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大自然是神秘的魔术师,给人们展示它的神奇,给我们制造一个个小问号,等我们去寻求答案.  奶奶家种了许多果树,可是,上次放假回家时,我发现了一个奇怪的现象:为什么下雨天多了,瓜果就不甜了,有些果实熟了又为什么会掉下来呢?这些问题引起了我的好奇心,通过查找资料,我才明白,原来我们吃瓜果时觉得很甜,这是因为瓜果里含有许多的糖分.这些糖分是通过光合作用贮藏在果实里的.光照充足,贮藏的糖分就相应增多了.如果总是阴雨天气,太阳光照到植物的时间减少,光照时间不足,果实里的储存的糖分就减少了,瓜果就自然不甜了.挂在树枝上的果实如果熟透了,就会掉下来,这是因为果实和树枝之间靠果柄上的一些纤维素连接在一起.当果实成熟后,果柄上的细胞开始衰老,营养不足,并且在果柄基部形成了一个所谓的“离层”.离层像刀子一样,把果柄分为两部分,这样,稍遇风吹的果实就会掉下来.  虽然这只是一个小小的发现,却让我明白了一个道理——只要留心观察大自然,就会有所发现.篇一:大自然中的发现[300字]  一天下午,我和父母来到公园散步。  忽然,天空暗了下来,乌云密布,好像一块大灰布压下来。天气也随着乌云的到来也变得热了起来。空气也十分闷,让人喘不过气来。还时不时传来打雷的声音。一阵阵风,凶狠地、无情地吹来,把树吹弯,把草吹得  低下了头。周围的房屋都模糊了,整一个公园都模糊了。  仰望天空,出现了一只燕子。那只燕子在地空捉虫。我迷惑不解,问到:“为什么燕子要在下雨前底孔捉虫而不是在高处捉呢?”爸爸说:“这个问题你就上网去查,网上的答案会更加准确。”  回到家,我打开电脑,知道了答案:“当要准备下雨时,空气中会有我们看不见的小水珠,这些小水珠在昆虫飞行时,会在昆虫的翅膀中凝结,这些附加的物体超过了昆虫高处持续飞行和爬升到高处的重量,飞不高,昆  虫只能在地处飞行。”我恍然大悟。  同时我也明白了,大的生物也会被许多小的生物毁灭掉。篇二:大自然中的发现[300字]   大自然中有许许多多的秘密,只要你细心观察,就一定会有所发现。  一天,我在小区散步时,突然间看见了一片绿油油的爬山虎。一阵微风吹过,一墙的叶子就漾起了波纹,好看极了!这一片爬山虎翠绿翠绿的,像一块块翡翠挂在墙上。我走向这片爬山虎,翻开它的叶子一看,一只只扁扁的、圆圆的脚粘在墙上,看起来很滑稽。我本来想拔下来带回家仔细研究一下爬山虎的脚。谁知,我费了九牛二虎之力也拔不下来。无奈之下,我只好回家上网查一下关于爬山虎的资料。  一回到家,我立刻打开电脑,上“百度”一搜,顿时恍然大悟。原来爬山虎的脚上含有磁性,因此粘在墙上拔不下来。不过,爬山虎的脚和茎分开了,它的脚虽然没有了营养,依然还在墙上牢牢地粘住。假如你的手指不费一点儿劲,休想拔下它的脚。从爬山虎的身上我体会到了:不论遇到什么困难,都要勇于面对。就像有些人将爬山虎茎和脚分开后,想把它的脚拔下来,但爬山虎依然坚持着,即使只有一丝希望……  大家也一定在生活中观察过植物吧?赶快和我分享一下吧!篇三:大自然中的发现[300字]   我和三个小伙伴及一个队长,结队到番禺神木文化园春游。在这个文化园,有许许多多的花、草、树木和鸟儿。我们的目的,就是想观察一下鸟儿是怎么样的。  今天我们走进文化园时,阳光灿烂,很快就发现一个大鸟巢,却欲出来又止,似乎在侦察外面是否安全。正当小鸟出来时,被一个小青年袭击过来。  我和同伴紧张的看眼前的一幕,其中一个焦急的队长说:“你的想想办法啊!”