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! 您说的企业内部工作门户,应该是企业信息门户平台吧! 工作门户为政府和企业信息化工作的开展提供了一致和统一的基础架构。实现统一的系统管理、端对端的安全架构、内容管理及服务的个性化和集成服务。 门户系统应能提供身份验证、工作管理与监控、信息集成、应用系统集成、消息推送及处理、安全管理、文档管理等功能。考虑到工作门户的应用环境,可以把门户的体系结构分成建立在企业信息化基础设施之上的核心服务层、运行服务层和界面服务层等三层。门户的核心服务包括:单点登陆、目录集成、安全、访问权限控制、加密传输、授权与验证、许可权、管理功能等。 工作门户运行服务包括:协同功能(团队知识探索、同步/异步个人信息管理、集中存储、远程教学)和交易功能(交易管理、工作流)等。 工作门户界面服务包括:分类功能(组织分类、索引、自动分类、总结、内容聚合、内容提取、反馈、元数据管理)、搜索功能(联邦式搜索、基于概念的搜索、内容挖掘、全文搜索、与结构化数据、非结构化数据、商务智能及外部内容的连接)和定制功能(个人喜好、基于的信息定制、事件通知、过滤器、个人档案、工作视图可视化定制、行为分析、主动帮助、建议学习)等。 应用价值: 为企业信息共享和知识管理提供一套技术实现和安全运行管理的框架,提供一套完整的门户系统架构, 整合企业的服务及应用。 集成有序和无序的信息,提供一个统一的信息共享入口,为企业所有的员工提供必要的措施和工具,供他们快捷获取所需信息。 为企业内部员工提供一个支持包括移动设备在内的多样化访问的应用平台,使员工可以随时随地按需访问企业内部的关键业务数据和业务处理过程。 为整个企业的信息发布和集成提供统一的渠道,将全部地区公司和部门站点有机统一和集成起来。 将企业内部的业务系统,如数据仓库、ERP、CRM、数据中心、文档管理以及其它信息系统有机集成。 统一用户管理,提高信息和系统的安全性,包括用户的验证、授权和管理。提供强大的安全管理机制,并提供单点登录的服务。 织语CCwork致力于为政府和大中型企业提供消息驱动型工作协同门户平台——基于全面开放的平台架构和智能连接技术,织语CCwork可帮助用户打造统一的智能工作入口,实现企业内外部OA、邮件、CRM、ERP等各类办公和业务系统的快速整合与单点登录,并通过独有消息推送引擎,全面构建起一个集工作门户、消息中心、事务中心、企业级平台于一体的协作门户平台。 基于全面开放的平台技术架构,织语CCwork工作协同门户平台能够快速成为连接工作伙伴、连接办公和业务系统、连接各种工作设备的统一工作入口,并通过打造工作场景下的极致沟通,更加深度地适应各种业务协同、管控和安全需求,同时运用智能连接技术,打破业务系统之间的壁垒,真正实现了让事找人,并驱动工作执行。为企业全面构建起一个融合了工作门户、消息中心、事务中心、企业级平台于一体的工作协同门户平台。


! The family status of enterprise interior job that you say, should be platform of business information portal! Working family status is what government and enterprise informatization work to begin provided the fundamental framework that agree and unites. The systematic management with centralized implementation, end is right the individuation of the safe framework of end, content management and service and compositive service. Portal system should provide identity test and verify, job management and monitoring, information compositive, message turns system of compositive, application send reach the function such as processing, safety administration, documentation management. Considering the applied environment of working family status, can divide the architecture of the portal into build the core on enterprise informatization infrastructure to serve layer, moving service layer and interface to serve the three-layer such as the layer. The core service of the portal includes: Only place is landed, attributive of compositive, safe, visit dominates list, add close transmit, function of authority of authorising test and verify, license, management. Working family status runs a service to include: In coordination function (group knowledge exploration, synchronous / management of asynchronous individual information, concentration is memory, long-range education) and trade function (buying operation, job flows) etc. Service of interface of working family status includes: Classify a function (extraction of polymerization of constituent classification, index, automatic classification, summary, content, content, feedback, metadata management) , search function (search of mining of the federal form search, search that is based on a concept, content, full text, with structured data, blame intelligence of structured data, business affairs. Use value: For the enterprise information is shared and intellectual management offers implementation of a technology and safety to run administrative frame, provide a complete portal system framework, the service of integrated company reachs application. Compositive and orderly with the information that does not have foreword, offer an unified information to share the entrance, for the enterprise all employee provide necessary step and tool, for them quick get place to want information. For enterprise interior employee offers a support to include mobile facility inside the applied platform that diversification visits, make employee can press the pivotal business data that needs to visit enterprise interior and business processing process at any time and place. The information that is whole industry is released and compositive provide unified medium of communication, company of will whole area and sectional site are organic and unified and compositive rise. the business system of enterprise interior, exactly the amount occupies center of storehouse, ERP, CRM, data, documentation management and other information system organic and compositive. Consolidate user management, enhance the security of information and system, include the test and verify of the user, accredit and management. Provide powerful safety administration mechanism, provide the service that only place logs onto. Knit language CCwork to devote oneself to to be mixed for the government large and medium-sized the enterprise offers message drive job to cooperate with portal platform -- be based on the platform framework that opens in the round and intelligent join technology, knit language CCwork to be able to help an user make unified intelligent work entry, the fast conformity of the of all kinds office such as OA of ministry of implementation enterprise inside and outside, mail, CRM, ERP and business system and only place login, push through particular message send engine, comprehensive compose builds platform of level of center of a family status of work of a market, information, work center, company the synergic portal platform at an organic whole. Be based on the platform technology framework that opens in the round, knit language CCwork job to cooperate with portal platform can make office of join job associate, join and business system, connection quickly the unified job of all sorts of job equipment enters the mouth, the acme that falls through making yard scene is communicated, more deepness ground gets used to all sorts of business to cooperate with, the canal accuses and safe demand, use intelligent join technology at the same time, break the barrier between business system, came true to let a thing seek a person truly, and drive job is carried out. For the enterprise comprehensive compose is built remove a confluence platform of level of center of working family status, information, work center, company cooperates with at the job of an organic whole portal platform.

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