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劝你不要开。 你要贷款5万+亲戚借2万…创业要借钱的话,后期很困难的。

而且,你7万块,估计店租和设备,就花没了。 你是打算一个人洗车+贴膜+镀晶+打蜡????

超人! 真的,我跑过很多很多美容店,即便是夫妻档,也最少2个人。你自己1个的话,连洗车都开不起来。















,前十名分别是蓝豚、HELLOJOY、春舟、神悦、神宝、合发宠物用品、超伦、小大夫、ANDIS、碧艾欧宠物用品 。

















不过,皮鞋穿用一段时间后会出现表面脏污、颜色陈旧,甚至破损,需要整饰才能重现风采。但以前,皮鞋售后服务及护理市场一度欠缺,令许多鞋子使用寿命不长,造成很大浪费。现在,一个新行当——皮鞋美容悄悄兴起。前景看好. 也许,有人会将皮鞋美容等同于街头修鞋,其实两者区别还是很明显,尤其体现在质量、美观和工艺上。街头修鞋以钉和机缝为主,而皮鞋美容则提升到护理与修饰的高度,结合传统制鞋前后期处理的技术要求,对皮鞋进行全方位的整形修饰,从而将之恢复到新鞋状态。目前,为满足消费者需求,申城街头已出现一些设备先进、装修整洁的皮鞋美容店,在提供修鞋服务的同时,还将那些变形走样、皮面老化、污渍难除但弃之可惜的旧鞋进行杀菌除臭、整形定型、上光上色、去皱复平等工序,使之恢复原有光彩。市场人士认为,对收入较低的工薪阶层来说,价值数十元或数百元钱的皮鞋在穿旧穿破后就扔掉,无疑是种奢侈。而对于高收入阶层,价格不菲的名鞋旧了也有翻新需求。因此,皮鞋美容店的前景应该看好。








首先,做汽车美容是赚不到什么大钱的,除非你投资大, 投资个几百万的,洗车80起价有可能能赚到。算洗车25的话每天洗死人也赚不到什么钱,包温饱也不是什么问题。想赚钱的话首先第一个就是要保证质量,不管是维修美容还是狐狸,你一定要有过硬的技术,才能招来回头客。





One, open investment of pet hairdressing inn how to many money need?

Pet shop does poineering work is the most popular now poineering mode, because,be not just now the quantitative increase of the person that raises pet, and, the consumptive crowd of pet shop also is in ceaseless addition, so open shop of a pet how to many money need?

Learn charge:

Will tell to pet shop, with other traditional store it is different, pet shop needs to offer technology of client pet hairdressing, the pet that invites a customer more beautiful, and pet hairdressing technology is to need to pass study, because this is in before pet shop, the operator of pet shop needs to learn ability travel first, the talent of pet hairdressing technique with master particular is quite capable to had opened store of a pet, hairdressing of class of common study C is in probably 10 thousand right-and-left charge.

Chummage cost:

Open shop of a pet how to many money need? Pet shop is a kind of when Internet cannot replace new-style shop, e.g. pet hairdressing, the service such as fosterage, because this opens pet shop to must want have a store, this basically involves shop to decorate, hire and charge of water and electricity, of pet storefront do not need all the more adornment, with beautiful and easy advisable. The chummage such as Beijing Shanghai is more expensive, average 5000 yuan, be half an year more or pay one year.

Hairdressing equipment:

With the person's beauty parlor, the hairdressing of pet also needs facility of a few foundations, cut e.g. hairdressing stage, bathing pool, electric scissors, hairdressing, knife head, the machine that blow water, hair dryer, water heater is waited a moment, if run pet hospital, the investment that waits for medicines and chemical reagents of medical treatment equipment, medical treatment even calculates inside. This charge is in 1~2 ten thousand.

Manpower and kinds or types of goods:

Open shop of a pet how to many money need? The pet beautician that just learned to give a school gate (it is to point to beautician of C class pet commonly) monthly pay is controlled in 2500-3500. Supervisor of general pet shop, to encourage pet hairdressing more the service of the intention, can give pet beautician the left and right sides of deduct a percentage from a sum of money of 10% , this drives cost of pet shop manpower namely.

Shop should run basic necessities of life each respect kinds or types of goods. 10 thousand yuan purchase the provision that includes nourishment inside, 5000 yuan purchase the things that wash bath, 5000 first wives some other and phyletic kinds or types of goods. Goods shelves 3000 yuan. Still have a few other charge, need 40 thousand right-and-left investment about.

The capital cost that opens pet store is relative at other industry it is lower, the doorsill that enters pet industry development is lower also, open pet shop first selection [pet of group much division] , the opens to belong to his pet that makes you successful joins in inn.

2, open a minicar hairdressing inn how to many money need probably?