队长却若无其事的答道:“捉就捉去吧,自然之道,就是这样的。”队长的冷静,招来了同伴一片“不能见死不救”的呼喊。队长极不情愿地抱起那只鸟儿,朝草地走去。那位青年到手的鸟儿丢掉,只好颓丧的走了。  然后,接着发生的事情让大家极为震惊。队长抱走鸟儿不久,成群的鸟儿鱼贯而出。我们很快明白:原来那只而是“侦察兵”。一旦遇到危险便会返回鸟巢。那只鸟儿被队长引向草地,巢中的鸟儿得到错误的信息,以为外面很安全,于是争先恐后的结伴而出。一只鸟儿安全了,数十只鸟儿被小青年捉走了。  从这件事我明白了:我们有时候帮助别人,要想想后果会怎么样。不然就会好心办坏事。篇四:大自然中的发现[300字]   余星河  春天到了,万物复苏。百花齐放,百鸟争鸣。到处欢歌笑语,到处鸟语花香。给你举一个我身边的例子吧!  东风公园里,冬天光秃秃的树干上点缀着点点嫩芽。虽说是嫩芽,但也不比含苞待放的花儿差多少。明天再来看,树枝上密密麻麻地印着许多绿色的斑点,仔细一看,嫩绿的叶子几片几片地聚在一起,犹如怒放的花朵。这时,我不禁产生出一个疑问:为什么树一定要在春天长出嫩叶呢?我忍着好奇心。过了几天,我再来看,满枝的绿叶让你眼花缭乱。那嫩绿的颜色,明亮地照耀着我们的眼睛,似乎每一片绿叶上都有一个新的生命在颤动,这美丽的东风公园的树!这时,我实在忍不住了,冲过去问爸爸:“为什么树木一定要在春天发芽呢?”爸爸不紧不慢地说:“自然之道,就是这样的。”  通过这些观察,我知道了我们要像小芽一样茁壮地成长,快乐的学习,不怕艰难,不怕痛苦。篇五:大自然的发现[300字]  大自然的景物有很多,只要你细心观察,就会有所发现。  星期五的晚上,我做了一个梦,梦到自己从寒冷的冬天一下子又来到了百花盛开的春天。到了8点钟,妈妈叫醒了我,我伸了伸刚睡醒的腰,打开窗户一看,还真像我梦见的那样,已经变成了春天。春风吹来,一片片桃花的花瓣飞舞下来,像一个个穿着粉红色裙子的仙子。  我吃完早餐走出家门,看到我家楼下马路两旁的树木已经变成了青绿色的,它的叶子形状是一把伞形的,叶子飘下来就像一把小伞落下来一般。树上的小鸟在叽叽喳喳地叫,好似在说:“春天来了,春天来了。”草丛里的蜗牛在慢慢地爬着。小草从泥土里探出了脑袋来,给大地穿上了绿色的新衣。墙上的爬山虎在不停地长,微风吹过,一墙的绿叶就漾起了波纹,好看得很。在草地上,五颜六色的鲜花在向你招手,好像在说:“你好。”  大自然多姿多彩,有时候你要多细心观察才能发现。篇六:大自然的发现[300字]   蔡卓恒  大自然中有着许多奇妙的秘密在等待着我们去发现、去探索。  记得有一天下午放学,妈妈让我在大院里跑步,跑着跑着,突然发现一群蚂蚁与一只大青虫“打架”呢!  出于好奇,我睁大眼睛蹲了下来。只见大青虫来了一个“无敌大扫尾”,几只可怜的蚂蚁“敢死队”队员当场就“气绝身亡”了。我本以为蚂蚁们会落荒而逃。不料,同伴们的死更激起了蚂蚁的斗志。一群蚂蚁一起涌上,有的咬头,有的咬尾,一场蚂蚁VS大青虫的激烈战斗拉开了序幕。只见一只灰色大蚂蚁一口咬在了大青虫的头上,大青虫痛得摇头摆尾,可怎么也摇不下来,旁边几十只蚂蚁见时机成熟,纷纷爬上大青虫的头、青、尾撕咬个不停。蚁多欺虫少,可怜的大青虫,一会儿就筋疲力尽了,拼尽了最后的力气,甩出了几只蚂蚁后,肥胖的身躯趴在地上就再也不动了。片刻功夫,蚂蚁大军像潮水般涌来,把大青虫抬回了洞里。  一群蚂蚁通过集体团结合作,竟然打败了一个庞然大物,我突然明白了:团结就是力量。  一根筷子容易折,一把筷子难折断;柴多火焰高,人多力量大。同学们,让我们团结起来,为理想而奋斗吧!


