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  • 在当今竞争激烈的市场中,优质的售后服务是企业获得客户忠诚度和市场竞争优势的关键因素之一。无论是解决客户的问题,还是提供额外的产品支持,掌握与售后服务相关的英语词汇都是至关重要的。这不仅有助于企业与国际客户沟通,也是提升客户满意度的有效途径。


    1. Warranty - 保修

      • 例句:This product comes with a two-year warranty, which covers all manufacturing defects.
      • 翻译:此产品提供两年保修,覆盖所有制造缺陷。
    2. Repair - 修理

      • 例句:If your device needs repair, please contact our service center.
      • 翻译:如果您的设备需要修理,请与我们的服务中心联系。
    3. Replacement - 更换

      • 例句:We will arrange a replacement for your faulty item immediately.
      • 翻译:我们将立即为您的有缺陷的商品安排更换。
    4. Return - 退货

      • 例句:You can return the product within 30 days if you are not satisfied.
      • 翻译:如果您不满意,可以在30天内退货。
    5. Refund - 退款

      • 例句:A full refund will be issued if the product is returned in its original condition.
      • 翻译:如果产品以其原始状态退回,将全额退款。
    6. Exchange - 交换

      • 例句:Exchanges can be made for the same product in a different color or size.
      • 翻译:可以交换相同产品的不同颜色或尺寸。
    7. Customer Service - 客户服务

      • 例句:Our customer service team is available 24/7 to assist you.
      • 翻译:我们的客户服务团队全天候为您提供帮助。
    8. Complaint - 投诉

      • 例句:We take every customer complaint seriously and aim to resolve them promptly.
      • 翻译:我们认真对待每一项客户投诉,并力求及时解决。
    9. Feedback - 反馈

      • 例句:Your feedback is valuable to us as it helps us improve our services.
      • 翻译:您的反馈对我们很有价值,因为它帮助我们改进服务。
    10. Satisfaction - 满意度

      • 例句:Our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction in every interaction.
      • 翻译:我们的目标是确保每一次互动都能让客户满意。
    11. Defect - 缺陷

      • 例句:The defect in the product is covered under the warranty terms.
      • 翻译:产品中的缺陷包含在保修条款之下。
    12. Quality Control - 质量控制

      • 例句:Strict quality control measures are in place to minimize defects.
      • 翻译:有严格的质量控制措施来最小化缺陷。
    13. Troubleshooting - 故障排除

      • 例句:Our technical team is skilled at troubleshooting and resolving issues quickly.
      • 翻译:我们的技术团队擅长故障排除并能迅速解决问题。
    14. RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) - 退货授权

      • 例句:A Return Merchandise Authorization number is required for all returns.
      • 翻译:所有退货都需要退货授权编号。
    15. Technical Support - 技术支持

      • 例句:Technical support is available to guide you through any product setup or usage.
      • 翻译:技术支持可帮助您完成任何产品的设置或使用。
    16. Service Contract - 服务合同

      • 例句:The service contract includes preventive maintenance visits twice a year.
      • 翻译:服务合同包括每年两次的预防性维护访问。
    17. Parts Replacement - 零件更换

      • 例句:Parts replacement is often necessary for older equipment that has worn out.
      • 翻译:对于已经磨损的旧设备,通常需要更换零件。
    18. Warranty Claim - 保修索赔

      • 例句:To file a warranty claim, you need to provide proof of purchase.
      • 翻译:要提出保修索赔,您需要提供购买证明。
    19. Repair Center - 维修中心

      • 例句:You can ship the device to the repair center for professional diagnosis.
      • 翻译:您可以将设备运送到维修中心进行专业诊断。
    20. Return Policy - 退货政策

      • 例句:Our return policy allows for hassle-free returns within 60 days.
      • 翻译:我们的退货政策允许在60天内无麻烦退货。


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