Open this inn word, want to see the fixed position of the city that you are in and storefront above all, in general city and common storefront probably 30 to 500 thousand OK, but fixed position is higher, professional the capital that strong word invests will be more

3, open a hairdressing store how?

Author, author, author.

Persuade you not to leave. You should borrow money 50 thousand + kin borrows 20 thousand... do poineering work if wanting to lend money, later period is very difficult.

And, you are 70 thousand pieces, estimation inn is hired and equipment, did not have with respect to the flower. Are you a plan does a person wash a car + stick film + plating brilliant + wax? ? ? ?

Be preterhuman! True, I had run inn of a lot of a lot of hairdressing, even if is archives of husband and wife, least also 2 people. Yourself 1 word, wash a car to leave not to rise repeatedly.

Investment opens the store that wash a car now, want money, if money is insufficient, had better continue to go to work.

Borrow money to leave forcibly otherwise, to moment these problems also should be faced.

You can go to work, how many does the client that sees a boss have, one day earns how many money, cost how many, stuff of invite applications for a job is bad, you can resolve the issue that disputes over trifles at ordinary times.

4, open a pet shop how to many money need?

The investment expenses that opens store of a pet depends on a lot of elements, for example situation, storefront hire, decorate, wages of equipment, inventory, employee.

Generally speaking, the investment expenses that opens store of one wife and children pet is controlled in 100 thousand yuan of RMB about, and the investment expenses that opens store of a large pet needs 1 million yuan of above possibly. Specific investment expenses still needs to be decided according to seat area and particular case.

5, open store of hairdressing of a pet how many money?

Opening pet store now make money, it is can more painstaking, the gain of pet shop basically is divided into a few parts

Pet things, gain gets pet shop high now, what pet things sells is good, basically the consumption of every months of flower on pet things is in a pet two 300 see the left and right sides.

Pet hairdressing, pet hairdressing collects fees taller, basically need hundreds yuan. It is pet bathes to also need a few yuan.

Pet fosterage, now pet fosterage very the reception that gets the person with busy job, in holiday very hot also, basically be to press a day to collect fees, everyday a few yuan.

Live body pet, live body pet clinchs a deal now price is high, basically bestow favor on price pattern to be in only 2000 yuan of above.

Return some pet shop to be able to offer pet to photograph, pet is mortuary wait for a service.

6, rank of inn of Beijing pet hairdressing?

, before 10 v/arc a person's status are not treasure of Yue of blue pig, HELLOJOY, Chun Zhou, god, god, join hair pet articles for use, super- human relations, young doctor, ANDIS, green jade things of Ai Ou pet.

7, open a pet shop to investment of how many cash need?

Of the investment of pet shop and other store investment or a little apparent distinction, the face object of pet shop is a person not only, the mainest still is pet people, should at the same time attend to person is mixed of pet experience. This is us a bit what be an attention again. The investment of pet shop compares other store model will tell, investment does not calculate big, decorate also need not so luxuriant, practical and beautiful can, more or less does that open a pet shop to want specificly to invest a budget?

1, chummage (the price difference that eliminates element of a sector of an area to bring about)

Therein the base price that the business of general 30-60 square metre extends little pet shop is in 1500 yuan - 2000 yuan or so, more and more astute landlord can ask 1 year to be signed, and payment is Fu Liu detain more one (some meetings ask 1 year paid) . [exemple: 1500 yuan of × 7 months =10500 yuan]

2, decorate charge

(1) is brand-new business spreads decorate: Did not transfer cost, but decorate investment bigger, press present prices, still be with 30-60 square metre exemple, decorate charge to be in commonly 15 thousand - 30 thousand yuan

(2) makes over what business spreads to decorate: Decorate investment less, but can have certain cession charge, also want 15 thousand yuan or so commonly.

3, replenish onr's stock

Anthology good address, decorate after finishing, be turn for replenish onr's stock with respect to this. Pet shop goods has bit of similar grocery store, the thing is miscellaneous and much: Food of hairdressing appliance, dog, health care is tasted, appliance of belt of bath things, basket, drawing, diagnosis and treatment and medicines and chemical reagents, (Do not calculate the charge) that eats a dog, also need 20 thousand yuan investment at least.

4, conduct propaganda, practice

After everything plans working be in order, OK practice. Because investment is hypostatic the cost of shop is not low, more and more person selected choose open shop to hawk goods on the net. Although the network shops,put in particular risk, but its let pleasant of a lot of people risk the risk that is cheated to also want to try relative to lower price or meeting.

One practice can not make money. The client is captious, also be astute, they can have shaken for low sales promotion easily no longer.

Brand, public praise, service more and more degree of measuring implement that becomes a client to choose shop to consume. And 3 afore-mentioned conditions, not 1, 2 years (longer even) be developed attentively and be being safeguarded meticulously is to cannot be built.