Nature is mysterious charmer, what reveal it to people is magical, make each to us little unsolved problem, wait for us to seek the solution. Grandma home was planted a lot of fruiters, but, have a holiday last when coming home, I discovered a strange phenomenon: Why to issue wet much, melon and fruit is not sweet, did some fructification become ripe why can you fall down again? These problems aroused my curiosity, through searching a data, I just understand, when so we eat melon and fruit, feel very sweet, because a lot of candy component are contained in melon and fruit,this is. These candy cent are to pass photosynthesis to store up in fructification. Illumination is enough, store candy divides corresponding increase. If always be weather of overcast and rainy, sun illumination decreases to floral time, illumination time is insufficient, the store candy cent in fructification decreased, melon and fruit is natural not sweet. If the fructification that is hanged on branch is squashy, can fall down, because a few cellulose on fruit handle rely on to join together between fructification and branch,this is. After fructification is mature, the cellular senesce on fruit handle, inanition, and be in if really handle radical ministry formed so called " from the layer " . Like leaving a layer to resemble small knife, it is fruit handle cent two parts, such, the fruit that treats wind to blow a bit can fall down. Although this is a small discovery only, let me understand a reason however -- should take care observation nature only, can discover somewhat. Piece one: The discovery in nature [300 words] one the world of   midday, I and parents will to the park take a walk. Suddenly, the sky became dark come down, cloudy, be like an old grey cloth to press come down. Weather also also becomes hot as the arrival of black clouds rise. Air is very frowsty also, make a person suffocative come. Still transmit thundery sound from time to time. A flatus, blow flintily, blow the tree curved, blow grass lowly first. The building all round blurred, rectified a park to blur. Look up at a sky, appeared a swallow. That swallow is in ground-to-air catch bug. My scratch one's head over, ask about: "Why be the bottom outlet before is swallow raining catchs bug and pinnacled catch? " father says: "This problem you get online go checking, the result on the net will be more accurate. "   returns the home, I open computer, knew the answer: "When wanting to prepare to rain, the Xiaoshui that there can be us to lose sight of in air bead, these small drip are when insect flight, can condense in insect wing, these are additional the object exceeded insect altitude to fly to arrive with climb continuously the weight of altitude, fly not tall, the insect can be in only be located in a flight. " my suddenly be enlightened. At the same time I also understood, big live thing also can be destroyed by a lot of little live thing. Piece 2: The discovery in nature [300 words] have in   nature lots and lots of secret, want you only attentive observation, regular meeting discovers somewhat. A day, I take a walk in the village when, abrupt saw a shiny green boston ivy. A breeze has been blown, the leaf of one wall removed ripple with respect to overflow, extremely good-looking! Verdure of this one boston ivy is emerald green, resemble piece halcyon is hanged on the wall. I move toward this boston ivy, the leaf that turns over it looks, only flat flat, the foot of round circle is stuck on the wall, look very comical. I want to unplug originally the foot that comes down to bring back the home to study boston ivy carefully. Who knows, I expended a tremedous effort to also unplug no less than coming. But under, I am forced to come home get online look up the data about boston ivy. Bout is excellent, I open computer immediately, go up " Baidu " one search, immediately suddenly be enlightened. Magnetism is contained on the foot of original boston ivy, stick no less than coming on the wall to unplug accordingly. Nevertheless, the foot of boston ivy and bine parted, although its foot did not have nutrition, still still adhere in ground of the firmly on the wall. If your finger does not expend a bit interest, don't imagine that is possible unplugs the base that plays it. From the body of boston ivy I experience: Encounter what difficulty no matter, want to be brave in to face. After resembling some people parting boston ivy bine and foot, want to unplug its foot, but boston ivy still is holding to, although have a hope only... is   everybody also certainly in the life had surveyed a plant? Be shared with me at once! Piece 3: The discovery in nature [300 words] I and 3 young associate reach     a header, troop a spring outing of garden of culture of Yu god wood. In this culture garden, have lots and lots of flower, careless, tree and bird. Our purpose, wanting to watch bird namely is how. When we walk into culture garden today, sunshine is bright, discover mew of a curassow very quickly, be about to come out to stop again however, it is it seems that outside reconnoiter safe. When proper birdie comes out, be made a surprise attack to come over by a young young person. I and companion watch the one screen before tensely, among them an anxious header says: "Your think way! " captain however of as if nothing