这样做出的豆腐不但口感好,而且味美香甜。  34 、面包能消除地毯污迹:家中的小块地毯如果脏了,可用热面包渣擦拭,然后将其挂在阴凉处,24小时后,污迹即可除净。  35 、手表受磁,会影响走时准确。消除方法很简单,只要找一个未受磁的铁环,将表放在环中,慢慢穿来穿去,几分钟后,手表就会退磁复原  36 、豆腐性偏寒,平素有胃寒者,如食用豆腐后有胸闷、反胃等现象,则不宜食用;易腹泻、腹胀脾虚者,也不宜多食豆腐  37 、牙膏也有洁肤功能!洗澡时用牙膏代替浴皂搓身去污,既有明显的洁肤功能,还能使浴后浑身凉爽,而且还有预防痱子的作用  38 、用微波炉做菜时,首先要用调料将原料浸透。这是因为微波烹任过程快,若不浸润透很难入味,且葱、姜、蒜等增香的作用也难以发挥  39 、舒缓眼部疲劳小窍门:用水浸泡药用小米草或母菊花,然后将毛巾浸湿,敷于眼部10到15分钟,可有效舒缓眼部疲劳。  40 、煮饭不宜用生水。因为自来水中含有氯气,在烧饭过程中,它会破坏粮食中所含的维生素B1,若用开水煮饭,维生素B1可免受损失。  41 、砧板防裂小窍门:买回新砧板后,在砧板上下两面及周边涂上食用油,待油吸干后再涂,涂三四遍,油干后即可使用,这样砧板便会经久耐  42 、风油精的妙用(2) 时,在水中加入数滴风油精,浴后会有浑身清凉舒爽感觉,还有防治痱子、防蚊叮咬、祛除汗臭的作用。  43 、炸馒头片时,先将馒头片在冷水里浸一下,然后再入锅炸,这样炸好的馒头片焦黄酥脆,既好吃又省油。  44 、做菜或做汤时,如果做咸了,可拿一个洗净的土豆切成两半放入汤里煮几分钟,这样,汤就能由咸变淡了。  45 、葡萄汁送服降压药效果好!用葡萄汁代替白开水送服降压药,能使血压降得平稳,且不会出现血压忽高忽低的现象。  46 、夏日天气炎热,身上容易长痱子,可用温水将长有痱子的部位洗净,涂擦一层牙膏,痱子不久即可消失。  47 、室内厕所即使冲洗得再干净,也常会留下一股臭味,只要在厕所内放置一小杯香醋,臭味便会消失。其有效期为六、七天,可每周换一次。  48 、如果用陈米做米饭,淘过米之后,可在往米中加水的同时,加入1/4或1/5啤酒,这样蒸出来的米饭香甜,且有光泽,如同新米一样。  49 、热水泡双手可治偏头痛。把双手浸入热水中,水量以浸过手腕为宜,并不断地加热水,以保持水温。半小时后,痛感即可减轻,甚至完全消失  50 、煮饺子时,饺子皮和馅中的水溶性营养素除因受热小部分损失之外,大部分都溶解在汤里,所以,吃水饺最好把汤也喝掉。


Life Xiaochang knows small doohickey;   

1, artful with toothpaste: ? ?

2, artful divide screen window fat: ? ?

3, put shrimp meat the bowl inside, add alkaline pink of a bit refined salt, edible, after catching rub a little while with the hand, immerse with clear water, next reoccupy clear water is abluent, can make fry the shrimp meat that give so transparent like crystal, bright is tender goluptious

The 4, doohickey: with dumpling face? ? jin the mix into in flour joins 6 egg white, make the protein in the face increases, the protein after the boiler below the dumpling of the bag will be very fast caky systole, water stops after the boiler since dumpling fast, not easy adhesion

5, the Queen of heaven will be counted in incomplete tea water intrusion, irrigate in plant root ministry, can promote a plant to grow; incomplete tea insolation, put a toilet or light in conduit fume, can eliminate effluvial, have the function of drive midge fly.   

Does 6, rawish meal boil law: again? ?

When 7, cook is vegetable if must want scald, the water of scald good food is best make the most of. If make the food of boiled dumpling, the water with good scald but right amount put in meat stuffing, save nutrition namely so, make boiled dumpling stuffing delicious again have boiling water

The 8, doohickey: that scramble egg? ?

9, how to use arenaceous boiler 1: ?

10, artful with " 13 sweet " : ? Corridor dainty shelters lot of  of trade detailed ぃ prevent shadow of Tang of Ling of Q of ㄓ Deng Huai Yun Pu of calamity of Hui of remnant of You of  of sanded  of total exhausted  angries  of τ bud Se holding sb in respectful awe wraps up old mop to break through τ of lie  shelfing  ∠ is contrary to Sui of  Piao Duan Da! ?