The investment of pet shop wants us to had made elaborate budget only, the place of be economical has a lot of, with practical and beautiful give priority to, need not of too grandiose waste, invest those who want careful calculation and strict budgeting after all.

8, is a business chance of inn of leather shoes hairdressing big?

Nowadays, as people living standard rise, leather shoes of archives of many high school begins to enter common people family.

Nevertheless, leather shoes wears occurrence face of the meeting after using period of time smudgy, color is dated, even damaged, need groom ability reproduces elegant demeanour. But previously, leather shoes after service and nurse the market is deficient in for a time, make a lot of shoe service life not long, create very big waste. Now, a new line of business -- leather shoes hairdressing stealthily arisen. Foreground is valued. Perhaps, somebody can be equal leather shoes hairdressing to mend shoes at street, both distinction is actually apparent still, especially body is quality, beautiful now go up with craft. Street mends shoes to be seamed with hammer and machine give priority to, and leather shoes hairdressing promotes nurse with got-up height, the technology that combines the later period before traditional shoemaking to handle asks, undertake to leather shoes all-around plastics is decorated, thereby will regain new shoe position. Current, to satisfy consumer demand, shen Cheng street already appeared a few equipment the store of advanced, leather shoes hairdressing that holds nap clean, offerring mend shoes service while, still be out of shape those ageing of face of go out of form, skin, besmirch is divided hard but those who abandon regrettablly old shoe undertakes antiseptic deodorization, plastics finalizes the design, glazing chromatically, go knitting answer equal working procedure, made extensive recovers from an illness glazed colour. Market personage thinks, for inferior to income labour firewood estate, value tens of yuan or the leather shoes of hundreds yuan of money is being worn old wear after defeating, throw away, it is kind of luxury undoubtedly. And to good-paying estate, the renown shoe that the price does not poor became old also have face-lifting demand. Accordingly, the foreground of inn of leather shoes hairdressing should be valued.

9, is pet hairdressing shop good leave?

Opening pet hairdressing store is the shop that is main service with pet hairdressing, need the pet beautician with a good technology above all, study pet hairdressing can learn to also can look for study of shop of a pet to the school now, relatively better in school study; Additional no matter pet beautician is had in inn, grow as inn had better want to know hairdressing of a few pet. Have for pet hairdressing also should make sure pet beautician has good technology certainly, good technology, good service just can have good public praise.

Pet hairdressing inn besides the pet beautician that should have had, still need complete pet hairdressing facility, otherwise pet beautician technology is again good, also do not do give beautiful model; Pet hairdressing needs hairdressing stage above all, hairdressing stage must firm, make sure pet is above safe; Have even comb a tool technically, if beautician combs, wooden handle needle combs, steel wire combs, dividing line combs etc; When trimming nail, want to have nail clippers and hemostatic white, need of the poodle that repair wool is cut continuously, the tooth is cut, small cut continuously, the turn is cut.

Pet hairdressing inn offers pet hairdressing impossibly only a service, provide other services even, make a service phyletic diversity, enhance competition ability, pet shop can offer the sale of pet things, the sale of live body pet, the service such as pet fosterage.

No matter pet shop is the service that provides sale kind, want to assure quality, safety; Such ability can form good public praise; Let pet shop live for a long time go down. Open pet shop to be able to choose emperor - bestow favor on

10, consider a prospect of car hairdressing inn how, does early days invest probably how many money?

The foreground of car hairdressing is very pretty good, because present car is increasing, 4S inn also is with expensive famous, so major person is met more apt goes car hairdressing inn is done a few nurse. But this industry is far more than however what you look is so good.

Above all, doing car hairdressing is to earn those who be less than what big money, unless your investment is large, investment millions of, wash a car 80 cases price is possible can gain. Calculate wash a car the word of 25 washs a the dead to also do not earn what money everyday, wrapping dress warmly and ear one's fill also is not what problem. Think profitable word wants the first times to assure quality namely above all, no matter be maintenance hairdressing or fox, you must have excellent technology, ability draws on a head guest.

The 2nd serve namely, had served everybody to just had been met to your image, impression became good just can come again. Also can introduce more guests to come for you.

The 3rd it is product advantage, you must want to you are taken so that move, and you just meet truly useful product have competitive power, car hairdressing inn also is met more and more. Want to stand firm, oneself capital must want hard.

You mean in a word do car hairdressing one night is cruel rich it is impossible, if you are done well, can be an upright person, the service is good, the skill is hard, the business is sure the meeting is better and better, slowly earning a well-off is problem of it doesn't matter. But if cannot bear hardships, won't manage, do not know competition, consider a car increasing you just also are met be drowned to be in by more and more car hairdressing inn roadside.

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