happened answer: "Catch catch go, natural way, namely such. " of captain sober, drew on a companion " cannot see absolutely refuse to save " call out. Captain loathing ground is held in the arms have that bird, face meadow goes. That youth in one's hand bird desertions, be forced of dejected went. Next, the thing that produces then allows authority very astonish. Captain holds bird in the arms before long, the bird of group in file and piece. We understand very quickly: So that however " scout " . Once encounter,danger can return bird's nest. That bird is brought to the meadow by captain, the bird in mew gets erroneous information, think outside very safe, then the accompany of strive to be the first and piece. A bird is safe, tens of bird is caught by young young person. From this thing I understood: We help others occasionally, want to miss sequential meeting how. Do bad thing with respect to meeting good intention otherwise. Piece 4: The discovery in nature [300 words] spring of   beyond the Milky Way arrived, everythings on earth anabiosises. Let a hundred flowers blossom, lark contend. Everywhere joyous song laughs language, everywhere charactizing a fine spring day. Cite the case beside me to you! In east wind park, of winter bald truncal on adorning every bits of bit tender bud. Though be tender bud, but how much to also differ unlike the flower that be in bud. Will look tomorrow again, thickly dotted ground is imprinting on branch the stain of a lot of green, look carefully, pale green leaf a few a few ground gather, be just as the flower of in full bloom. At this moment, I can't help arising give a question: Why to cultivate must tender page grow in spring? I am bearing curiosity. Passed a few days, I look again, the greenery of full branch makes you dazzling. That pale green color, brightly beamed our eye, there is a new life to be in on each greenery it seems that vibratile, the tree of this beautiful east wind park! At this moment, I couldn't help really, strong past asks father: "Why must tree sprout in spring? " father is incompact say slow: "Natural way, namely such. "   observes through these, I knew we want to resemble gemmule ground of same healthy and strong grows, happy study, do not be afraid of hardship, do not be afraid of anguish. Piece 5: The discovery of nature [300 words] the scenery of   nature has a lot of, want you only attentive observation, can discover somewhat. On Friday in the evening, I made a dream, the dream comes to 100 blossomy spring again at a draught from cold winter to oneself. Arrived at 8 o'clock, mom woke me up, I extend the waist that just woke up, open a window to look, still dream of like me really in that way, had become spring. Spring breeze is blown, the leaf of peach blossom flutters come down, wearing the faery of pink skirt like each. I eat breakfast to walk out of a door, the tree that sees either side of road of discontinue of my home building had become dark green, its leaf appearance is an umbrella form, leaf waves to fall down with respect to small like umbrella general. The birdie on the tree cries in chirping ground, seem is saying: "Spring came, spring came. " the snail in brushwood is climbing slowly. Small grass from the smell in clay the head comes, put on new clothes of green to the earth. The boston ivy on the wall is in keep growing, gentle breeze has been blown, the greenery of one wall removed ripple with respect to overflow, very good-looking. On the meadow, the flower of multicoloured is in to your beck, seem to saying: "Hello. "   nature is much appearance is colorful, occasionally you want ability of much more attentive observation to discover. Piece 6: The discovery of nature [300 words]   Cai Zhuoheng is having a lot of wonderful secrets in nature awaiting us to discover, go exploring. Remember classessing are over afternoon one day, mom lets me be in courtyard ran, running, discover a flock of ant and a big green bug suddenly " fight " ! Stem from curiosity, I am pie-eyed crouched. See big green bug came to only " inapproachable big round off " , a few pitiful ant " dare-to-die troops " team member on the spot " die " . I think originally ant people meeting be defeated and flee. Unexpectedly, of companions dead more the fight that aroused ant. A flock of ant emerge together, some bites a head, some bites end, the intense battle of big green bug pulled open an ant VS prelusive. See big ant of a gray is bitten readily only was in on the head of big green bug, big green bug is painful assume a manner of levity, how can also shake no less than coming, a few ant see the opportunity is mature on the side, worry of the head that mounts big green bug in succession, green, end is ceaseless. Bug of formic much bully is little, pitiful big green bug, a little while dog-tired, spelled last effort, swing after giving a few ant, fat body bent over to also be not moved again on the ground. A short while kongfu, ant main forces resembles emerge like tidewater, carry big green bug answered a hole in. A flock of ant cooperate through collective solidarity, defeated a colossus actually, I understood suddenly: Solidarity is force. A chopstick is folded easily, a chopstick is difficult break off; Bavin much blaze is tall, person much power is great. Classmates, let us unite, struggle for ideal!