The 11, doohickey 2: with dumpling face? Play  steals Mu Za miserable bad be contrary to?0-15 of  of Guo of Sha Qian of eggplant of curium of manager of the know other midge of  bald coal minute, albumen of glue of the wheat in waiting for a face is bibulous expand, dumpling is wrapped again after forming gluten adequately

12, caraway is beautiful division of form of a kind of umbrella kind plant, contain a lot ofessence oil, aroma is full-bodied, but essence oil volatilizes extremely easily, and heat for long via rising, caraway had better be joined before edible, in order to withhold its aroma.   

13, when should undertake high temperature catharsis or doing garment program, cannot touch hit plane door glass, lest scald. When the clothing and other articles of daily use that takes out stoving, want the metallic part on careful clothings, wait like slide fastener, button, lest scald.   

14, if collar and cuff are dirtier, 15-20 immerses in the Wenshui that can put clothing and other articles of daily use into dissolve to have washing powder first minute, undertake normal catharsis again, can wash clean.   

15, how to use arenaceous boiler 2: ? ?

When 16, cook is vegetable, pink of the water chestnut that increase a point kind amylaceous, make soup becomes stiff thick, not only the vegetable that can make cook goes out is delicate and goluptious, and because starch contains peptide of cereal Guang pleasant, have protective effect to the vitamin.   

If 17, rice burns paste, put out fire rapidly, in a crust is put above rice, the boiler on the lid is built, after 5 minutes, crust can admit burnt taste.   

Dosage of 18, washing powder: ? Si of Ao of  of anxiety of Zi road  blows be ignorant of of private school of grade of hurry of Bin of Tuo of  of Kuo of  of Bo of  of  of the beans that mail spurt  of dredge of  of mildew of A Chinese-style unlined garment of Dang of road of hurry of Pi of handsome 1 acenaphthene calls out smelt metal of  of Mou ∏  ; ?

Enough water should be added when the 19, dumpling that boil, the salt of 2% is joined after waiting for water to leave, dumpling falls again after dissolving, can increase the tenacity of gluten, dumpling won't stick a skin, stick a bottom, the colour and lustre of dumpling will be whiten, soup clear dumpling is sweet.   

A lot of 20, people love to eat green vegetables not to love to drink food boiling water however, in fact, when cooking food, major vitamin is deliquescent already in food boiling water. After for instance a variety of Chinese cabbage has been fried, the vitamin C that can have 70% is deliquescent in food boiling water.   

If 21, white sock is sent yellow, catharsis undertakes again after solution of usable washing powder immerses 30 minutes.   

22, how to use arenaceous boiler 3: ? ?

23, when burning meat dishes, after adding alcoholic drink, add bit of vinegar again, dish can become appetizing. When those who burn bean sprouts and so on is Lenten, add bit of vinegar appropriately, it may not be a bad idea of flavour good nutrition, because vinegar has protective effect to the vitamin

Can 24, biscuit eliminate: of dress oil stains? ?

The 25, tea that use incomplete swabs desk and chair of wood, bamboo, what can make is more bright and clean. incomplete tea insolation, the shop is scattered in damp place, can go wet; After incomplete tea insolation, still can load a pillowcase appropriative pillow core, very soft.   

After 26, dumpling is thoroughlied cook, use a bamboo first dumpling fish out, immediately puts scald thin slices of meat in boiling water of the dip in warm boiled water, next reload dish, dumpling won't be stuck together each other.   

The doohickey: of the 27, shrimp that fry delicacy? ?

28, vegetable is accomplished as far as possible fry now eat now, avoid to be protected for long heat for many times blandly. Additional, to make dish stalk easy ripe, a few water can be added to cover tightly after be fried quickly ripe.   

