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Yu Minhong, the founder of education company New Oriental, apologized last Sunday for controversial remarks that irritated many women. 上周日,新东方教育集团创始人俞敏洪为其激怒了许多女性的争议性言论致歉。 Yu made the apology in a posting on his Weibo account. "To explain 'how evaluation standards can determine the direction of education', I cited the example of females choosing their spouses. Regretfully, I did not express my original meaning and misled the netizens." 俞敏洪在其个人新浪微博上发布了道歉信。“为了阐述'衡量评价的方向决定了教育的方向',我用了女人找男人的标准来做例子。遗憾的是,我没有表达好我的本意,引起了网友的误解。” "What I wanted to say was that the level of a country's females represents the level of the country… The values of females have influence on males. If women pursue an intellectual life, men will become more intelligent; if women care only about money, men will strive to make more money and ignores the cultivation of their spirit." “我本来想表达的真正意思是:一个国家的女性的水平就代表了国家的水平。女性的价值观会对男性产生影响。女性如果追求知性生活,男性一定会变得更智慧;女性如果眼里只有钱,男性就会拼命去挣钱,忽视了精神的修炼。”

The apology came after a controversial remark he made earlier that day drew a wave of criticism. 当天早些时候,他发表的争议性言论招致了一大波批评之声。 Yu said on a forum that "the moral degeneration of Chinese women led to the degeneration of the country." 在一个论坛上,俞敏洪称“中国女性的堕落导致国家堕落”。 "If women only care about money rather than a man's consciousness, all men will become conscienceless but can earn a lot of money, which is the case in today's China," Yu said. 俞敏洪说道:“如果女人挑选男人的标准是要男人会赚钱,至于良心好不好不管,那么所有男人都会变得很会赚钱但是良心不好,这正是中国社会的现状。” Yu's remarks made a stir on the social media network. The topic with the hashtag "Yu Minhong discriminates against women" has attracted more than 37 million viewers. 他的这番言论在互联网上引起了轩然大波。“俞敏洪歧视女性”这一话题吸引了3700多万网友。 Zhang Yuqi, an actress, criticized Yu for "not understanding the value of females and the meaning of gender equality," in a posting on her Weibo account. The posting received more than 680,000 likes. 女演员张雨绮在她的微博上发帖,批评俞敏洪“不理解女性的价值和性别平等的意义”。这条微博获得了超过68万个赞。 A netizen said in a comment under the posting that "How on earth are we women degenerating. We earn more money than men and we could be graceful in the drawing room and skillful in the kitchen while some men behave like huge babies." 一位网友在帖子下方评论道:“我们女人到底怎么堕落了?我们挣的钱比男人多,我们上得厅堂,下得厨房,而有些男人就像巨婴一样。”

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