A replica of the RMS Titanic is preparing to set sail. 复造版“泰坦尼克号”正在准备扬帆起航。 The Titanic II is making its maiden voyage in 2022 after its production was halted due to financial constraints. 曾因资金紧张而停工的“泰坦尼克2号”,将于2022年进行处女航。 The Titanic II will sail from Dubai and then trace the original route from Southampton, England to New York. “泰坦尼克2号”将从迪拜出发,然后沿着“泰坦尼克号”当年的路线,从英国的南安普敦航行至纽约。
The luxury ship will look just like the original but will be outfitted with the most current technology and safety equipment. It'll cost about $500 million. 这艘豪华巨轮外观和原版非常相似,但配备了最高端的科技和安全设备。造价高达5亿美元。 The new ship will also carry 2,400 passengers and 900 crew, nearly the same as the original. 几乎和原版一样,这艘新邮轮也将搭载2400名乘客和900名船员。 The original Titanic sank in 1912 after crashing into an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean. 1912年,泰坦尼克号在北大西洋撞上冰山后沉没。