When the 29, egg that boil, can put the egg into cold water to immerse a little while first, put again boil in hot water, the egg chorion that such good boiling not burst, and pare easily. When shave of 30, man is needed, usable toothpaste replaces soap, do not contain free as a result of toothpaste alkaline, do not have stimulation to the skin not only, and bubble is rich, odour faint scent, make the person has the feeling of cool and refreshing Shu Shuang. The magical function of oily essence of 31, wind (1) : ? Bursa of magpie of white of closely question Shou crouchs by first Qiu of appearance of  of Gu of moisture in the soil of  of  of  of Mou Huang W of bag of reel silk from cocoons of Europe of widow of  of  of road of Ba Xia Fuwei Xie is contrary to   astral  holds deceive of Mi Yongnan в ! ?2, before brushing paint, level frost is wiped on preexistence both hands, after brushing paint, be stained with butyric Tuyu on the skin of paint, wipe with dry cloth, reoccupy toilet soap is cleaned, can adherent the paint on the skin gets rid of. 33, bean curd can have taste of a bittern commonly. Before the boiler below bean curd, if immerse many minutes 10 in preexistence boiled water, but eliminate bittern flavour, the bean curd that such making not only mouthfeel is good, and delicious and sweet. Can 34, biscuit eliminate carpet smear: ? Curb fetterses male] after Lv dimple drinks Quan  be angry to make fun of bud of  take along sth to sb to let  of Qu of delay of  of boundless and indistinct of Lao of  of  of have illicit relations with rainwater in puddles tick off Γ ?4 hour with show off Ta, smear can be divided clean. 35, watch suffers magnetism, when meeting influence goes accurate. Eliminate a method very simple, want to look for an iron hoop that did not suffer magnetism only, put the list in annulus, wear slowly will be worn, in a few minutes, watch recovers from an illness with respect to meeting demagnetization sex of   36, bean curd slants cold, usually has a stomach cold person, if there is a bosom after edible bean curd frowsty, queasy wait for a phenomenon, unfavorable edible; Easy diarrhoea, abdominal distension lienal empty person, also should not be how to feed 37 of bean curd   , toothpaste to also have clean skin function! Decontamination of body of bath black rub is replaced with toothpaste when bathing, have apparent clean skin function already, still can make after bath all over cool, and the action   38 that still has precautionary prickly heat, when making food with microwave oven, want to soak raw material with condiment above all. Because microwave boil holds the post of a process,this is fast, if do not infiltrate,appear very difficult tasty, and green, ginger, garlic add sweet action to also develop   hard 39, slow: of small doohickey of eye ministry exhaustion? ∶ of narrow one's eyes of ┯ of Wan of alliance   bumps into?0 of Juan of Zi of bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase of  of  of  of hack of  of  of Qu of delay of  of ǎ of inn of Chun You Fu to 15 minutes, but effective and slow eye ministry is fatigue. 40, cook unfavorable with unboiled water. Because chlorine is contained in tap water, in the process that cook a meal, it can destroy the vitamin B1 that contains in commissariat, if use boiled water to cook, vitamin B1 can be avoided suffer lose. Is 41, chopping block prevented crack small doohickey: ? A jade tablet of Su of  of Xi of Qian of a jade tablet of Jie box brandish directly fie of a drum used in the army in ancient China of pa of Jie of shipboard aluminous correct can  of dredge of crooked of Tiao of Shan of  of buttock of  of  of delicate balance Mei Ting coughs  seeks Liang  to appear Shan moth fawn on of  of Xun of Qian of Ba of a jade tablet of shelfing  of  of boundless and indistinct of A Chinese-style unlined garment of pure moisture in the soil, several wind oily essence of life is added in water, the meeting after bath has all over cool and refreshing Shu Shuang feels, still have the prickly heat of prevention and cure, effect that prevents stink of sweat of midge bite, dispel. A short while of steamed bread of 43, blast, first the steamed bread piece in the dip in cold water, next reentry boiler blast, the steamed bread with such good blast piece brown crisp, already delicious save oil again. 44, make food or do Shang Shi, if do salty, can take an abluent potato to be cut two put Shang Li to boil a few minutes partly, such, soup can by salty become weak. Juice of 45, grape sends it is good to take depressor effect! Replace plain boiled water to send with grape juice take depressor, can make blood pressure falls smoothly, and won't appear blood pressure ignore tall ignore low phenomenon. Weather of 46, summer is torrid, go up to grow prickly heat easily personally, usable Wen Shui will grow the place that has prickly heat abluent, inunction a toothpaste, prickly heat can disappear before long. Although 47, indoor toilet is rinsed again neatly, also regular meeting leaves a stink, want to place one cannikin sweet vinegar inside the toilet only, the stink can disappear. Its period of efficacy is 6, 7 days, can change every week. 48, if use Chen Mi to cook rice, after cleaning out rice, water can be added in past rice while, join 1/4 or 1/5 beer, the rice that such evaporate come out is sweet, and luster, as new rice same. Both hands of bubble of 49, hot water can treat splitting headache. hot water of both hands immerge in, it is advisable that water quantity crosses an artifice with dip, add hot water ceaselessly, in order to carry water lukewarm. After half hours, keenly feel can be reduced, disappear completely even when the   50, dumpling that boil, because of,the water-solubility nutriment in dumpling skin and stuffing is divided besides loss of be heated fraction, solution of major Dou Rong is in soup, so, draft dumpling had better drink Shang Ye.
